13 Practices of an Awakened Person

Tog-me Zong-po lived nearly 800 years ago yet his 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva is still considered a pinnacle list of traits a person who wishes to become enlightened for the benefit of all beings has. The following 13 practices (which I’ve put into simpler terms to make them easier to understand) are what I consider the most practical and helpful out of the 37 and by applying these practices to our daily lives we can make a lasting positive impression on the collective consciousness of humanity…a positive influence that is deeply needed in this time of transition from the old order to the new paradigm. Some of these are not easy but for those of us that want to embark on the journey to awakened enlightenment, these are practices that will lead us there.

awakened soul

1.) Day and night, be fully alert and present. Listen, reflect, and do alot of meditation.

2.) Attraction to those close to you catches you in its currents. Aversion to those who hate on you burns inside. Indifference that ignores what should be done is a black hole. Take a step outside your comfort zone.

3.) Some so-called friends take you further and further away from the path to awakened consciousness. These kinds of friends ridicule and discourage learning, reflection, and meditation. These kinds of friends make you lose kindness and compassion. Give up these bad friends.

4.) All suffering comes from wanting to please our own selves. Enlightened awakening arises from when our thoughts and actions help others. So, in exchange for our selfish desires and neglect of our suffering humanity, replace thoughts of self with concern for all others.

5.) If someone spreads ugly rumors about us with cruel words, and even if what that person has said spreads to others and gains wide acceptance as being the truth; wish for that person to overcome their troubles and gain peace of mind. Applaud all their positive traits and treat them with kindness.

6.) If in a crowd full of people someone exposes our faults before others and points out the flaws we still have; do not get angry or become defensive; just listen in silence and reflect on their words. Treat this person as a teacher.

7.) If someone we love and have cared for with kindness treats us with thankless resentment and treats us as if we are their most hated enemy, then see these acts as a terrible sickness that has infected and affected their mind. Treat them with even more love and affection.

8.) Even when you are famous, praised, and rich don’t be arrogant. Know that the magnificence of existence, as awesome as it is, ultimately has no substance. Cast out what pride you might have as a result of fame.

9.) If we are not able to take control of the anger inside of us, although we may overpower and conquer others outside, the anger will just keep coming. Turn inwards and tame the wild flow of your mind-stream.

10.) Whatever appears to be truly real is simply what a mind in delusion creates. This mind of ours is also from the beginning devoid of an essence inherently real. Realize Truth is beyond the conceptions we have known and beyond the knower as well. Dispel the belief in inherent existence.

11.) Abusive words and language that we say in anger cause others alot of pain by disturbing their minds and we who are striving to be enlightened will find that our practice will decline. So seeing the faults that arise from harsh language, abandon abusive and hurtful language.

12.) Without making efforts to clearly analyze delusions we have and mistakes we commit, then even though on the outside we look and play the part, we may simply be spiritual materialists. For this reason, try to examine mistakes, delusions, and faults you possess, then afterwards try to remove them completely.

13.) In everything you do, be mindful of what is happening in your mind. By being constantly present and aware that you are feeling, thinking, and acting in a way that helps others.

How To Stay Healthy Even If You Eat Junk, Smoke Ciggies, Skip Exercise & Booze It Up

Ever since we docs started teaching people the importance of smoking cessation, moderation in alcohol intake, a nutritious, mostly plant-based diet, daily exercise, and weight control, millions of people have been beating themselves up for unhealthy lifestyle habits. Yet the guilt and shame so many feel hasn’t led to significant improvements in the health of the general public. Even though people know how to live a “healthy” lifestyle, most choose not to. Instead, rates of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other largely preventable diseases are on the rise.


While lots of people rattle off about the importance of healthy lifestyle modifications – and as a green-juicing, exercising, non-smoking, health food junkie, I agree with them – what shocks me is how few are talking about the other critical factors that contribute to health and longevity – the factors that are arguably even more important than diet, cigarette use, alcohol intake, weight, and exercise.

Some Diseases Are Preventable

Before I share with you these factors that may shock you, let me start with a hat tip to conventional medical wisdom. Yes, some diseases are largely preventable. If you’re a 3 pack-a-day smoker who winds up with lung cancer, you’re probably feeling pretty crappy about your cancer because you know that if you had never smoked, you probably wouldn’t have been saddled with that disease. If you’ve been eating at McDonalds every day, it won’t surprise you if a heart attack knocks you flat and you have to get bypass surgery. If you’ve been boozing it up for three decades and you wind up with cirrhosis of the liver, well… not to be harsh, but you knew that might happen, right? If you’re four hundred pounds and you get diabetes, um… need I say more?

Yes, if we aim to lead optimally healthy lives, diet, exercise, weight control, alcohol intake, and cigarette use matter.

Some Unhealthy People Live To Be 100

But let’s face it. Some smoking, boozing, overweight, junk food binging couch potatoes stay healthy and die of old age. As a physician, these people have always blown me away. How are their bodies so resilient to such poisons? Is it genetic? Is it just dumb luck? These people left me scratching my head, until I was doing the research for my book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself (Hay House, 2013).

Clearly, there are many factors contributing to why one person winds up sick when another stays healthy, in spite of poor health habits. The same is true for the health nut who is doing everything “right” but still winds up sick.

So what are these factors that your doctor probably isn’t discussing with you?

Loving Community Equals Health

Let me start by telling you a story.

Once upon a time, a tribe of Italian immigrants crossed the Atlantic and settled in Roseto, Pennsylvania, where they didn’t exactly live the most “healthy” lifestyle. They ate meatballs fried in lard, smoked like chimneys, boozed it up every night, and pigged out on pasta and pizza. Yet, shockingly, they had half the rate of heart disease and much lower rates of many other illnesses than the national average. It wasn’t the water they drank, the hospital they went to, or their DNA. And clearly, it wasn’t their stellar diet. So what was it that made the people of Roseto so resistant to heart disease?

One physician, baffled by their low rates of heart disease, studied the townspeople to determine why they were so protected.

The Effects of Loneliness On The Body

What his researchers found is that the tight knit community living in multi-generational homes and enjoying communal dinners and frequent festivities provided solace from the loneliness so many people feel. The love and support of others in the close knit community alleviated the stress and overwhelm many lonely people feel. Researchers posit that the stress lonely people feel, which increases cortisol levels and activates the sympathetic nervous system, raising heart rate, elevating blood pressure, incapacitating the immune system, and increasing the risk of heart disease, is responsible for much of the illness lonely people experience.

Because the people of Roseto never felt alone, they rarely died of heart disease – most died of “old age”- even though they smoked, ate poorly, and drank. As it turns out, alleviation of loneliness is preventative medicine, and the scientific data suggests that loneliness is a stronger risk factor for illness than smoking or failure to exercise.

Why One Person Gets Sick & Another Stays Healthy

It’s not just loneliness that contributes to whether you get sick or stay healthy. As I discussed in my TEDx talk, it’s not just your relationships that affect your health – it’s work stress, financial stress, mental health issues like depression and anxiety, whether you’re optimistic or pessimistic, and whether or not you’re actively engaging in potentially stress reducing activities like creative expression, sex, and spiritual activities like prayer, attending religious services, or meditation.

For example, let’s take one person who eats poorly, smokes, and never exercises, but who enjoys an incredible marriage, a great family, fabulous friends, a rewarding and financially lucrative job, a sense of life purpose, a healthy spiritual life, a blossoming creative life, and a kickin’ sex life. Aside from the cloud of smoke infusing the lungs with toxins and the poisons this person’s body is ingesting, this kind of lifestyle has been scientifically proven to result in better health than the lonely individual in an emotionally abusive marriage, with a soul-sucking job, no sex life, an absent spiritual life, and no creative outlets. The scientific data suggests that the “unhealthy” individual with an otherwise healthy, balanced life is more likely to live a long, healthy life than a nonsmoking, abstaining vegan with a personal trainer who is unhealthy and miserable in all other facets of life.

