The Silent Deficiency Robbing Your Heart, Brain, and Other Systems of their Vitality

CoQ10 by itself is also known as ubiquinone. To benefit from the form of the nutrient needed to produce cellular energy and help you reduce the typical signs of aging, your body must convert the ubiquinone to ubiquinol.

Ubiquinol exists everywhere there is life… it’s ubiquitous!

The challenge you face as you age is this — your body levels of CoQ10 continue to diminish.

In addition, your capability to convert CoQ10 to ubiquinol also declines. It becomes more and more difficult for you to produce the ubiquinol you need due to:

Grandparents benefitting from CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Supplements
If you take statin drugsCritical CoQ10 levels decline as you age. So I believe this is a must-have supplement!
  • Increased metabolic demand
  • Oxidative stress
  • Insufficient dietary CoQ10 intake
  • Deficiency of factors required for biosynthesis and ubiquinol conversion
  • Potential effects from illness and disease
  • Age-related changes in your genes
  • And any combination of these factors

Some reports say your CoQ10 level decline becomes apparent as early as your 20’s.

The good news is with the Mercola Advanced Nutrition supplement, you now can have the ubiquinol formula direct… the active form of the CoQ10 nutrient*.

Your added benefits from the ubiquinol formula can be significant as you…

  • Potentially absorb more CoQ10 — as shown in studies by enhanced blood plasma levels*
  • Become less dependent on your body to convert ubiquinone to ubiquinol… In the plasma of healthy humans, more than 90% of CoQ10 exists in the reduced form (ubiquinol).*
  • Absorb CoQ10 that’s already in the active state your body needs*
  • Receive the reduced (unoxidized) form of CoQ10 for added cellular energy*
  • Get a strong first stage defense against oxygen free radicals to help you reduce the typical signs of aging and optimize your health*

However, not everyone needs the ubiquinol formula. If you’re younger than 25, your body should absorb regular CoQ10 just fine.

In fact, research studies show that younger people don’t absorb ubiquinol as well as older folks. So if you’re young, sticking to a regular formula makes more sense.

That’s why I decided to offer both regular CoQ10 and ubiquinol-based CoQ10 in my line of Mercola Advanced Nutrition supplements.

Plus, I’m so convinced of the reduced aging and energy-boosting capabilities, I personally recommend Mercola Advanced Nutrition Ubiquinol to family and friends over 25.

And let me show you more on…

How to Help Turn Your Declining CoQ10 Levels into a Healthier YOU*

Coenzyme Q10 CoQ10 and Ubiquinol

The Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements can help you in many different ways to complement your healthy diet and energize your life.

  • Help you produce more energy for your cells*
    • Act as a catalyst in your body’s various chemical reactions, leading to the production of energy.*
    • Ignite your body’s engine by jump-starting energy production in your cells.*
    • You’ll enjoy your new-found energy and stamina levels.*
  • Boost your heart health*
    • Help strengthen your overall cardiovascular system.*
    • Help maintain and balance the critical energy level needed in your body’s most vital muscle… your heart.*
    • Since you’re passionate about life, you need an optimally-functioning heart.*
  • Act as an antioxidant to help protect you from free radicals*
    • Provide your body with added defense against oxidation stress to your cells, tissues, and organs.*
    • Help recharge other antioxidant nutrients to their active states — and keep them working for you.*
    • You’ll feel good about yourself, knowing you’re taking steps to live a healthy life.*
  • Help you reduce the signs of normal aging*
    • Help you potentially feel more alert and responsive.*
    • By keeping blood levels high in CoQ10, help you maintain your vitality.*
    • You’re determined to feel young and full of life… don’t let aging get the best of you.*
  • Help you maintain blood pressure levels within the normal range*
    • Promote healthy blood circulation in your body and a more efficient heart.*
    • Research indicates maintaining proper levels of CoQ10 can help you maintain normal blood pressure levels.*
    • Just by knowing you’re taking more steps to take control of your health, you could feel more relaxed and less stressed out.*
  • Provide a boost to your immune system*
    • Help promote your healthy immune system.*
    • Help support your immune system by providing a defense against free radicals.*
    • You’ll feel great about yourself knowing you’re taking action to potentially boost your immune system.*
  • Support your nervous system*
    • Help promote an active mind.*
    • Your brain is one of the most active organs in your body and requires uninterrupted energy.*
    • Nothing beats having an active mind to help you deal with all of life’s challenges — and to help you make healthy decisions for your family.*

By now, you should see the power of CoQ10 and ubiquinol, and understand why I believe they provide you with extraordinary benefits to complement your healthy diet.*

There’s another very strong reason to take CoQ10 supplements…

Why You Should Replenish Your CoQ10 Levels When Taking Statin Drugs

If you or anyone you know is taking a statin drug, I truly believe it is absolutely essential to start taking a CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplement immediately to replenish your CoQ10 levels.

Replenish Your CoQ10 Levels
If you take statin drugs to lower cholesterol, I believe it’s essential for you to replenish your CoQ10 levels!


Statin drugs work to lower your cholesterol in the same pathway your body uses to produce CoQ10.

