Seven Facts You May Not Know About Coconut Oil

Cultures and countries across the world use and appreciate the coconut tree. Because of its nutritional and therapeutic values, it’s referred to as “Kalpavriksha” (the all giving tree) in India. As the name implies, the coconut palm is extremely versatile and used in many capacities. Everything from the coconut water, to the leaves, to the kernel hull have characteristics that are beneficial to human health.[1] Coconut oil, specifically, has become quite popular for cooking and even other uses. Let’s take a look at a few facts about coconut oil that you may not know.

1. The Saturated Fat in Coconut Oil isn’t All Bad

I’ve heard reports from people who are confused when they spot coconut oil at the grocery store, read the nutritional label, and see the high saturated fat content. “What gives?” they ask, “I thought this stuff was healthy?” Well, it is.

Unfortunately, the fat in coconut has been the subject of debate and misinformation. Although we’re told that saturated fat, across the board, is bad, the saturated fats in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids — these are different than saturated fat from animal sources — and do not degrade within the body. In fact, the human body uses them directly as energy and coconut oil consumption has even been associated with beneficial lipid profiles.[2] [3]

Coconut oil is even better than other vegetable oils like sunflower or safflower oil. Those oils contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which aren’t good for the cardiovascular system. Many nutritional experts recommend switching to coconut oil to avoid the health risks. [4]

2. Coconut Oil is Great for Hair

Coconut oil is used in a staggering amount of shampoos, conditioners, and hair care products.[5] The reason for its inclusion is quite simple. With its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, coconut oil can effectively penetrate the hair shaft to reduce protein loss, leaving it nourished and healthy. [6]

3. And, It’s Great for Skin

Coconut oil is also very moisturizing and beneficial for the skin. [7] In many cultures, it’s used as a remedy for a great many skin conditions. [8] The reason? It’s chemical structure. The short-chain and saturated fatty acids, which prevent it from oxidizing and becoming rancid, are nourishing to the skin and have even been found to encourage wound healing. [9]

4. Useful Against Harmful Organisms

Perhaps one of the most astounding facts about coconut oil is how potent it is against harmful organisms.

  • When a 2007 study evaluated the effectiveness of virgin coconut oil against candida, a 25% concentration of coconut oil was found to be 100% effective against candida. [10]
  • Randomized and controlled research in 2010 found that a coconut oil and anise spray was effective against head lice. [11]
  • Coconut oil has been found to repel mosquitoes. [12]
  • Tungiasis, or sand flea disease, is a nasty problem not common in the United States but way too common elsewhere. Research earlier this year discovered that coconut oil may be an effective repellant to the flea that spreads the disease. [13]

5. Can Replace Milk in Ice Cream

Everyone loves ice cream but not everyone is keen on the milk fat used to produce it. What’s the alternative? Bland, fat-free ice cream? Maybe not. It seems that virgin coconut oil may be an acceptable replacement for milk fat in ice cream. Those who have tried it claim that the ice cream has a pleasant coconut flavor and an excellent appearance, texture, and aroma.[14]

6. Is a Beneficial Massage Oil for Newborns

Did you know that giving oil massages to newborns has been found to improve thermoregulation and encourage healthy weight gain? A 2005 study evaluated the effect of coconut oil on the growth of newborn babies in India. Starting on the second day of their lives, an oil massage was given four times a day by a trained person until the baby was discharged, and then by the mother until the baby was 31 days old. The results? Coconut oil massage significantly increased weight gain and growth. [15]

7. Might be a Remedy for Poison?

It might be premature to call coconut oil an antidote for poisoning but a 2005 incident in Iran certainly suggests it may have something to offer. Hospital officials there reported of a young man who had attempted suicide by ingesting the pesticide aluminium phosphide. Upon admittance to the hospital, he was experiencing severe indications of toxicity and given several counteractive substances, including charcoal, sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulphate, and coconut oil. The result? He survived, and coconut oil, while probably not deserving of all the credit, was labeled as an important part of the protocol.[16]

Do you know a coconut oil factoid that we missed? Or do you just have great things to say about coconut oil… or even constructive criticism? Please leave a comment below and join the discussion!

The Psychopathy of Greed

I always find it interesting that people blame corporate greed for our overall condition. Sure it’s a major factor at one level, but it’s just an obvious outcropping of something much, much deeper. Sadly not that many are willing to go there.

That the entire world system is built on a capitalist system in one form or another is mind boggling. Defying our innate conscious awareness to the contrary, the signal has been given and repeatedly endorsed as well as crassly promoted that we need to gain off of each other, in each and every transaction, every exchange, in a no holds barred, dog eat dog environment. One look at the marketing world and you get the picture. And the supposed “fittest” come out on top.

This is how and why the populace acquiesces to domination by the few. “They’re just good at what they do. They’re smarter and more motivated than the rest of us so surely they deserve to be winners in the game.”

Humanity’s being told how the game works and that this is your only option. “It’s just the way it is, so get to work and earn your salary, then invest in the game and try to get ahead and make a name and lots of money for yourself.” At which point the sharks devour the unsuspecting guppy.

Group absolved endemic greed doesn’t make it right, however justified, by any stretch of the imagination.

The Corporate “Growth” Model

It’s fully accepted that corporations need to grow. For their good, for our good, or so we’re told. It’s a fear based econo-survivalist psychological scam. Who says they need to constantly make more, for their investors’ interests or otherwise? Yet this is considered healthy in a capitalistic system, under the guise of increased jobs and benefits and a prosperous economy.