Make sense?

How Healthy Is Your Life?

In my upcoming book, I go into great detail, proving how each of these factors of a healthy life affect the physiology of the body, but until then, let me just assure you that what I’m suggesting is true. I’m not recommending that you pick up smoking, drinking, or overeating (and if you already have, you can read here about how I think you shouldn’t kick the habit until you’re ready). But I am suggesting that you start thinking about your health beyond the traditional confines of how most people define health. (You can read more about my expanded definition of health here.)

Armchair Critics, Lazy Cynics and Controlled Apathy

Armchair Critics, Lazy Cynics and Controlled Apathy









Even the prevailing attitude in the alternative media is awash with conflicting messages. While the predominance of information available to the discretionary viewer is positive regarding these recent events and power swings, there’s a growing underlying current of cynical skepticism that is surreptitiously undermining the sense of commitment needed to confront what is going on.

It’s subtle, and has clear characteristics, yet the awake are on to it. And when it comes to social engineering? Think “controlled apathy” via the creeping paralysis of cynicism and things might start to “twig”, as they say in the UK. So, whatever your thoughts on Putin, it’s time people woke up to these influences…

Reactions and Re-reactions

Let’s get right into these responses.

Randall insightfully wrote regarding the overall message:

Putin doesn’t come wearing glitter and glamour, but poise. In my opinion, there is a confidence about his affirmation that the western team of psychos have outsourced the hired killers, paid them and protected them.

If Putin is real, we will see. He seems more than capable of dancing with the demons on the geopolitical stage, yet there appears an air of clarity about his vision. I have never thought that the forces of good would appear wearing pink tights.

Alex similarly commented:

So … has the TRUTH triumphed as an ‘idea whose time has come’ ???… spoken and wielded deftly by Putin, while balancing precariously on a political high wire… has now trumped the Psy-Op mendacity of the rabid imperialists?… One day the US is threatening WWIII … and the next day… Everything changes?… and Russia is air-striking the mercenary proxies of the west?

… Something major just happened behind the scenes that needs clarification… as in rival cabals viciously finger pointing as usual … then the next day… the top dog shadow masters of the pyramid cap elite have spoken? … to be cont’d

The point of the article which both Randall and Alex grasp is to look at these geopolitical phenomena with open eyes and as many have echoed, so we’ll see how things pan out. But it surely doesn’t hurt to look for the positive aspects in major turnarounds such as these rather than shut everything out because “we’re so very aware” of the massive amount of manipulation the social engineers are capable of.

The Dangers of Negative Skepticism

The world is at the precipice of cataclysmic disaster on many fronts, which so many of us are following. Awake people are working hard to forestall anything they can via efforts to inform and raise the vibration on this planet. So why would we treat everything with negative skepticism even when we know the workings of these imposter dark controllers so well?

This point is illustrated by this sentiment that has been echoed by many, and which I expected to see when I posted the article:

C’mon Zen, it’s all part of the script, even the Awakening. Britain has Jeremy Corbyn to match Donald Trump. Putin is playing his part well, and is looking good. But it’s still a case of manoeuvring the pieces on the board. Words, especially where politicians are concerned, are cheap. But boy do they have an emotional effect.

It’s all a spell, mate, and most of it has been said.

There’s a lot of truth to that despite it being somewhat patronizing. We’ll address this below. But first, here’s what Vitashaka wrote in her response:

Great stuff Zen. I believe there is ample reason for (cautious) optimism. Sure, we have been deceived many times – and yet I believe that Putin is throwing a fairly large spanner in the works of the NWO global domination agenda and this is what we can hope for right now……its up to all of us how we could utilise that stalling and shift in the current trend.

Putin is not a saviour, nor is he in any way claiming to be, we have passed (hopefully) the immaturity of waiting for saviours. However, as an insightful and masterful statesman he is providing humanity with a window of opportunity to change the current downward spiral from the psychopathic, satanic death-cults drive for endless war and enslavement. Its up to the rest of us to make the best of it.

To the naysayers who would have us sit back and say “its all part of the plan” and favour inaction and paralysis may just wait until it’s too late. What exactly would one be waiting for?

Exactly right in my opinion and I addressed this on the site as well as here. And it’s not just because she agrees with me. I’m not looking for affirmation or sycophants. We’re talking about getting down to possible truths being presented to us in an open and conscious manner.

Armchair Critics, Lazy Cynics and Controlled Apathy - question everything?

The “Informed Cynicism” Mind Parasite PsyOp?

Perhaps “too much learning doth make us mad” in some cases. To see everything in terms of what a done deal it all is and how we’re so fully controlled directly implies there’s no stinking chance in hell we can make a difference.

I’ll never subscribe to that. Otherwise we might as well close up shop, roll into a ball and bury ourselves. Exactly what they’d like to see, and is currently happening on the psychic level to a massive degree.

This issue has to be addressed head on. Is this hyper critical, deeply cynical attitude that seems to be infecting the research community perhaps the worst of all psy-ops, a creeping paralysis amongst the increasingly insular “alternatives”? It’s something we need to each ask ourselves, as it’s very easy to fall into. It’s sneaky, as it feeds personal pride for one, but most of all engenders a sense of futility and standoffish inactivity, the ultimate dream state the THEY work hard to lull us into.

This isn’t necessarily the intended meaning of the skeptical commenter I’ve quoted but it’s a prevailing attitude amongst many and the logical conclusion to this line of thinking if we’re not careful.

Blossoming Buds and Issues of the Awakening

Oneupmanship is a problem everywhere, including the so-called alternative and independent media community. The awakening is for real and a very rapidly burgeoning phenomenon. Increasing numbers of people are getting on board with many more resources now available to them; compilations, resource directories, terrific videos and podcasts, distillations and analyses of heretofore barely available information, and it’s bringing on it’s own growing pains.

So be it. But all of this is a target for infiltration, adulteration, misinformation and misleading and futile ways of thinking as well. It’s not always easy to discern, but to me, this indicates we need to stop this internal fussing and fuming and go to where we can be the most effective – reaching others who haven’t even begun to open their eyes, as well as help address real issues befalling humanity and get our shoulders to stone.

It won’t take much more to get that giant boulder of truly awake truth over the watershed mark and flying down the other side to where it can really do some serious work.

The Shift Is Upon Us

The exciting aspect to all this as I see it is we’re seeing evidence of a major shift, the one we’ve been feeling personally and getting scattered confirmations of for a long time.

That’s why it thrilled my heart when Alex added this comment to the string, reflecting the very same experience I have been having, as have many others:

… don’t know about you… but the couple of days leading up to and the reversal of the NATO imperialism … and now… I’ve felt a significant mood change and atmosphere lift… as if a shadow had lifted around me etherically and I have a renewed energy… as if gravity isn’t quite so heavy… could be a coincidence… but the full moon seemed uniquely benevolent this time around coinciding with this political 180… perhaps it’s all of our’s universal collective consciousness I felt … and am ‘feeling’… is [it] an incremental upgrade of awareness?


An overly cynical attitude is as toxic and debilitating as the very system they’re attempting to exert over us. We must beware of it. I knew I would get blasted by the smug “everything is wrong and totally controlled” mindset for that post. But wow, what a toxic waste dump that debilitating attitude is!

I guess we’ll find out about these recent events, and I’m not hanging my hat on any particular outcome, but I still think the vibrational changes and all the awakened are doing and the full on exposure of the western/Israeli insanity is having a very real effect and profoundly wearing on the collective.

Nothing’s set in stone no matter how much crap the dark side has in place.

As I said, if we don’t think we can change this reality we might as well close up shop. Not to say we need to see results in the geopolitical sphere, but at the same time, why not? If that WW3 program isn’t stopped we’re all toast to some degree.

We are not powerless in all of this. That’s what ticks me off, when there’s utter resignation to all of this because people think they know so much about things now and how controlled we supposedly are.

Watch out, that could be one of the biggest tricks of all!

