Why men need to learn how to cry .

New research has found that 80 per cent of men repress feelings of anxiety rather than externalising their emotions. Mental health experts say the brave face isn’t helping anyone

Mental health charity Mind believe crying is the first step in dealing with your problems

Mental health charity Mind believe crying is the first step in dealing with your problems

Research from the mental health charity Mind has found that four in five 18- to 34-year-old men put on a brave face when they are anxious. Anxiety is one of the most prevalent mental health problems and Mind believes that crying is both an powerful and proactive way to counteract its adverse effects.

The new statistics were gathered to help the charity to compile a free guide that is launched today and will aim to help people better understand how to cope with stress and anxiety.

It has been suggested that established gender attitudes may be the main cause of male introversion. The study reported that one in five men felt that showing their emotions was a sign of weakness, compared to one in seven women. And, statistically, only 16 per cent of men have cried in the last month, a figure life coach Sally Ann Law is concerned by.

“Crying can be a very effective, and often quite quick, way to lift our mood and allow us to access emotions other than sadness and distress. Of course, men might struggle not to feel embarrassed to cry in front of others – particularly other men – as crying can be judged as sign of weakness. However, I don’t agree with that view.

“In my coaching practice,” continues Law, “I meet men who cry when they are describing something that is painful and distressing to them. They often apologise for crying – as do many of my female clients – but I try to reassure them that it’s absolutely OK to express their sadness that way.”

Tennis player Andy Murray succumbed to emotion after being beaten by Roger Federer

Tennis player Andy Murray succumbed to emotion after being beaten by Roger Federer  

Crying has been the subject of many scientific debates, with academics still unsure whether or not humans are the only species who cry for emotional reasons. Socially, we are the most complex creatures on Earth and so, predictably, we cry for many different reasons.

There are three different types of tears: basal, reflex and psychic. Whilst basal and reflex tears are involuntary – defending your body against dryness and onions alike – psychic tears are emotionally produced. Stemming from strong feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety or even overwhelming joy, psychic tears contain a natural painkiller called leucine enkephalin, which helps you manage any emotional overloads.

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Stephen Buckley, the Head of Information at Mind, explains that “anyone can be affected by a mental health problem, but men are far less likely than women to seek support. Mind research showed that almost a third of men would be embarrassed about seeking help for a mental health problem and less than a quarter of men would visit their GP if they felt down for more than two weeks, in comparison to a third of women.”

Crying is a key way of externalising these problems, and the first step towards seeking help.

“Issues such as self-stigmatisation,” continues Buckley, “or the idea that ‘real men don’t cry’, can prevent men from accessing the help that they need. Men are half as likely to talk to their friends about problems as women and only 31pc of men would discuss worries with their relatives, compared to 54pc of women.

“While women tend to have a solid network of friends and family with whom they are comfortable discussing emotional issues, men are much more likely to rely solely on their partner – if anyone at all. This puts men at a greater risk of emotional isolation.”

James Van Der Beek's infamous crying scene in Dawson's Creek

James Van Der Beek’s infamous crying scene in Dawson’s Creek 

The new research shows that whilst men and women deal with their anxiety in different ways – with women more likely to cry and men tending to ‘bottle up’ their emotions – the triggers of these negative thoughts are largely the same. Job interviews, moving house and having a health problem were all commonly cited as contributors to anxious feelings.

Curiously, the only standout statistic concerned marriage. The research found that men were twice as likely to experience serious anxiety before tying the knot than their brides-to-be.

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However, be it cold feet or when the heat is on, Mind are mindful that men are suffering anxiety and mental health problems in greater numbers than women. And as incongruous as it may seem, opening up emotionally and having a weep is an important step in overcoming your problems.

As Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, rather poetically summarises: “It’s time for us all to stop holding back the tears and reach out for support.”

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