Do the employees really benefit? Do the consumers who go increasingly into debt trying to catch the materialist carrot benefit? Who really benefits?

Yet this model is accepted carte blanche as a driving force for a healthy economy. If you stand back to think about it outside of all this financial gibberish it’s completely destructive, enslaving insanity for the good of the few. And yet this model is mimicked as if it’s the paradigm of truth through every level of Pavlovian entrained economic and interpersonal commerce engagement.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

The entire system is built on a background of assumed scarcity, that there’s not enough to go around so unless you push and shove your way into a place where you “earn” your keep and beat those around you you’ll be hung out to dry.

Clever bastards. All while they sit at the top of the food chain devouring their prey.

What’s even more surreal is how those who “succeed” in making a lot of money are then considered authorities on any and every subject. Just look the Rockefeller family, one such clusterfuck among many, screwing their way up the capitalist ladder who then set up think tanks, foundations and whatnot to influence the course of humanity according to their whims.

What or who made them the “wise ones” to rule over us? Guess what: Endorsed greed, abject avarice and the resultant intoxicating money and power in the hands of a few.

Look at creeps like George Soros or Bill Gates and a plethora of other unelected plutocrats, inserted intellectuals and accepted moral and geopolitical authorities like the Pope, lap dog Kissinger or voice pet Brzezinski and the panorama of puppet heads of state. It’s insane. Never mind the Rothchilds, Carnegies, Morgans, the so-called royal families of Europe such as the Windsors and House of Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands, the Vatican or whomever is hoarding the really big bucks.

The message is the same: in their minds we and our world are owned. And they ain’t sharing nothing with the rest of us. Why? Apparently we don’t deserve it. Do you like that fate and outcome? “Everyone else is accepting it, so it must be OK”…reasons the stilted servant.

Greed – A Name You Can Trust

You’ve all heard the outlandish statistics about how few have so much in this world. Yet it is by and large accepted by quiet submission, incredible as that may seem. The problem is humanity’s acquiescence to a rigged system. While the wealth of some of these bloodline families, banking moguls and mega rich corporate thugs could feed the poor of the earth many times over, they sit on their booty and only get more oppressive.

This brings us to the psychopathy of greed, amongst many other issues. Greed is insatiable. It is a vampiristic dynamic. It only sucks and is never satisfied. Wealth soon takes a back seat to power and control, their ultimate aphrodisiac. This is what it all leads to. And this reptilian, archontic urge is never satisfied, it always wants more. At any cost to the hosts of these parasites.

The issue is that psychopathy, especially in positions of power, is not just rampant but so readily accepted. That’s where the problem exponentially compounds.

This is the heartbreaking aspect to all of this, how humanity has bought into their program and replicates these unnatural urges at every level of society, which of course their system is designed to do. And while the masses abuse each other in this same lower vibrational parasitic frequency, no one is conscious enough to realize their oppressive trendsetters are feeding off of all of humanity by the very meme they’ve put into place.

If people woke up to that one fact we’d have an overnight revolution of disengagementcausing a massive resetting of how society should and could cooperate.

Psychopathy of Greed1

Conclusion – The 5 Step Program

Parasitic forces build parasitic institutions, and encourage the same in others while maintaining their dominance. Be it corporatism, capitalism, communism and socialism, fractional banking or base line competition for resources and day to day needs, this system is rigged to the core.

Agreeing to help foment this dog eat dog mentality under the guise of survival or “rightful competition” only perpetrates the problem.

To become free and help build the better world we know exists requires conscious disconnection with this systemic disease. It begins in both small and big steps. But the underlying propellant towards change is identifying the problem for what it is. A parasitic disease, promulgated by those who stand to gain, and realizing their mindset is a pathological, direly destructive one that seeks to exert its twisted idea of oligarchical as well as personal control at any expense.

Step Up

First, do your part. Realize what is transpiring before your eyes, no matter how horrid it may first appear.

Second, disengage. In any and every way possible. Just take steps in that direction and themounting freedom it engenders will empower you to take the next step.

Third, tell others – like a house afire. Use wisdom but never hold back. The hour is late as they are entering their last phases of implementable programs and are getting desperate to throttle humanity’s awakening.

Fourth – stand strong in your convictions. Feed those convictions, strengthen them, and encourage the same in others, as the mainstream of society is a nasty polluted river we must avoid, resist, oppose and most of all penetrate and reverse with everything in us.

Fifth – Stand fast in your convictions. Live a life committed to your newfound awakened understanding… fearlessly. This presence of awakened individuals does more than we’ll ever know.

See greed for what it is, but most of all don’t comply with their fabricated hierarchical world of abuse. It’s fraudulent, manipulative, destructive and a de facto form of voluntary enslavement.

See the world for what it has become. But more importantly, see the world as it should be and operate within that paradigm. Their fabricated world of lies will then crumble at our feet.

10 High Protein Vegetarian Recipes

Vegetarians are often faced with one critical question by meat eaters, “Where do you get your protein?”

The fact is, protein is abundant in plant foods, and while certain dietary deficiencies are common (but avoidable) among vegans and vegetarians, it’s possible to receive all essential amino acids by eating a completely vegan or vegetarian diet. Some plant foods, like avocados and quinoa, contain all essential amino acids and are therefore considered a complete protein. Incorporating these foods into your recipes can ensure you will receive all the protein you need.