7 Shortcuts to Boost Your Happiness

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” ~ Dalai Lama

Happiness is elusive.

7 Shortcuts to Boost Your Happiness

What you think makes you happy doesn’t. That new pair of shoes, the latest technology, or indulgent meal offers the lure of happiness, but it often leaves us wanting. And when you think back on your happiest memories they’re often times that just happened. Spontaneous events that occurred, with no recipe for making them happen again.

While there might not be a recipe for creating a happy, spontaneous occasion there are ways you can boost your overall happiness.

Simple things you can do to boost your happiness and help you enjoy life every day – not just on special occasions.

1. Thank your mind. 

We’re all capable of analyzing a situation to death. Wondering whether someone else’s actions have deeper meanings than they do, or endlessly turning things over in our mind.

It’s fine to think about situations, and establish what you can learn from them. But sometimes our mind gets a little obsessed and repeatedly churns things over, on an endless, self-flagellating loop. When this happens think, Thanks mind, and move on to other things.

2. Accept your memories.

Everyone has some sad or unhappy memories. They’re part of life, and trying to suppress them is futile.

You don’t have to fully understand sad memories you just need to stop fighting, and accept them. That way you can close the door gently on those ‘rooms’ in your mind. You can choose to visit those rooms if and when you feel inclined. But you can also gently close them off, so that you can grow and heal.

Your memories are part of you. Stop fighting them and watch your happiness soar.

 3. Practice self-appreciation. 

Learn to love and appreciate yourself, just the way you are. You are just as unique, interesting and remarkable as anyone else.

Self-appreciation can be challenging because it’s often hard to value the qualities we have, or to see them as assets.

Try making a list of the things people value you for, so you can remind yourself of these qualities regularly.

4. Make people a priority. 

Spending time with the people closest to us fosters warm feelings. Human beings are pack animals, and regardless of how introverted or extroverted we are we need to connect with people.

Our best friends help us celebrate our wins, and get us through the tough times.

Seek out the people who make your feel good. When you’re just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company, you’re sending and receiving subtle messages of love and appreciation.

 5. Scrap comparisons. 

It doesn’t matter if you compare body shape, bank balances, or boyfriends, comparing yourself to someone else is always going to end in tears.

There are always going to be people both ahead of you, and behind you, on any scale. The only person you have to satisfy is yourself.

If certain activities – like using social media – leaves you feeling flat and unworthy, ditch it.

6. Choose your attitude. 

This is really tricky to achieve, but there’s a secret to choosing your attitude.

The key is to change can’t to can. If you find yourself thinking that you can’t do something, stop and force yourself to think about what you can do.

Try thinking, ‘If someone could solve this, how would they do it?” Distancing yourself from the problem in this way opens up new ideas, and pretty soon you’ll be capable of anything.

7. Stop living for tomorrow. 

We tell ourselves we’lI happy when the kids are older, or when we get the next pay rise, or when we get a new job.

But when we get those things we put off being happy until we achieve the next great milestone.

Happy people live now. They feel now. They love now. This doesn’t mean they don’t have goals, but they appreciate what they have now.

No one knows how many tomorrows they’ll have, so live today.

Happiness is a gift you can give yourself, and share with your friends.

So, go and grab a little happiness today, and share it around.

This article was written by Cate Scolnik. Cate is on a mission to help parents stop yelling and create families that listen to each other. She does this while taking care of two boisterous girls of her own, and constantly learning new parenting strategies. Download her free Cheat Sheet to Get Your Kids from “No” to “Yes” in Three Simple Steps and reduce your yelling today.

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban

In a move praised by conservationists, as well as those who care about human and environmental health, 20 national parks in the U.S. have sworn off bottled water sales within their boundaries — including the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, Zion and Bryce Canyon. Considered a “sustainability success story” by park administrators, Zion and other national parks have taken a major step towards reducing plastic waste. In Zion alone, the park has put an end to the annual sale of 60,000 bottles of water, eliminating a hefty 5,000 pounds of plastic waste per year.

However, visitors aren’t left high and dry — far from it. Instead, water-filling stations dot the park, where canteens and reusable bottles can be filled with safe, pure spring water. A seemingly win-win situation, there are those who are opposing the program — specifically, The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA). The organization includes big names like Nestlé, Evian, Dasani, Danone, Grand Springs and Glacier Springs, along with 200 others, who have a vested interest in keeping bottle water sales alive and kicking within the National Park System.

The Battle Between Corporate Profit and a Clean Environment

As of July 2015, IBWA has spent approximately $510,000 to lobby members of Congress, with national parks its top priority this year. If the ban on selling bottled water in national parks isn’t reversed, Big Water has plenty to lose. Take Pennsylvania, where the bottled water industry brings in $5.5 billion annually.

So how does the industry protect its market in national parks? Enlist a government representative to include an obscure amendment within an appropriations bill, who then proceeds to pitch the legislation to Congress under a false pretense.

According to the Washington Post:

“Families who don’t own expensive camping equipment and aren’t experienced hikers and climbers will be surprised to find out that they can’t buy their child a bottle of water at one of our national parks,” Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-Pa.) said on the House floor as he introduced the legislation, which is on hold while lawmakers suspend work on appropriation bills to debate their differences over the Confederate flag. “Temperatures at the Grand Canyon just this week will top 100 degrees. Visitors who may have forgotten or have run out of water could be put at risk of dehydration.”

Rothfus has proven himself to be a master of manipulating public opinion, conveniently omitting crucial information — like reusable bottles are on hand for purchase within the parks for around $2.50 (if visitors forget to bring their own) and pure spring water refilling stationsare readily available. He also forgot to mention that individuals are free to bring in their own bottled water, it’s just not available for sale within the park.

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban

Moreover, Rothfus fails to acknowledge the environmental and health impacts of single-use water bottles. The amount of plastic used by Americans in 2006 for bottled water required 17 million barrels of oil to create — or the equivalent of fueling one million cars for a year.

In response to criticism from environmental groups, bottled water companies assert that recycling is a solution to the waste the industry creates, but the reality is that only 31 percent of plastic water bottles find their way into recycling programs. Also keep in mind that plastic can only be recycled once, then it’s off to the landfill, or worse, the ocean. Once it starts to breakdown, toxic chemicals are released, like DDT and PCB — which are linked to cancer, infertility, liver damage and disorders of the immune, reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems.

Sadly, the amendment “to prohibit use of funds by the Director of the National Park Service to implement, administer, or enforce Policy Memorandum 11-03 or to approve a request by a park superintendent to eliminate the sale in National Parks of water in disposable plastic bottles,” was approved by Congress July 8, 2015. [Source]

Spinning the Truth

In a press release by IBWA, the organization further distorts the national park ban by stating:

“A 2011 NPS policy allows national parks to ban the sale of bottled water in plastic containers. The House’s rejection of that policy is a vote for public health and safety. Bans on the sale of bottled water contradict the NPS’s Healthy Parks Healthy People initiative, which promotes more healthy food and beverage choices in national parks, and First Lady Michelle Obama’s Drink Up Initiative, which encourages the consumption of all types of water, whether filtered, tap, or bottled.”

Like Rothfus, IBWA ignores the fact that it’s just as easy to purchase a reusable water bottle as it is to buy bottled water. This is not an issue concerning proper hydration. It’s simply about corporate profit.

Chris Hogan, IBWA Vice President of Communications, also claims limited access to bottled water can negatively impact health:

“Research has shown that when bottled water isn’t available, 63 percent of people will choose soda or another sugary drink – not tap water. “We also know that when bottled water is not available in a vending machine, people choose other less-healthy packaged beverages, which may contain sugar, caffeine, and other additives.”

Bottled Water Industry and National Parks Clash Over Plastic Waste Ban

Yet, in the same press release, IBWA states: “The Rothfus amendment would not prohibit parks from continuing to authorize the sale of other beverages or from providing tap water filling stations to promote hydration.” Apparently, the IBWA feels tap water is acceptable because no one will choose it, but free spring water through refilling stations shouldn’t be allowed.