Now you might ask: “Why would you take a statin drug in the first place?”

Good question.

Normally, I believe well over 99% of people placed on statin drugs do not need them (although you should always consult a physician before stopping any medication).

I believe people should be able to easily optimize their cholesterol levels with simple lifestyle changes.

However, I have been practicing medicine for far too long to know the journey to good health can be long and complex for many. Some people simply require more time to make the transitions in weaning off these dangerous drugs.

So if you or someone you care about is taking a statin, I recommend (based on your age) you start using a high quality CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplement right away.

But not just any CoQ10 supplements.

To be in line with my mission to provide you only the best, you should…

Never, Ever Settle for 2nd Best

As with any supplement I recommend on my site, I established stringent criteria to find you the ultimate CoQ10 and ubiquinol formulas.

This thorough process ensures you can take full advantage of all the benefits the supplements have to offer.

My strict criteria for selecting top-notch CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements for you?

They must:

  • Deliver high-absorption formulas regardless of your age*
  • NOT contain any synthetic ingredients
  • Come from a highly reputable company with some of the strictest quality control and safety standard practices in place

So far, I believe the Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 supplements deliver high-absorption formulas*. That’s why I offer both regular CoQ10 for those under 25 years old, and ubiquinol if you’re over 25.

I’ll cover more on my selection criteria later on. But first, here are even more advantages you’ll get from using these supplements and…

Why These Formulas Stand Above the Rest

As you’ve already seen, using a high-quality CoQ10 or ubiquinol supplement provides you great benefits:*

And in my opinion, statin drug users should begin taking the supplement immediately to help replenish their CoQ10 levels.

With my Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 and ubiquinol supplements, there are even more possible advantages for you in the way they…

  • Support healthy gums*
  • Boost your body’s immune system*
  • Help maintain normal blood sugar levels*
  • Support muscle recovery from intensive workouts*
  • Promote normalization of your weight*

It gets even better, as my Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 supplements are…

Does Not Contain Any Synthetics

Very exclusive processes drive the creation of these supplements. Innovative manufacturing using biological fermentation delivers pure CoQ10 and ubiquinol.

This is right in line with one of my most stringent selection criteria.

These processes ensure you get stabilized, high-absorption formulas.

And when it comes to ubiquinol, one of the biggest challenges faced by any manufacturer is how easily ubiquinol oxidizes in the air. This adds to the instability of the nutrient.

To overcome this issue, the manufacturer of the Mercola Advanced Nutrition Ubiquinol supplement established technology that enables the production of ubiquinol in stable bulk quantities.

This results in a formula that achieves higher elevations of circulating CoQ10 in your bloodstream.*

Plus, there’s more terrific news about ubiquinol…

Licaps® — New and Exciting Delivery Technology

Ubiquinol is now delivered in a “Licaps®” capsule instead of a softgel or caplique. Licaps use innovative “Fusion Technology” to seal a 2-piece capsule without the use of banding.

This extraordinary liquid capsule technology can provide many beneficial advantages over others because it…

  • Reduces oxidation potential by flushing the liquid formulation with nitrogen during the capsule-filling process – Creates a ‘freshness bubble’
  • Ensures 2-piece capsules are hermetically sealed to significantly reduce the potential for leakage – Yields a precisely tight, one-piece capsule
  • Enhances shelf-life through exemplary filling and sealing processes

The bottom line with Licaps… the possibility of leakage is virtually reduced to zero while absorption is enhanced.

Over a Year Spent Selecting Just the Right Manufacturer

My team and I spent over 18 months doing our due diligence with the Licaps’ manufacturer Capsugel, before agreeing to any sort of partnership.

And I wasn’t just satisfied to read and hear about Capsugel’s incredible innovation and quality processes, I personally traveled there myself to witness them first-hand.

Just as you look at credentials when you’re hiring a contractor or an employee, it’s wise to highly scrutinize the credentials of the company making your supplements… and that’s exactly what I did with this manufacturer.

In choosing Capsugel to produce my ubiquinol formula, careful attention was paid to their quality processes… so you would have the very best ubiquinol product I could find to enhance your health.

Here is just some of the history behind this innovative company…

  • Developed the concept of sealing a capsule without ‘banding’ in response to consumer safety concerns in the late 1980s (called ‘Licaps’)
  • Spent more than 15 years developing the Licaps capsule design and processes
  • Successfully received cGMP certification for its facility in France in 2003
  • Has been a world-leader in capsule manufacturing for more than a century – Has 10 manufacturing sites running 24/7 in the Americas, Asia, and Europe
  • Produces over 50% of all two-piece capsules out there today – more than 180 billion capsules on an annual basis

You can rest assured knowing that my team and I have made a well thought-out and investigated choice in providing you a high-quality product.

Have Trouble Swallowing Capsules or Pills?

According to a Harris interactive survey…

  • At one time or another, an astonishing 40% of American adults experience pill-swallowing difficulties…
  • Almost twice as many women as men (51% vs. 27%) have difficulty swallowing pills…
  • Shockingly… only 14% inform their doctors of this difficulty…

And surprisingly, the ‘40% statistic’ also applies to people who don’t usually have difficulty swallowing food.