10 High Protein Vegetarian Recipes

How to Get Your Protein on a Vegetarian Diet

The body requires essential amino acids in order to function properly, yet vegetarian sources of complete protein are sparse. Meat provides a complete protein, but it’s probably not the best food option for ethical, environmental, and health reasons. Typically, vegetarians will pair certain foods in order to complement one another’s amino acid profile to make a complete protein. In other words, you would choose one vegetarian food that contains certain essential amino acids and pair it with another plant food that contains the amino acid the other food is lacking. Beans and rice is a common example. As mentioned previously, you can also incorporate quinoa, avocado, and even hemp into your diet. These three foods do contain a complete amino acid profile.

10 High-Protein Vegetarian Recipes

One of the caveats to following a healthy lifestyle is the lack of ideas when it comes to meal planning. If you’re concerned you’re not getting enough protein in your vegetarian diet, here are some recipe ideas to help you out.

1. Quinoa “Fried Rice”

If you’re a fan of traditional fried rice, you might be interested in this recipe. Quinoa is more nutritious than white and even brown rice, containing a heftier amount of amino acids, fiber, and healthy fats.

2. Chickpea and Kale Soup

Kale never disappoints, at least in the health department. This chickpea and kale soup recipecontains a great deal of protein and fiber, and you’re also receiving vitamin A and vitamin C. This is a perfect winter soup. Use your favorite spices and add in a few more chopped vegetables to the mix.

3. Curried Black Bean Ratatouille

This vegetarian take on a classic French dish is perfect for a sophisticated vegan dinner party. Black beans add protein and fiber and give the ratatouille a deep, rich color.

4. Large Southwestern Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed peppers are a fun way to get a lot of nutrition. If you eat cheese, use raw milk cheese to top these off as soon as they come out of the oven or off the grill.

5. Vegan Chili

Chili is a delicious autumn and winter dish that serves perfectly well on its own. This vegan chili provides an immense amount of fiber and protein from the beans. You can also add avocado to the dish after serving to increase the protein content. Also, experiment with adding 1 cup of cooked quinoa or buckwheat in place of the bulgur at the end of cooking, about 5 minutes.

6. Vegetarian Omelet

If you’re an ovo-vegetarian, then you know how important omelets are to you in the morning.This high-protein breakfast food is packed with the goodness of vegetables to get your day started off right.

7. Carrot Slaw with Smoky Maple Tempeh Triangles

Carrots are high in vitamin A and vitamin C and make a perfect bedding for these tempeh triangles. Tempeh is fermented soy, so it provides all of the benefits of soy without the harmful effects of traditional, unfermented soybean.

8. Black Bean Salad

This black bean salad recipe is a perfect summer side dish that you can bring to picnics or luncheons. You can bulk it up by adding your favorite vegetables and beans.

9. Almond Butter Cookies

Almonds provide a great deal of fiber and healthy monounsaturated fats. Almond butter provides a tasty base for these high-protein cookies, and the oats give you fiber.

10. Black Bean Burgers

Black beans are so versatile that they can even be used to make vegan burger patties! Not only are they high in fiber, combined with the spices in this black bean burger recipe, they provide the color and taste similar to traditional burgers.


Watch the video. URL:

9 Hidden Facts the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

Are you a mindful eater? If so, what do you look for when choosing food products? Do you think all the information you’re looking for can be found on the food label? While focusing on the grams of protein, carbs or sugar and sodium will help in our quest to stay healthy and slim, there are other issues and food-industry secrets of which you may be unaware. Read on to learn more about nine hidden facts the food industry doesn’t want you to know. Hint: They’re not all on the label.

Watch the slideshow. URL:

Licensed to Kill: Psychiatry, Big Pharma and the State-Sanctioned Drug Cartel

I just think it is time we try something new,” said the doctor to his patient, “It’s called Abilify.”

But I’ve been doing well,” the patient pleaded, “I have had no problems for over six months and I am feeling fine.”

Well, you are on an involuntary (civil) commitment and I would hate to have to extend that 18 months,” said the doctor, “You understand that the court will always do what the doctor recommends, and I think that you are in need of a switch to Abilify.

This is a conversation that I overheard when I first started working at a county hospital. I was new and trying to learn from these wonderful doctors that I believed were there to help people. This facility saw the “sickest” patients in the county, and I thought this would give me an incredible opportunity to learn. As this was one of the first conversations I heard, I was certainly learning… and slowly discovering that the label of “sick” is being placed on the wrong individual in this context.

Eventually, I worked my way up to a role that included auditing the psychiatrist’s records along with the responsibility of meeting with pharmaceutical representatives who were pushing their free medication samples. The only means of distributing free promotional samples is by the reps being able to talk directly to the psychiatrist along with a signature, and I was like a modern-day gatekeeper. The different reps would visit and provide a pitch as to why they should be able to take the king (psychiatrist) on a date – and unfortunately describing it as a “date” was far more literal than figurative.

The sales reps entertain psychiatrists with dinners at the finest restaurants in town and grant them access to luxury suites at sporting events in an effort to push their medications. But, they had to get by the guard (me) first. So they started to befriend me and offer similar gifts. They pulled out all the tricks in the book to try to gain access to psychiatrists, just like the Greeks trying to enter the city of Troy. In their finest efforts, the most beautiful women you have ever seen would show up as “sales reps” but they were really no more than a Trojan Horse posing as another false gift to gain access inside the gates. It really is only about one step away from prostitution, and I wouldn’t be surprised if in some cases these reps do take that ‘extra step’.