Even if federal money used by national parks to replace bottled water with refilling stations is cut-off, the park service said it will continue with the program, which will likely be funded by nonprofit groups.

But Big Water doesn’t take kindly to being thwarted. As the Portland Press Herald reports:

“Joe Doss, president and chief executive officer of the bottled water association, said that even if the Park Service can legally use private money to pay for bottled water alternatives, it should be careful about even thinking about subverting the (possible) will of Congress.”



In fact, 30–59 percent of U.S. adults who try to lose weight increase their water intake (1, 2). Many studies show that drinking more water may benefit weight loss and maintenance (3).

This article explains how drinking water can help you lose weight.

Drinking Water Can Make You Burn More Calories

Most of the studies listed below looked at the effect of drinking one, 0.5 liter (17 oz) serving of water. Drinking water increases the amount of calories you burn, which is known as resting energy expenditure (4).

In adults, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 24–30 percent within 10 minutes of drinking water. This lasts at least 60 minutes (5, 6). Supporting this, one study of overweight and obese children found a 25 percent increase in resting energy expenditure after drinking cold water (7).

A study of overweight women examined the effects of increasing water intake to more than 1 liter (34 oz) per day. They found that over a 12-month period, this resulted in an extra 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of weight loss (8).

Since these women didn’t make any lifestyle changes except to drink more water, these results are very impressive. Additionally, both of these studies indicate that drinking 0.5 liters (17 oz) of water results in an extra 23 calories burned. On a yearly basis, that sums up to roughly 17,000 calories—or more than 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of fat.

Several other studies have monitored overweight people who drank 1-1.5 liters (34–50 oz) of water daily for a few weeks. They found a significant reduction in weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and body fat (8, 9, 10).

These results may be even more impressive when the water is cold. When you drink cold water, your body uses extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature.

Bottom Line: Drinking 0.5 liters (17 oz) of water may increase the amount of calories burned for at least an hour. Some studies show that this can lead to modest weight loss.

Drinking Water Before Meals Can Reduce Appetite

Some people claim that drinking water before a meal reduces appetite. There actually seems to be some truth behind this, but almost exclusively in middle-aged and older adults (11). Studies of older adults have shown that drinking water before each meal may increase weight loss by 2 kg (4.4 lbs) over a 12-week period (4, 11).

In one study, middle-aged overweight and obese participants who drank water before each meal lost 44 percent more weight, compared to a group that did not drink more water (4). Another study also showed that drinking water before breakfast reduced the amount of calories consumed during the meal by 13 percent (12).

Although this may be very beneficial for middle-aged and older people, studies of younger individuals have not shown the same impressive reduction in calorie intake.

Bottom Line: Drinking water before meals may reduce appetite in middle-aged and older individuals. This decreases calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

Drinking More Water is Linked to Reduced Calorie Intake and a Lower Risk of Weight Gain

Since water is naturally calorie-free, it is generally linked with reduced calorie intake. This is mainly because you then drink water instead of other beverages, which are often high in calories and sugar (13, 14, 15).

Observational studies have shown that people who drink mostly water have up to a 9 percent (or 200 calories) lower calorie intake, on average (16, 17). Drinking water may also help prevent long-term weight gain. In general, the average person gains about 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) every 4 years (18).

This amount may be reduced by:

  • Adding 1 cup of water: Increasing your daily water consumption by 1 cup may reduce this weight gain by 0.13 kg (0.23 lbs).
  • Replacing other drinks with water: Substituting a serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage with 1 cup of water may reduce the 4-year weight gain by 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs).

It is especially important to encourage children to drink water, as it can help prevent them from becoming overweight or obese (17, 3).

A recent, school-based study aimed to reduce obesity rates by encouraging children to drink water. They installed water fountains in 17 schools and provided classroom lessons about water consumption for 2nd and 3rd graders.

After one school year, the risk of obesity had been reduced by a whopping 31 percent in the schools where water intake was increased (19).

Bottom Line: Drinking more water may lead to decreased calorie intake and reduce the risk of long-term weight gain and obesity, especially in children.


How Much Water Should You Drink?

Many health authorities recommend drinking eight, 8-oz glasses of water (about 2 liters) per day.

However, this number is completely random. As with so many things, water requirements depend entirely on the individual (20).

For example, people who sweat a lot or exercise regularly may need more water than those who are not very active.

Older people and breast-feeding mothers also need to monitor their water intake more closely (21).

Keep in mind that you also get water from many foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, meat,fish, milk and especially fruits and vegetables.

As a good rule of thumb, you should always drink water when you’re thirsty and drink enough to quench your thirst.

If you find you have a headache, are in a bad mood, are constantly hungry or have trouble concentrating, then you may suffer from mild dehydration. Drinking more water may help fix this (22, 23, 24).

Based on the studies, drinking 1-2 liters of water per day should be sufficient to help with weight loss.

Here’s how much water you should drink, in different measurements:

  • Liters: 1–2.
  • Ounces: 34–67.
  • Glasses (8-oz): 4–8.

However, this is just a general guideline. Some people may need less, while others may need a lot more.

Also, it is not recommended to drink too much water either, as it may cause water toxicity. This has even caused death in extreme cases, such as during water drinking contests.

Bottom Line: According to the studies, 1–2 liters of water per day is enough to assist with weight loss, especially when consumed before meals.

Take Home Message

Water can be really helpful for weight loss. It is 100 percent calorie-free, helps you burn more calories and may even suppress your appetite if consumed before meals. The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary beverages with water. It is a very easy way to cut back on sugar and calories.

However, keep in mind that you’re going to have to do a lot more than just drink water if you need to lose a significant amount of weight.

Water is just one, very small piece of the puzzle.



Did climate change influence last year’s extreme weather events, such as the wildfires that devastated California? Photo credit: National Park Service Climate Change Research

Even though skeptics would disagree, weather and climate are clearly two different things. We know that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and land use cause global temperatures to rise over long stretches of time, but what effect does that have on the weather today?

Well, according to a new study, we can now pin at least 14 extreme weather events in 2014—including heatwaves, drought, wildfires and floods—on climate change.

The report, Explaining Extreme Events of 2014 from a Climate Perspective, published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, uses research from 32 groups of scientists from around the world. Scientists from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) served as four of the five lead editors on the report.

The study says, for instance, that the drought in East Africa, extreme rainfall in France, and heat waves felt on nearly every continent can be linked to climate change. However, though California’s wildfires have definitely increased over the years due to climate change, the study notes that there was no specific link to the wildfires last year.

As for the unusually frigid winter felt in many parts of the U.S. (remember the polar vortex?), the scientists suggest it was influenced not by climate change but by temperature variability.

“It is by no means a prevailing one-story-fits-all-events type of approach to this,” said Martin Hoerling, an editor of the report and a NOAA meteorologist, at a news conference. “It does require a specific analysis of each case on its own merit.”

For example, Brazil’s horrific drought, is not necessarily due to rising global temperatures but perhaps instead to an increasing population and water consumption.

“For each of the past four years, this report has demonstrated that individual events, like temperature extremes, have often been shown to be linked to additional atmospheric greenhouse gases caused by human activities, while other extremes, such as those that are precipitation related, are less likely to be convincingly linked to human activities,” said Thomas R. Karl, director of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information.

“As the science of event attribution continues to advance, so too will our ability to detect and distinguish the effects of long-term climate change and natural variability on individual extreme events. Until this is fully realized, communities would be well-served to look beyond the range of past extreme events to guide future resiliency efforts,” he continued.

The scientists have urged for more research in this area. “Understanding our influence on specific extreme weather events is groundbreaking science that will help us adapt to climate change,” said Stephanie C. Herring, lead editor for the report. “As the field of climate attribution science grows, resource managers, the insurance industry and many others can use the information more effectively for improved decision making and to help communities better prepare for future extreme events.”