Perhaps you’ve had problems swallowing capsules or pills at one time or another… or, maybe it’s become a constant challenge in your life.

To help with this issue and for folks who simply don’t want to take capsules or pills, I’ve come up with the perfect alternative for my ubiquinol supplement in the—Mercola Advanced Nutrition Ubiquinol Liquid Pump.

The key to the Ubiquinol Liquid Pump supplement is the airless pump technology my team uncovered while searching for a healthful tea to go on the site as well.

The airless pump technology helps preserve the ubiquinol from oxygen intrusion – One of the biggest factors that may cause ubiquinol to go oxidize is the air itself.

To use, simply pump it into a drink or onto your favorite salad… no more capsules and pills if you want to avoid them. And it tastes similar to olive oil.

Why Would You Settle for Inferior Quality?

Just as my team and I performed thorough ‘due diligence’ with the ubiquinol supplements, the same holds true for my regular CoQ10 formula… Advanced Nutrition CoQ10

It was a must that the developer and manufacturer of regular CoQ10 could demonstrate proven quality practices.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of CoQ10 supplements on the market today… but there are only a few great ones out there.

When I first started my investigation, the low quality demonstrated by so many companies absolutely shocked me.

But after many long months researching CoQ10 manufacturers, I believe the manufacturer of choice for my regular formula is one of the top CoQ10 supplement producers in the U.S. today.

Here’s why I firmly believe the manufacturer of Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 clearly stands apart in it’s quality standard practices…

  • Follows strict Pharmaceutical GMP standards in its manufacturing processes
  • Awarded and filed applications on at least 24 US and international patents — including 10 for its manufacturing processes
  • Announced self-affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status–performed all necessary research and provided supporting materials regarding production methods, quality assurance, and safety (no objection letter was issued)

You should clearly see why I chose this manufacturer to provide you with the highest quality Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 supplement.

Don’t ever settle for a supplement unless it is solidly backed by a manufacturer practicing the highest quality standards.

To you, quality means a consistent top-of-the-line product every time you use it.

How High-Quality Means Exceptional Value You Can Rely On

The scientific community continues to conduct many research studies using CoQ10 in both ubiquinone and ubiquinol forms.

To date, the safety and reliability reports on these supplements remain solid.

This should always be important to you when considering taking any supplement… I know it is for me.

  • From the American Cancer Society: “Few serious reactions to CoQ10 have been reported.”
  • From the University of Maryland Medical Center: “Coenzyme Q10 appears to be generally safe with no significant side effects…”
  • From the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH): “No serious side effects have been reported from the use of coenzyme Q10.”

I bet you agree — this is excellent feedback on CoQ10 safety.

With the superior high-quality practices in place for the entire family of Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 supplements, I feel these are true winners.

And here are…

5 Clear-Cut Reasons For You to Act Now

Now you should understand why I’m so excited to bring you these extraordinary CoQ10 supplements. They passed all of my stringent selection criteria for supplements to be offered on my site.

Let me quickly summarize all this for you with 5 clear-cut reasons why you should take action and order these supplements without delay.

The Mercola Advanced Nutrition CoQ10 supplements can:

  1. Boost your energy and stamina levels*
  2. Support the health of your cardiovascular system*
  3. Help you feel younger and reduce the normal signs of aging*
  4. Enhance the support of your immune and nervous systems*
  5. Replenish your CoQ10 levels if you’re taking a statin drug*

Before you jump in and place your order, there’s some real important information I want you to have in…

How Two Different Types of Antioxidants Work Together
to Neutralize Free Radicals*

Antioxidants are generally classified into two broad categories…water soluble (hydrophilic) and lipid soluble (hydrophobic).

Your body needs both types of antioxidants because each one targets different types of cells and tissues for free radical scavenging…

  • Water soluble antioxidants – These are present in aqueous fluids, such as blood and intracellular and extracellular fluids. They react with oxidants in the cell cytosol (fluid portion of cytoplasm) and the blood plasma. Examples of water soluble antioxidants include… vitamin C, glutathione, and catechins.
  • Lipid soluble antioxidants – These are localized to cellular membranes and lipoproteins. They protect cell membranes from lipid peroxidation.* Examples of lipid-soluble antioxidants include… vitamins E, A, and beta carotene.

The bottom line… to fight and help neutralize pesky free radicals, you need both types of antioxidants from as many sources as possible.*  When taken together, the efficacy of water- and lipid-soluble antioxidants is enhanced even more.

The antioxidants found in Purple Defense (anthocyanins, polyphenols, resveratrol) are water-soluble antioxidants. Both Astaxanthin and Ubiquinol contain lipid-soluble antioxidants.

Each type of antioxidant has its own special function in helping repair and protect your cells from free radical damage.* Water-soluble Purple Defense helps repair the interior of cells… Lipid-soluble Astaxanthin helps repair fat/cell membranes… Lipid-soluble Ubiquinol acts as an antioxidant recycler for vitamins C and E.*

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