I had been officially introduced to the dark side of psychiatry, a field I had always believed was a “helping” industry. After battling my own lifelong struggles, I got into the field to help others only to find myself on the truly “sick” side of psychiatry – the side that is fueled by corruption, greed, back-scratching and dysfunction.

And this was just the tip of the iceberg!

Crossing a Line

I met a patient that I will call “Ronelle.” She was in the state hospital and preparing to be discharged after six months. She was assigned to my caseload for when she returns. Ronelle sent me a six-page letter describing herself and her situation. However, the doctor took this from me and informed me of her “delusional thinking patterns” and then coached me as to how to handle her care. He was still her psychiatrist and was ensuring I was aware of the extremity of her “sickness.” I was naïve, and had no reason to question this prominent psychiatrist.

Prior to my first encounter with Ronelle, it was already engrained in my mind that she was sick and delusional. While reviewing her medications, I noticed she was taking four different antipsychotics – one of which was 30mg of Abilify. There it is again, Abilify, the latest atypical antipsychotic. “I really do not need to be on all these medications,” she told me, “I really am not that sick.” Another delusion, I thought. So I blew her off, just as everyone had always done. I didn’t realize I was another cog in the psychiatric industrial machine.

As months went by, our talks were always the same and I was getting tired of hearing how she did not need her medications.

One night, while out on a date at a fancy restaurant – courtesy of the gift cards from the sales representatives – we headed upstairs to check out the view of the city and I recognized the same psychiatrist providing an educational talk to nurses and mental health workers about Abilify. He was sharing all the wonders of this drug and how more people need to be pushed towards this magical medication. As he took his seat, he was embraced and kissed by the same young Abilfy sales rep. I had to take a second-look as I was taken aback by the blatant corruption that sat before the entire crowd. Next day back at the office, I asked other sales reps about this encounter. They laughed and said, “Didn’t you know that? They are married.”


Shocked, upset, and in disbelief, I came to discover this prominent psychiatrist was pushing a medication on his colleagues that his wife was selling! Is this really about helping people? Or is it about expanding their personal portfolio?

Disease Mongering: The Selling of Sickness

After discovering this new information, I had to find out more about Abilify. Every single doctor I spoke with provided the same answer, “No, it doesnt really work.” One doctor even referred to it as “Vitamin A.” Abilify was introduced as a new atypical antipsychotic medication to treatschizophrenia but never gained the market-share they were expecting. So, a few years later, it was approved to treat bipolar disorder. Later, the FDA approved its use in conjunction with other medications to treat severe depression – which is when it soared to become the top-selling drug in America.[1]

So, following the failed experiment of treating schizophrenia, the pharmaceutical company simply changed the “purpose” of the drug to treat other indications – specifically depression and anxiety – which is what you will see it marketed for today. In fact, you will find it marketed for just about everything.

“In the 12 months ending August 2011, more than $453 million [US] was spent promoting antipsychotics through physician deals, direct-to-consumer advertising, and professional advertising. Abilify led with over $174 million, or 38% of the total market… Clearly, Abilify and Seroquel have performed well… in part because of the investments their marketers have made, both in promotion and acquiring expanded indications.” [2]

Yet, despite raking in more than seven billion dollars per year, both the USDI and FDA state the way Abilify works is “unknown.” This is a very common practice in the pharmaceutical industry. It works like this:

  1. Create a new disorder (identify a new market)
  2. Hire a firm to spread awareness (disease branding/marketing)
  3. Convince the normal person they have this disorder (creating a need)
  4. Use a new drug to treat that disorder (solution)
  5. The patent for the drug is good for 7 years; apply monopoly prices
    • Once patent expires, repeat step one
    • Repackage the “new” drug under a different name
    • Repeat steps two through five

Patents for new drugs are applicable for 7 years. Once it runs out, it allows the generic brand companies to make the same drug at reduced prices. To avoid this, the large pharmaceutical companies simply adjust a molecule of the drug and repackage it, or alter the condition it is prescribed to treat, allowing for a new patent. This process has been repeated throughout the past few decades as the psychiatric industry has abandoned psychotherapy in favor of drug management.

Valium was the highest prescribed drug in the world in 1978 and earned the nickname “Momma’s little helper” as it was marketed to stressed out housewives; and also referred to as “Executive Excedrin” for the overworked businessman. This was the turning point of America becoming a choose-your-mood society. As far as the pharmaceutical industry is concerned, there is a pill for everything, and the goal is to find the right pill for each person.