Here are the study’s key findings across the world’s continents, with events that can be attributed to climate change in bold:

North America

  • Overall probability of California wildfires has increased due to human-induced climate change, however, no specific link could be made for the 2014 fire event
  • Though cold winters still occur in the upper Midwest, they are less likely due to climate change
  • Cold temperatures along the eastern U.S. were not influenced by climate change and eastern U.S. winter temperatures are becoming less variable
  • Tropical cyclones that hit Hawaii were substantially more likely because of human-induced climate change
  • Extreme 2013-14 winter storm season over much of North America was driven mainly by natural variability and not human caused climate change
  • Human-induced climate change and land-use both played a role in the flooding that occurred in the southeastern Canadian Prairies

South America

  • The Argentinean heat wave of December 2013 was made five times more likely because of human-induced climate change
  • Water shortages in Southeast Brazil were not found to be largely influenced by climate change, but increasing population and water consumption raised vulnerability


  • All-time record number of storms over the British Isles in winter 2013-14 cannot be linked directly to human-induced warming of the tropical west Pacific
  • Extreme rainfall in the United Kingdom during the winter of 2013-2014 was not linked to human-caused climate change
  • Hurricane Gonzolo was within historical range of strength for hurricanes transitioning to extratropical storms over Europe
  • Extreme rainfall in the Cévennes Mountains in southern France was three times more likely than in 1950 due to climate change
  • Human influence increased the probability of record annual mean warmth over Europe, NE Pacific, and NW Atlantic

Middle East and Africa

  • Two studies showed that the drought in East Africa was made more severe because of climate change
  • The role of climate change in the Middle East drought of 2014 remains unclear. One study showed a role in the southern Levant region of Syria, while another study, which looked more broadly at the Middle East, did not find a climate change influence


  • Extreme heat events in Korea and China were linked to human-caused climate change
  • Drought in northeastern Asia, China and Singapore could not conclusively be linked to climate change
  • The high west Pacific tropical cyclone activity in 2014 was largely driven by natural variability
  • Devastating 2014 floods in Jakarta are becoming more likely due to climate change and other human influences
  • Meteorological drivers that led to the extreme Himalayan snowstorm of 2014 have increased in likelihood due to climate change
  • Human influence increased the probability of regional high sea surface temperature extremes over the western tropical and northeast Pacific Ocean during 2014


  • Four independent studies all pointed toward human influence causing a substantial increase in the likelihood and severity of heat waves across Australia in 2014
  • It is likely that human influences on climate increased the odds of the extreme high pressure anomalies south of Australia in August 2014 that were associated with frosts, lowland snowfalls and reduced rainfall
  • The risk of an extreme five-day July rainfall event over Northland, New Zealand, such as was observed in early July 2014, has likely increased due to human influences on climate


  • All-time maximum of Antarctic sea ice in 2014 resulted chiefly from anomalous winds that transported cold air masses away from the Antarctic continent, enhancing thermodynamic sea ice production far offshore. This type of event is becoming less likely because of climate change




Water retention occurs when excess fluids build up inside the body.

It is also known as fluid retention or edema.

Water retention occurs in the circulatory system or within tissues and cavities. It can cause swelling in the hands, feet, ankles and legs.

There are several reasons why it happens, many of which are not serious.

Some women experience water retention duringpregnancy or before their monthly period.

People who are physically inactive, such as when bedridden or sitting through long flights, may also be affected.

However, water retention can also be a symptom of a severe medical condition like kidney disease or heart failure. If you’re having sudden or severe water retention then seek medical attention immediately.

But in cases where the swelling is mild and there is no underlying health condition, you may be able to reduce water retention with a few simple tricks.

Here are 6 ways to reduce water retention.

1. Eat Less Salt


Salt is made of sodium and chloride.

Sodium binds to water in the body and helps maintain the balance of fluids both inside and outside of cells.

If you often eat meals that are high in salt, such as many processed foods, your body may retain water. These foods are actually the biggest dietary source of sodium.

The most common advice for reducing water retention is to decrease sodium intake. However, the evidence behind this is mixed.

Several studies have found that increased sodium intake leads to increased retention of fluid inside the body (1, 2, 3, 4).

On the other hand, one study of healthy men found that increased sodium intake did not cause body fluid retention, so this may depend on the individual (5).

Bottom Line: Sodium can bind to water in the body, and decreasing your salt intake may help reduce water retention.

2. Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is a very important mineral.

In fact, it is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions that keep the body functioning.

Moreover, increasing your magnesium intake may help reduce water retention.

One study found that 200 mg of magnesium per day reduced water retention in women with premenstrual symptoms (PMS) (6).

Other studies of women with PMS have reported similar results (7, 8).

Good sources of magnesium include nuts, whole grains, dark chocolate and leafy, green vegetables. It is also available as a supplement.

Bottom Line: Magnesium has been shown to be effective at reducing water retention, at least for women with premenstrual symptoms.

3. Increase Vitamin B6 Intake



Vitamin B6 is a group of several related vitamins.

They are important for the formation of red blood cells, and they also serve many other functions in the body.

Vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce water retention in women with premenstrual syndrome (8).

Foods rich in vitamin B6 include bananas, potatoes, walnuts and meat.

Bottom Line: Vitamin B6 may help reduce water retention, especially in women with premenstrual syndrome.

4. Eat More Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium is a mineral that serves several important functions.

For example, it helps send the electrical signals that keep the body running. It may also benefit heart health (9).

Potassium appears to help reduce water retention in two ways, by decreasing sodium levels and increasing urine production (10).

Bananas, avocados and tomatoes are examples of foods that are high in potassium.

Bottom Line: Potassium may reduce water retention by increasing the production of urine and decreasing the amount of sodium in the body.


5. Try Taking Dandelion



Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an herb that has been used as a natural diuretic in folk medicine for a long time (11).

Natural diuretics may help reduce water retention by making you pee more often.

In one study, 17 volunteers took three doses of dandelion leaf extract over a 24-hour period.

They monitored their fluid intake and output during the following days, and reported a significant increase in the amount of urine produced (12).

Although this was a small study with no control group, the results indicate that dandelion extract may be an effective diuretic.

Bottom Line: Dandelion may help reduce water retention, especially when consumed as a leaf extract.

6. Avoid Refined Carbs

Eating refined carbs leads to rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

High insulin levels cause the body to retain more sodium by increasing re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys (13, 14).

This leads to more fluid volume inside the body.

Examples of refined carbs include processed sugars and grains, such as tablesugarand white flour.

Bottom Line: Eating refined carbs can increase insulin levels in the body. Insulin increases the re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys, leading to increased fluid volume.

Other Ways To Reduce Water Retention

Reducing water retention is something that hasn’t been studied much.

However, there are a few other potentially effective ways to reduce water retention.

Keep in mind that some of these are only supported by anecdotal evidence, not studies.

  • Move around: Simply walking and moving around a bit can be effective at reducing fluid build-up in some areas, such as the lower limbs. Elevating your feet can also help.
  • Drink more water: Some believe that increasing water intake can paradoxically reduce water retention (15).
  • Horsetail: One study found that the horsetail herb has diuretic effects (16).
  • Parsley: This herb has a reputation as a diuretic in folk medicine (17).
  • Hibiscus: Roselle, a species of hibiscus, has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic. A recent study also supports this (18).
  • Garlic: Well known for its effect on the common cold, garlic has historically been used as a diuretic (19, 20).
  • Fennel: This plant may also have diuretic effects (21).
  • Corn silk: This herb is traditionally used for the treatment of water retention in some parts of the world (22).
  • Nettle: This is another folk remedy used to reduce water retention (23).
  • Cranberry juice: It has been claimed that cranberry juice can have diuretic effects.

Bottom Line: Some other foods and methods may help reduce water retention, but their effects have not been widely studied.

Take Home Message

Some simple dietary changes may help reduce water retention.

For starters, you can try eating less salt, for example by cutting back on processed foods.