The 1980s saw the next “breakthrough” — the drug Prozac was released to treat symptoms of depression. And of course, the diagnoses of depression skyrocketed as public campaigns (funded by pharmaceuticals) let us all know that we, or someone we know, may be struggling with depression. Then in 1999 came “news” of the latest epidemic – Social Anxiety Disorder (ie. shyness). A coalition was created to help those suffering from this “disorder” and those targeted were told that there was a drug to alleviate their symptoms – Paxil. What is generally unknown to the public however, is that these coalitions to ‘spread awareness’ are funded by pharmaceutical companies, and psychiatrists are paid to give speeches about the newly devised “illnesses” — which are always sold as a chemical imbalance — along with the accompanying medication.[3]

Although widely accepted in the psychiatric industry, the “chemical imbalance” theory has never been proved in humans. [4] Furthermore, it has not been demonstrated why common depression drugs do not alleviate depression almost immediately, since they create a maximum increase in serotonin and dopamine within two days. Today, psychiatry is finally retreating from its long-held position of “chemical imbalance” in the face of intense criticism of this baseless theory. For instance, Dr. Fred Baughman, board certified neurologist/child neurologist and author of the book The ADHD Fraud — How Psychiatry Makes “Patients” of Normal Children, has testified widely, including hearings at the US Food and Drug Administration (March 2006) and the Congress of Mexico (March 2006), that there is no proof that any psychiatric disorders have been scientifically validated.

The psychiatric establishment, of course, is slow to acknowledge these facts. As noted by retired psychologist Philip Hickey Ph.D in an article for Mad In America;

This falsehood was promoted vigorously by psychiatrists and by pharma, and tragically has been accepted as fact by two generations in western countries and increasingly in other parts of the world. [source]

What research does suggest, however, is not that a chemical imbalance causes mental illnesses (as the industry would have us believe) but rather that depressive states may in fact cause chemical changes to biogenic amine (or neurotransmitters) in the brain. [4] Therefore, treating mental and emotional disturbances with pharmaceuticals is simply aiming to address symptoms and not causes — a common failing of the conventional medical establishment. Explains , Professor of Psychiatry and Lecturer on Bioethics & Humanities at SUNY Upstate Medical University (NY) and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine (Boston):

Unfortunately, the biogenic amine hypothesis got twisted into the “chemical imbalance theory” by some pharmaceutical marketers, and even by some misinformed doctors. And, yes, this marketing was sometimes aided by doctors who—even if with good intentions–didn’t take the time to give their patients a more holistic understanding of psychiatric illness. To be sure, those of us in academia should have done more to correct these beliefs and practices. [source]

The Legal Drug Cartels

Paxil was FDA approved in 1992, and to get approval status, the FDA appointed a board of psychiatrists – all of whom had financial ties with the pharmaceutical companies. In 2001, the infamous Paxil 329 study attempted to “prove” the effectiveness of their antidepressant in adolescents – another then-untapped market. Martin Keller ran this study on behalf of Glaxio Smith Kline and tested 100 children on the drug. There were 22 co-authors of this study, all ‘important’ psychiatrists, which concluded the effectiveness and safety of Paxil. The FDA granted their blessing to the faulty study and within a year, more than 55 million people were taking Paxil.[5][6]

However, what was omitted from this “study” was that seven of children on which Paxil was tested were hospitalized and another 11 experienced serious side effects. Keller admitted no fault and simply did not count those individuals in the results of the study, and labelled them as either “noncompliant” or noted that they had “dropped out.” In 2004 he settled out of court for $2.5 million dollars for his role in the fraudulent study, but in 2012 the US Department of Justice brought a civil case against Glaxio Smith Kline which resulted in the company being fined US$3 billion dollars! [7] In that same year, however, Paxil brought in US$11.6 billion in sales for Glaxo Smith Kline which, from a business perspective, still made the fraudulent Paxil study a valuable corporate exercise. You can read the guilty plea in the case US vs Glaxo Smith Kline here.

In the book, “Sociology of Health and Illness” by Peter Conrad he writes:

“Marketing diseases, and then selling drugs to treat those diseases, is now common in the “post-Prozac” era. Since the FDA approved the use of Paxil for SAD [Seasonal Affective Disorder] in 1999 and GAD [Generalized Anxiety Disorder] in 2001, GlaxoSmithKline has spent millions to raise the public visibility of SAD and GAD through sophisticated marketing campaigns. The advertisements mixed expert and patient voices, providing professional viability to the diagnoses and creating a perception that it could happen to anyone (Koerner 2002). The tag line was, “Imagine Being Allergic to People.” A later series of advertisements featured the ability of Paxil to help SAD sufferers brave dinner parties and public speaking occasions (Koerner 2002). Paxil Internet sites offer consumers self-tests to access the likelihood they have SAD and GAD ( The campaign successfully defined these diagnostic categories as both common and abnormal, thus needing treatment.

Prevalence estimates vary widely, from 3 to 13 percent of the population, large enough to be a very profitable pharmaceutical market. The marketing campaign for Paxil has been extremely successful. Paxil is one of the three most widely recognized drugs, after Viagra and Claritin (Marino 2002), and is currently ranked the number six prescription drug, with 2001 U.S. sales approximately $2.1 billion and global sales of $2.7 billion. How much Paxil was prescribed for GAD or SAD is impossible to discern, but by now both Paxil and SAD are everyday terms. While there have been some concerns raised about Paxil recently (Marshall 2004), it is clear that GlaxoSmithKline’s campaign for Paxil increased the medicalization of anxiety, inferring that shyness and worrying may be medical problems, with Paxil as the proper treatment”. [page 484]

Then there was the Cymbalta clinical testing that resulted in five suicides, which somehow still managed to pass through the FDA approval process. 19 year old Traci Johnson had no history of depression, suicidal ideation, or any mental illness. Yet, after being involved in this clinical study she ended her life – one of five suicides resulting from the in clinical testing of Cymbalta. After her death, 20% of the volunteers withdrew from the study, and these ‘dropout’ numbers (again) were simply not accounted for in the final data analysis.[8] In 2013, Cymbalta delivered more than $5.1 billion in sales.