You can also consume foods that are rich in magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6.

Taking some dandelion or avoiding refined carbs may also do the trick.

However, if water retention persists or causes a lot of problems in your life, then you may want to see a doctor.



The dark side of the tech industry.

As the American public continues to depend more on digital technology to run society, the US tech industry is booming. New gadgets are flooding the market each year, and the top tech companies — Apple, Microsoft, Google, IBM, HP, and Cisco, among others — are raking in record profits. But our addiction to the latest technology is simultaneously killing our atmosphere, our water, indigenous populations, and in the long run, our economy. These 12 photos illustrate how the US tech boom is affecting the rest of the world.

Tech companies depend on child labor for their raw materials.


In the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), child labor has intensified in the last decade due to increased demand for minerals like cobalt, copper, and coltan (short for columbite-tantalite). Currently, 16.9 percent of the children between ages 5 and 14 work in the Congolese mining industry. And despite Congolese mining laws prohibiting the nation’s armed forces from running the mines, the United Nations estimates that the Congolese army controls approximately 50 percent of the DRC’s 200 mines. The UN’s International Labor Organization called mining one of the worst forms of child labor due to the numerous health risks inherent in the industry.

At least 40,000 children are forced to mine the minerals in our smartphones and laptops.


To get around Congo’s mining laws, the Congolese army operates under “artisanal mining” guidelines, allowing them to conscript workers to labor in extremely hazardous conditions. According to a 2010 study by BMS World Mission, of the 100,000 mine workers in the DRC, 40 percent are children under age 18. Children are often conscripted by the army to work in the mines, and are paid just $1 to $5 a day. Of the children who work in the mines, 66 percent are unable to finish school, and 77 percent of those children eat just one meal a day.

The groups behind the 1994 Rwandan Genocide operate the mines that supply the US tech industry.


The DRC holds roughly 80 percent of the world’s coltan. Along with the Congolese national army, militias from Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi control most of the coltan mining in the DRC. One group is the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, which was behind the slaughter of 800,000 Rwandans in 1994. Even though Rwanda itself contains no coltan, Rwanda’s coltan exports went from 50 tons in 1995 to 250 tons in 1998. The United Nations reported in 2001 that the American companies purchasing the exploited minerals serve as “the engine of the conflict in the DRC.

Apple’s largest manufacturer installed nets to prevent workers from committing suicide — but workers are still killing themselves.



Contract manufacturer Foxconn, is China’s largest private sector employer and thechief manufacturer of Apple’s iPhones and iPads. It also makes electronics forDell, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, and Sony. Working conditions are apparently so bad at Foxconn that the tech manufacturer installed suicide nets at its plants after a rash of suicides in 2010 at Foxconn’s Shenzhen plant that resulted in 14 worker deaths.. Foxconn also put barriers on windows of the factory dormitories where its 300,000 to 400,000 workers to prevent workers jumping to their deaths.

However, Foxconn workers continue to attempt suicide every year — Between 2010 and 2013, 7 more workers committed suicide. And another Foxconn worker jumped to his death as recently as August. In 2011, workers at Foxconn’s Chengdu plant were forced to sign a contract that forbids them from committing suicide.


In response to the suicides, Foxconn has held rallies and announced a pay increase of $293 a month (roughly an additional $9.70 per day) in an attempt to boost workers morale. But the company still hasn’t removed suicide nets from its buildings. And judging by this photo of a Foxconn rally, worker morale hasn’t improved much.


Foxconn workers make $17 a day. Foxconn’s CEO is worth at least $5.9 billion.


The pay and working conditions at Foxconn are so unbearable that 5 percent of its workforce —approximately 24,000 people — quit every month. According to the New York Times, the average Foxconn worker makes $17 a day, working 70 hour weeks. Meanwhile, Foxconn CEO Terry Gou has a net worth of $5.9 billion. That means the average Foxconn employee would have to work 347 million days, or 951,000 years, to have as much money as its top executive. And if that isn’t bad enough, Foxconn workers are fined just for talking at work, and security guards patrol the assembly lines to listen for workers breaking the no-talking rule.

“Hundreds of people work in the workshops but they are not allowed to talk to each other,” Chinese government investigator Zhu Guangbing told The Telegraph. “If you talk, you get a black mark in your record and you get shouted at by your manager. You can also be fined.”

Tech industry mining produces miles-wide lakes of toxic waste.


Roughly 95 percent of the “rare earth minerals” used in smartphones and laptops gets produced in Northern China. But Mongolia holds 70 percent of the world’s reserves The waste from those mining operations gush out of pipes in Baotou — a region of Mongolia bordering Northern China –where some toxic lakes span more than 5 miles in diameter. Here’s a GIF image of multiple pipes ejecting sludge from a tech mining site into an artificial lake.


America’s biggest tech companies are some of the nation’s biggest corporate tax avoiders.


Collectively, the 5 biggest tech companies — Apple, Microsoft, Google, Oracle, and Cisco — have over $430 billion in overseas cash. Apple alone has $158 billion stashed overseas. If brought back to the US and taxed at a 35 percent rate, that $430 billion would provide $150.5 billion in revenue. That could create 600,000 public sector jobs for 5 years at $50,000 a year per job.

And as the below chart illustrates, the tech industry’s median tax rates are some of the lowest out of all industries. New York University professor Aswath Damodaran studied the data of over 7,000 publicly-traded companies, and discovered that while the retail automotive sector pays a median effective income tax rate of 32.7 percent, the computer software/services sector and the internet sector pay just a 10.1 percent and 5.9 percent rate, respectively.


Tech workers are gentrifying San Francisco so much, their bus drivers have to sleep in cars


While the tech industry is booming, a huge influx of well-to-do employees of Google, Twitter, and Facebook are moving into San Francisco and Oakland en masse. Silicon Valley tech companies even shuttle workers from their downtown apartments to their workplaces using private bus services. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, an average one-bedroom apartment now costs $2,186 in San Jose, $2,469 in Oakland, and $3,361 in San Francisco.

Technology is an industry likely to continue growing and expanding over the next several decades. Unless customers start demanding better treatment of workers, the environment, and the communities they inhabit, the tech industry’s unsavory business practices are likely to continue.

The Nuclear Industry’s Million-Year Waste Cycle: Contaminating Future Generations

The nuclear energy and weaponry industries are signs the military-industrial complex is running at white hot. The inherent dangers of the nuclear experiment are the same ones that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us all about in his famous exit speech on 17 January, 1961 when he said: “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, either sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced powers exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.”

But today, despite this warning, the nuclear experimentation industry is still shrouded in scientific and political secrecy, undermining our liberties and democratic processes and risking our health and our very existence in the process. When it all goes wrong — and history shows us this outcome is inevitable — the environmental destruction both of nuclear accidents and planned detonations is global, and permanent.

Year 70 of A Million Year Waste Cycle

There are 23 reactors in the United States, and more in other nations of the same design as the reactor that went sky-high in Fukushima. Although theofficial stance of the industry is that the GE-designed reactor design was not to blame for the ongoing Fukushima disaster, based on its track record it is apparent that the nuclear industry does not have the knowledge to properly assess and mitigate all the risks involved in their experiment — and it is an experiment — nor to safely manage the resulting nuclear waste for even 70 years of the one million years it takes to break down.

Legal and political logic constantly distorts the truth, by way of what information is considered and what is omitted in order to present an “acceptable” understanding. These tactics are imperial and traditional in flavor and practically always underhandedly done by crooked individuals on behalf of crooked institutions. Institutions omit and expound on limited sets of information so as to ‘validate’ their point and promote their schematic.