This unsavoury marriage between pharmaceutical companies and psychiatry goes back over 100 years. While it was highly publicised that Sigmund Freud touted the use of cocaine – both recreationally and therapeutically – what is not widely known is that his well publicized passion for this “magical drug” was actually the result of hefty payments he received from the newly-formed pharmaceutical companies, Merck and Park Davies, for his professional endorsement for their drugs. [9]

Licensed to Kill - Psychiatry, Big Pharma and the State-Sanctioned Drug Cartel

Drug Pushers in White Coats

The story I related earlier about the psychiatrist with the penchant for Abilify, is one of possibly hundreds of thousand of other examples of this sort of prescribing within this industry. Drug companies are profiting by more than US$80 billion each year as a result of ‘mental disease mongering’, as well as ludicrous mark-up pricing. These medications are incredibly cheap to manufacture – i.e. the cost to produce 100 Xanax pills is about $0.025 (yes that is 2.5 cents) yet they sell for $136 at the pharmacy – a 500,000% profit margin. [10]

With these kind of profits, the pharmaceutical companies are able to pay enormous settlement fees which hardly crack their bank account. In 2007, Abilify paid a $515 million settlement for illegally marketing their drug in nursing homes, despite knowing that it commonly caused death for patients with dementia.[11]

In April of 2015, Abilify’s patent expired for treating schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and generics can now be purchased at discounted prices. So, in turn, in May of 2015 its maker the Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. attempted to sue the FDA, claiming that the drug was now an orphan-drug in treating pediatric Tourette’s syndrome and thereby extending its exclusivity period.

So why do we keep prescribing people these medications?

Simply, it is because we have created a gravy train that is producing a lot of money for a lot of powerful people – drug companies, doctors, pharmacies, and investors. In creating a new disorder, it is marketed as a lifelong and incurable disease, creating a customer for life. The first problem for the drug companies in marketing their pharmaceutical “solutions” is if it kills a person; the second problem is if they actually cured someone – imagine the financial hit they would take. Their aim, therefore, is to create addictive drugs that don’t kill but also don’t cure.

Upon learning more about this dark side of psychiatry, I literally grew nauseous. I started to examine this psychiatrist’s charts to find that nearly every one of his patients was prescribed Abilify. In comparison, other providers prescribed Abilify only 4% of the time… compared to his rate of 75%. Then, of course, he is also married to the pharmacy representative for this company. For each prescription he writes, she gets paid a commission. She also gets paid for talking to doctors because of her free pass into the clinic. He also is funded by the same company to give speeches on this drug, and for signing off on peer-reviewed articles and studies on these drugs – again 100% funded by drug companies. They are making exuberant amounts of money by medicating people with a drug that in their own words “doesn’t really work.”

I was reeling over how it is possible that this level of corruption is happening right before our eyes. But the chief of psychiatry didn’t seem at all concerned — he was busy playing golf with the Risperdal sales representative! Upon hearing this, I was prompted to look into the Risperdal Consta injections that were administered at our facility, only to discover that more than half of our one-thousand patients were being given this drug — a procedure that runs a bill of more than $1,000 per injection. This has all been given the ‘green light’ by our “Chief of Psychiatry” — our facility’s ‘pillar of respectability’ who has been featured in studies in medical journals and other publications and studies for the past fifty years.

This kind of corruption is, unfortunately, not uncommon in the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry. Peter C Gøtzsche, a physician, researcher and professor of Clinical Research Design and Analysis at the University of Copenhagen, has firsthand experience with the criminal workings of the pharmaceutical industry, which he exposed in his book “Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare.” Gøtzsche detailed the corruption behind exorbitant prices for branded drugs, and outlines that clinical drug trials are often fraudulent, with pharmaceutical companies selecting populations and comparison groups that will support the preferred outcome of the study, controlling and filtering data in-house, cherry picking the results to suit their marketing needs, and hiring professional writers to document their “findings”. He also claims it is not uncommon for academics who were not involved in studies to be paid to be listed as contributors, to give the study credibility despite its “shamelessly biased data.”

A number of other prominent scientists — including 2 former editors-in-chief of major scientific journals — have also publicly stated that up to half of published research is biased or simply untrue. Says Dr. Marcia Angell, physician and longtime editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Recent Headlines

Recently Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals made the headlines after he increased the price of the AIDS medication Daraprim from $13.50 to $750 — a 5000% increase. Yet, the drug companies are adding these huge mark-ups all the time. According to a recent article from

“Insight Journal” reports that many of the active ingredients in prescription drugs are manufactured overseas, and that the pharmaceutical industry earns from 2,809 percent markup of the cost of active ingredient in Zestril, to as much as 570,000 percent markup in Xanax; the markup for Xanax is based on a consumer price of $137.79 for 100 tablets and $0.024 for the cost of the active ingredients.

Now, a startling new development comes from the manufacturers of Abilify, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. The corporation intends to turn Abilify into a “digital drug”, and are seeking approval from the US Food and Drug Administration to insert a chip into each capsule that can measure whether a patient is taking their medications as prescribed. If approved, this move would give doctors and courts the power to monitor whether people prescribed these drugs are complying with the dictates of their financially-motivated prescriptions. [12]

While the moral and legal implications of this proposal are staggering, the ludicrous insensitivity of such a proposal was highlighted by Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert who joked:

“Nothing is more reassuring to a schizophrenic than a corporation inserting sensors into your body and feeding information to all those people watching your every move.” 