Explains Andreas Toupadakis, Ph.D, a scientist who resigned from a classified government position maintaining nuclear weaponry on moral grounds to become an educator and peace activist:

It is easy for biased advocates of nuclear power to confuse the public using scientific rhetoric. It is this powerful and immoral tool that the advocates (high paid technocrats) of “the peaceful atom” have been using all these years, and as a result, the public knows virtually nothing about the science of radiation and nuclear materials. But the public maintains common sense, which most of the time is absent from the “experts.” Despite decades of evidence that proves the damage of nuclear radiation, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has continued to downplay both the emitted levels and health effects of radiation exposure on public health…

Recently, the advocates of nuclear energy have been presenting to the people a deceiving choice between nuclear power and global warming. It is basically a form of extortion by the nuclear establishment towards the people… The alternatives of solar power, wind power, geo-thermal power and conservation are just a few of the safe, non-polluting answers to our energy problem but they are methodologically ignored or undermined… Forward thinking nations such as Denmark are already generating 140% of their electricity needs from wind power alone. So why is the US government still advocating for nuclear energy? [source]

When it comes to opposing the skewed logic that supports nuclear experimentation in particular (and oligarchical conventions in general), the most effective approach is to re-open the scope of discussion, encompassing and including larger fields of information than they would like to confront and essentially stifling their reductionist jargon with inarguable observations — in this case, being only 70 years into a million year waste cycle, we are no closer to solving the problem of mounting nuclear waste generated by these continuing programs while being more capable of producing energy in ways that are not destructive. Much like the mounting US financial debt, the problem of unmanageable nuclear waste will also be passed on to future generations to deal with.

What many people don’t consider is that nuclear power plants are just one point of the nuclear waste cycle. Once waste is removed from a nuclear power facility, the disposal and storage of waste still remains a major unresolved issue. The waste is either stored on site or buried underground in facilities that time is proving are incapable of containing radioactive waste for more than a few years. For example, the populations in regions where radioactive waste is stored, such as Savannah River and Yucca Mountain (at which millions of gallons of high-level nuclear waste is stored in 49 leaking tanks), are equally as susceptible to diseases caused by radiation exposure (cancers and thyroid disorders are particularly prevalent) as those communities near active nuclear power plants.

Proving again that the nuclear industry is attempting to contain the uncontainable, just last month the Beatty radioactive waste facility in a rural Nevada county caught fire, again, releasing bursts of white smoke from several explosions of nuclear material:

State emergency management chief Caleb Cage and Fire Marshal Peter Mulvihill said the fire burned unabated after starting Sunday during intense thunderstorms and flash flooding in the area…

Judy Treichel, a longtime opponent of a federal proposal to entomb the nation’s most radioactive material at Yucca Mountain in Nevada, compared the fire near Beatty with incidents that led to EPA Superfund designation for a site that accepted low-level radioactive waste in the 1960s and 1970s at Maxey Flats, Kentucky.

A report from The Guardian elaborates on the conditions at the Beatty facility:

The operator of a closed radioactive waste dump that caught fire in southern Nevada last weekend was troubled over the years by leaky shipments and oversight so lax that employees took contaminated tools and building materials home, according to state and federal records…

Former US senator Richard Bryan, a Democrat who was governor from 1983 to 1989, remembers “an ongoing series of problems” at the Beatty site, including several episodes involving leaking trucks…

In 1979, the then Nevada governor Robert List ordered the Beatty low-level waste facility shut down and launched an investigation after a radioactive cargo fire on a truck parked on US Highway 95, at the facility gate…

In 2010, US Ecology was fined nearly $500,000 by the US EPA at its hazardous industrial waste recycling and disposal plant after inspectors found leaky containers and operating logs showing smoke emissions containing hazardous wastes had been improperly vented in 2008. Inspectors also found poor record-keeping.

Isolating nuclear waste has also proven more difficult than regulators and operators care to admit. Just last year, radioactive was found to be leaking from another storage facility at Bridgeton, Missouri, contaminating a non-nuclear landfill that – in a common theme – caught fire.

Preliminary tests by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found radioactive waste closer to the underground fire at the Bridgeton Landfill than previously thought…
Radioactive waste was supposed to be confined to “Operable Unit 1” in the West Lake Landfill, but preliminary tests have detected it in the Bridgeton Landfill, labeled “Former Active Sanitary Landfill”… That would put the waste outside the limits of the West Lake Landfill, which is part of the radioactive Superfund site under EPA oversight.

Radiological disasters like Fukushima, Hanford, like the disaster looming in Missouri and around the world, are like radiological ovens – the closer you are to it the hotter you become, but the heat radiates out in all directions. According to what we know there are several leaking storage tanks at Hanford, and three loose reactor cores at Fukushima. And who knows what happened to fuel pools at Reactors 1 and 2? It’s too hot to go there. And Reactor 3, well that was MOX fuel, or plutonium.

Cancer, Coverups and Contamination - The Real Cost of Nuclear Energy - Initial Explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster

In 2014, an underground explosion (touted as impossible) at New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (‘Pilot’ meaning experimental and ‘Isolation’ now being a misnomer of wishful thinking) released americium and plutonium into the atmosphere above ground. The underground facility was meant to be able to store nuclear waste for up to 10,000 years (only 1% of the time it takes to break down) but lasted only 16 of operation before its first disaster, with several hundred above-ground workers testing positive to radiation exposure, and airborne radiation detected several miles away.

Said Ryan Flynn, New Mexico’s Environment Secretary: “Events like this simply should never occur… one event is far too many.” But the reality is, they do inevitably happen, just as we have seen Chalk River (Canada), Windscale (UK), Hanford (Washington), South Ural Mountains (Russia), Three-Mile Island (Pennsylvania), Chernobyl (Ukraine), Rocky Flats (Colorado) and Tokaimura (Japan) and Fukushima (Japan). And now the St Louis region is threatened by ignition of waste stored next to the Mississippi River.

While nuclear power generation, nuclear fuel creation, and waste storage facilities clearly pose a danger, it is also important people realize that nuclear power and nuclear arms programs are inherently intertwined. When nuclear reactors produce electricity, they also produce plutonium, which is used to make nuclear bombs. In addition to the contamination caused by nuclear power generation, weapons development programs also create untold contamination, which the industry is unable to properly manage. In fact, in 2000, the National Academy of Sciences reported that most of the sites on which the US government has built nuclear bombs will never be cleaned up enough to allow public access to the land. Ever.

How many more regions of Earth Mother shall we allow to be poisoned and abandoned in the name of nuclear experimentation? Why do we accept the claims of nuclear advocates that nuclear energy is truly a sustainable energy system, when it is clearly not the case? Should we call ‘right’ what is so wrong because it is passively accepted by a society that is so busy with everyday life that it has no time to think deeply about its consequences?

Distracted and Misdirected

Just the fact we accept nuclear experimentation and its destructive consequences to the entirety of creation is proof we are collectively distracted, and misdirected. Simple logic shows us the devastating danger of the nuclear experiment, without the need to delve into the infinite complexity of the whole process.

We are now in year 70 of nuclear experimentation, since the first nuclear detonations in 1945, one in New Mexico (where indigenous people used to live) and two in Hiroshima and Nagasak that killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people instantly. As of July 2015, 30 countries worldwide are operating 438 nuclear reactors for electricity generation and 67 new nuclear plants are under construction in 15 countries. There are thousands of nuclear missiles at the ready, hundreds of open pits for both mining and waste storage, and unknown hundreds of sites working on building nuclear weaponry. To date there have been over 2,000 known nuclear detonations, three meltdowns at Fukushima, meltdowns at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, multiple meltdowns at Santa Susana in sunny Southern California, an ongoing disasters in Hanford and WIPP.

But that is just a list of the disasters we know about. In 2006 it was revealed that a partial meltdown occurred in 1959 at the Boeing-Rocketdyne (Santa Susana) nuclear testing facility northwest of Los Angeles. Although locals were led to believe that there were no serious releases of radioactivity, this accident is now known to have released the third highest amount of radioactive iodine of any disaster in nuclear history. This story was not made public until a class-action suit was filed (and won) against Boeing by local residents who complained ofnuclear-related cancers and thyroid abnormalities caused by their proximity to the facility.