You can read about this development here.

So, who are the sick ones in this industry?

Eventually, I started listening more to what “Ronelle” had to say about her ‘drugging’ — I felt it only right to hear her out. With some collaborative efforts and a bit of manipulating, we were able to switch doctors. Her new doctor met with the legal drug cartel sales representatives but didn’t ‘buy into’ the shiny objects they tried to use to bribe him. “None of these meds really work,” he told one of the drug dealers, “Maybe 15% of the time at best, so we really shouldn’t use them unless it is absolutely necessary. They are only to be used as a last resort.”

Imagine that?! A doctor who still cared for patients, stands by his morals and ethics, and could not be bought-out. Of course, he often was shunned by his colleagues for his ethical tactics that made waves and exposed their corruption.

However, once he began working with Ronelle, he gradually got her off her medications to see how she would function without being doped up 24 hours a day. Eventually, she was reduced from 4 antipsychotics to a more suitable anxiety medication and an antidepressant. She was doing fine and never returned to the hospital again; she was happy, excited, and managed to lose a lot of the weight she had gained from the ‘doping’ her previous psychiatrist had forced on her to line his own pockets.

Unfortunately, the patient that I described in the beginning of this article was not so lucky. He did not get to switch doctors and was forced to continue taking Abilify since he was on civil commitment. He ended up fleeing for two years, taking a flight to Africa, and doing himself serious damage in the process. From what I have heard from others since, he eventually returned to the United States but his life has been destroyed.

Ironically, this doctor we have been discussing prescribed a cocktail of drugs that literally drove a troubled man to desperation, fleeing to Africa as a last ditch effort to escape his mental torture. Yet at the same time, the doctor responsible for this poor man’s state-enforced over-medication — the ‘professional’ who earned enormous sums of money pairing patients with his preferred drugs — used his ill gotten gains to funds his own vacation to Africa later that year, an expedition to escape the stress of “dealing with the mentally ill.”

In Conclusion…

In rounding out this article, it would be remiss of us to not point out the fact that more people die from overdose deaths from taking ‘properly prescribed’ prescription drugs each year than from illegal street drugs. Writes Scott Bonn, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology at Drew University, in a 2014 article for Psychology Today [13]:

Drug overdose death rates in the United States have more than tripled since 1990 and have never been higher. At least 100 people die from drug overdoses every day in the U.S. More than 36,000 people die from drug overdoses annually and most of these deaths are caused by prescription drugs…

In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the rate of antidepressant use in the United States rose by 400 percent between 1988 and 2008…

The problem is getting worse and, frequently, medical doctors enable their drug addicted patients by frivolously filling prescriptions.

Reference (1) CDC. Vital Signs: Overdoses of Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers—United States, 1999-2008. MMWR 2011; 60: 1-6.

To find out more about psychotropic drugging and the ‘dirty dealings’ of the FDA, Psychiatry and Big Pharma, we urge you to take the time to watch the following documentary…

Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging

“This video provides the facts about psychotropic drugs and the huge profits they create for the pharmaceutical industry. These drugs are not safe and have not been on the market long enough to provide sufficient long term studies regarding their effects. Over half of the people that commit suicide in the United States are prescribed to psychotropic drugs.”



Which countries consume the most calories on a daily basis?

Substance abuse and addiction treatment provider Recovery Brands set out to answer this question, using data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Decelopment to analyse caloric intake in countries around the world.

The study analysed calories served per capita from 2004 to 2013.


Recovery Brands also analysed how average daily caloric intake has risen between 1961 and 2011. In some places, people were consuming as much as 500 or 600 more calories in 2011 than they were in 1961.





The majority of people in Britain, Germany and the USA, believe that aliens exist, according to a new poll.

A new YouGov research on the aliens existence, shows that most in Britain, Germany and the US, believe in living creatures who have the ability to communicate.

More than half (56%) of Germans believe in aliens and men are the best supporters to the theory. People in the UK are the most skeptical and right-wingers think government is hiding the truth.



According to Prof. Stephen Hawking, the search for extra-terrestrial life is “the most exciting quest in 21st-century science” and recently backed the Breakthrough Initiative, a new project  the biggest effort yet to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.


The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, such as in the Drake equation, and the lack of evidence for such civilizations. The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermi and Michael H. Hart, are:

  • The Sun is a typical star, and there are billions of stars in the galaxy that are billions of years older.
  • With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets, and if the earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life.
  • Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now.
  • Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in about a million years.

According to this line of thinking, the Earth should already have been visited by extraterrestrial aliens though Fermi saw no convincing evidence of this, nor any signs of alien intelligence anywhere in the observable universe, leading him to ask, “Where is everybody?”



This artists concept illustrates a Martian dust storm, which might also crackle with electricity. Credits: NASA

For years, science fiction writers from Edgar Rice Burroughs to C. S. Lewis have imagined what it would be like for humans to walk on Mars. As mankind comes closer to taking its first steps on the Red Planet, authors’ depictions of the experience have become more realistic.

Andy Weir’s “The Martian” begins with a massive dust storm that strands fictional astronaut Mark Watney on Mars. In the scene, powerful wind rips an antenna out of a piece of equipment and destroys parts of the astronauts’ camp.