And let’s not forget less obvious sources of environmental contamination, such as the nuclear WWII warship that was recovered from the ocean near the Farallon Islands off the San Francisco coast earlier this year.

Disturbingly, as far as the nuclear industry is concerned, environmental contamination, aging reactors and failing short-term storage infrastructures are just business as usual. For this reason, nuclear experimentation can be considered nothing but biological fascism; endangering countless lives for the benefit of the ruling few, it is the conjoining of corporate fantasies with pursuits in military might that causes us all to pay biologically and environmentally for their “progress”. With sustainable energy alternatives suppressed in favor of nuclear power, and none but the elite profiting from the horrors of nuclear war, our situation becomes clear — we have sustainable energy technologies, the problem is the oligarchy. And when we consider the biological damage that all life on our dear Earth Mother has suffered from the nuclear era, including our own biological make-up and those yet unborn into an increasingly irradiated environment, it is clear — all beings alive today and all life henceforth must deal with the consequences of increasing nuclear pollution, and unless we stand up and speak up, it will not only increase but become too much. History has shown us that, as long as nuclear experimentation continues, another major meltdown will inevitably occur in the near future, destroying another culture and devastating another region.

Personally Speaking…

I take nuclear experimentation personally. Biologically speaking, we all do actually, in the sense that everyone of us, our environment, our fellow life-forms and our food supply, has been negatively altered by nuclear experimentation. We all have Chernobyl and Fukushima radioactive elements in our bodies, in our soil, air, water and food. But I take this issue personally because of my personal experience. I lived near a number of different nuclear power plants as a youth, including Maine Yankee nuclear experiment and Indian Point nuclear experiment. I remember one 4th of July when my aunt and uncle were debating whether the siren going off at Maine Yankee, which blazed for at least fifteen minutes, meant that there was a meltdown or that the boys at the power plant were having a couple of cold ones and firing off the sirens to celebrate. Needless to say, being a kid growing up under the shadow of nuclear power plant, you become thankful July Fourth is only once a year.

Right around the same time I was going to school in Peekskill, New York, another town in earshot of the 12 o’clock noon siren test at the Indian Point facility. There was a well known leak, as far as leaks go, at that facility that took place at the same time I went with Mr. Debenedictus’s fourth grade class trip to the experiment, but the leak was secret at the time. Because this leak was kept secret, as the industry so often does, my fourth grade class was invited to visit the failing nuclear experiment when there was a leak in progress. So I take it personally: like so many other innocent folks, I too was endangered by the failings and coverups of the nuclear industry.


At any rate, when discussing the issue of nuclear experimentation with those who don’t understand the dangers, I use the Maine Yankee and Indian Point sites as examples, because they indisputably illustrate the dangers of nuclear power generation experiments.

The Maine Yankee experiment is now closed and the waste has nowhere to go, is not stored properly and should have been removed to long term storage facilities, according to operating agreements, years ago. Like all the nuclear power sites in the U.S.A., both decommissioned and still in operation, the spent fuel rests precariously on site, in unsafe short term storage. And since the storage experiment at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico failed, there is nowhere to move any of this waste and no plan for its disposal whatsoever.

As for Indian Point, it is one of the oldest nuclear power generation experiments still in operation in the world, and is the same GE design as the archaic reactors at Fukushima 1. In my mind, this site represents the epitome of what is wrong with operating nuclear power generation experiments: if something goes wrong, as it did in Fukushima, millions of Americans will potentially be harmed.

And, yes, I take that personally.

Educate to Legislate

Every human without a dark heart (or cesium-induced holes in their brain) sees the dangers and asks, ‘What can I do?’ And as the looming darkness of nuclear destruction comes to light, we often experience a period of futility, when the machine appears to be too big to stop. But in a cultural state of separation and disempowerment, we forget the power of our numbers; that we are the 99.9999999999999999999%

For this reason, one of the best things we can all do is educate and inspire other humans, and appeal to their compassionate hearts to take action against those deadly systems of the military industrial complex and the fascists who profit from them — while life on Earth today and tomorrow suffers at their expense.

As President Eisenhower so accurately described: “We must not fail to comprehend its grave implications… Only an alert and knowledgeable citizen can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense, with our peaceful methods and goals. So that security and liberty may prosper, together.”

Yet, beyond this general approach of educating the collective, change can be created by understanding and using the very system that protects it, and benefits from, the influence of the military industrial complex.

A Memorial Bill is a House Bill that is presented to the state legislature. In the U.S.A., anyone can present Memorial Bills to the House of Representative/Delegates in their state. And the bill can be whatever you want it to be. The main requirement of Memorial Bills is you have to get state representatives and/or senators to sponsor it, which means you have to play inside their box, and play by their rules. And, with information and tenacity and just the memorial relationship, these can be used to demand that the nuclear time-bombs that operate in your state are closed, and that they effectively manage the radioactive waste following their shutdown.

The following points are either useful for a Memorial Bill or, if you cannot put together a Memorial Bill in response to the local nuclear experiment in your region, consider these to be talking points for educating critically thinking beings.

Why End The Nuclear Experiment?

  • Because of the ongoing disasters at WIPP, Hanford and Fukushima 1, because all the industrial professionals said that such circumstances could never occur and yet they did, because they failed to have the foresight not to question these potentials, nor plan for them and because of what is at stake, that is more and more regions of the nation and planet being too radioactively contaminated to support life or healthy living, because of the further unanticipated and ongoing dilemmas at the waste sites that continue to be regional threats, and again because of the track record of unforeseen and unconsidered circumstances coming to reality we demand that nuclear experimentation be ceased and the waste properly store the waste into HOSS facilities, preferably somewhere contaminated already, preferably not right on he coast, where it can be monitored properly instead of being a constant threat to our people, groundwater, livelihood and ecology in total.
  • Because two designers of these reactors stated that they were prone to accidents and quit there jobs with GE over disagreements about the reactor design. This reactor design is the same as two of three of the reactors that suffered triple meltouts in Fukushima forever destroying regions of Japan.
  • Because, unknowns aside, what we do know about Fukushima is tragic enough to dictate immediate international action and closure of all nuclear power generation experiments worldwide. Still uncontained over 4 years after the initial meltdown, a report in May 2015 revealed that “containers holding contaminated water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant are at risk of hydrogen explosions, with 10 percent of them found to be leaking. As many as 333 containers may be defective, according to TEPCO.”
  • Because the failures of the nuclear industry directly threaten life, liberty the pursuit of happiness, and their effects are not limited by borders or legislative jurisdictions. International incidents have negatively impacted the United States, some of which involved American corporate engineering.
  • Because each nuclear experiment built merely provides power to small areas and yet risks destroying entire regions and damaging ecosystems for periods of time far beyond human comprehension. Geomagnetic solar storms could cause power outages and shutdowns of all major electrical infrastructure, threatening the safety of nuclear power experiments in multiple ways — mainly because they are all designed to require the input of outside energy sources, despite producing energy themselves. Go figure.
  • Because only recently including an earthquake shook the Eastern Seaboard that was stronger than predicted and nearly caused a meltdown in Virginia that we are aware of. And because nuclear power experimentation require everything to work out exactly as predicted, yet is dependent on aging infrastructure, changing environmental conditions (tsunamis, earthquakes), external power sources and a whole crew of humans who must never make mistakes. Case in point is the ongoing question of the New Madrid earthquake faultline, where numerous nuclear power experiments reside.
  • Because of the nuclear industry’s history of deception and ‘downplaying’ the seriousness of its failings, and the corruption of nuclear regulation which enables it to continue regardless.
  • Because we are dealing with complex realities about which the accident prone nuclear industry is basically clueless, and which become more complicated and dangerous as incidents progress. When accidents occur those who tout the virtues of nuclear experimentation are commonly heard to say, ‘we didn’t think that could happen’, proving the experiment too complex and too risky to continue in unforeseen ignorance. We know enough to know we don’t know enough to continue.

Morihiro Hosokawa quote on nuclear energy

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