Mars is infamous for intense dust storms, which sometimes kick up enough dust to be seen by telescopes on Earth.

“Every year there are some moderately big dust storms that pop up on Mars and they cover continent-sized areas and last for weeks at a time,” said Michael Smith, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Beyond Mars’ large annual storms are massive storms that occur more rarely but are much larger and more intense.

“Once every three Mars years (about 5 ½ Earth years), on average, normal storms grow into planet-encircling dust storms, and we usually call those ‘global dust storms’ to distinguish them,” Smith said.

It is unlikely that even these dust storms could strand an astronaut on Mars, however. Even the wind in the largest dust storms likely could not tip or rip apart major mechanical equipment. The winds in the strongest Martian storms top out at about 60 miles per hour, less than half the speed of some hurricane-force winds on Earth.


A dust storm on Mars in 2008 temporarily cuts the amount of sunlight reaching the solar array on NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, leaving the rover in a vulnerable state. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell

Focusing on wind speed may be a little misleading, as well. The atmosphere on Mars is about 1 percent as dense as Earth’s atmosphere. That means to fly a kite on Mars, the wind would need to blow much faster than on Earth to get the kite in the air.

“The key difference between Earth and Mars is that Mars’ atmospheric pressure is a lot less,” said William Farrell, a plasma physicist who studies atmospheric breakdown in Mars dust storms at Goddard. “So things get blown, but it’s not with the same intensity.”

Challenges of Solar Power

Mars’ dust storms aren’t totally innocuous, however. Individual dust particles on Mars are very small and slightly electrostatic, so they stick to the surfaces they contact like Styrofoam packing peanuts.

“If you’ve seen pictures of Curiosity after driving, it’s just filthy,” Smith said. “The dust coats everything and it’s gritty; it gets into mechanical things that move, like gears.”

The possibility of dust settling on and in machinery is a challenge for engineers designing equipment for Mars.


A towering dust devil casts a serpentine shadow over the Martian surface in this image acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.The scene is a late-spring afternoon in the Amazonis Planitia region of northern Mars. The view covers an area about four-tenths of a mile (644 meters) across. North is toward the top. The length of the dusty whirlwind’s shadow indicates that the dust plume reaches more than half a mile (800 meters) in height. The plume is about 30 yards or meters in diameter. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona

This dust is an especially big problem for solar panels. Even dust devils of only a few feet across — which are much smaller than traditional storms — can move enough dust to cover the equipment and decrease the amount of sunlight hitting the panels. Less sunlight means less energy created.

In “The Martian,” Watney spends part of every day sweeping dust off his solar panels to ensure maximum efficiency, which could represent a real challenge faced by future astronauts on Mars.

Global storms can also present a secondary issue, throwing enough dust into the atmosphere to reduce sunlight reaching the surface of Mars.

When faced with a larger dust storm in the book, Watney’s first hint is the decreased efficiency of his solar panels, caused by a slight darkening of the atmosphere. That’s a pretty accurate depiction of what large dust storms can do, Smith said.

When global storms hit, surface equipment often has to wait until the dust settles, either to conserve battery or to protect more delicate hardware.

“We really worry about power with the rovers; it’s a big deal,” Smith said. “The Spirit and Opportunity rovers landed in 2004, so they’ve only had one global dust storm to go through (in 2007) and they basically shut down operations and went into survival mode for a few weeks.”

Stirring Up Dust

Large global dust storms put enough dust in the air to completely cover the planet and block out the sun, but doing so ultimately dooms the storm itself. The radiative heat of sunlight reaching the surface of the planet is what drives these dust storms.

As sunlight hits the ground, it warms the air closest to the surface, leaving the upper air cooler.  As in thunderstorms on Earth, the warm and cool air together become unstable, with warm air rising up and taking dust with it.

Rising plumes of warm air create everything from small dust devils, similar to those that form in deserts on Earth, to larger continent-sized storms. These larger storms sometimes combine into the global storms, which cover the entire planet in atmospheric dust.

Larger storms typically only happen during summer in Mars’ southern hemisphere. Seasons on Mars are caused by the tilt of the planet, like on Earth. But Mars’ orbit is less circular than Earth’s; for part of a Martian year, the planet is closer to the sun and therefore significantly hotter. This warmer time is during the southern hemisphere’s summer, so radiative heat forces are strongest then. Once started, bigger storms can last weeks to months.

Scientists aren’t really sure why the years’ long gaps between storms exist.

“It could be that it just takes a while for the sources to replenish themselves,” Smith said. “Maybe there’s some kind of cycle that the dust has to go through to get back into the right places to trigger a new one, or maybe it’s just kind of luck.”

Scientists have been tracking these global dust storms on Mars for more than a century, using both telescopes on Earth and spacecraft orbiting Mars. The storms have been observed a number of times since 1909, most recently in 2007. Now, more than eight years later, Smith is hopeful he’ll get the chance to study a major storm soon.

“We’re overdue for a global dust storm and it could be saving up a really big one this year, so that would kind of fun,” he said. “I like the dust storms.”


Our hard-wired stress response is designed to gives us the quick burst of heightened alertness and energy needed to perform our best. But stress isn’t all good. When activated too long or too often, stress can damage virtually every part of our body. Sharon Horesh Bergquist gives us a look at what goes on inside our body when we are chronically stressed.

Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it’s continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure, and how it functions, right down to the level of your genes.

Watch the video: