WARNING : There’s A New Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV

This newly discovered disease is worse than HIV. Human Papilloma Virus, better known as HPV is responsible for this disease. It is the newest superbug and lot of people will die of it. Here are some points which prove that HPV is worse than HIV.

WARNING Theres A New Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV
WARNING:Theres A New Deadly Disease Worse Than HIV

#1 The Condom Misconception

But condoms have one huge failing that often goes overlooked: they can’t fully protect against the Human papillomavirus, better known as HPV. It doesn’t sound pretty, it doesn’t look pretty, and especially for women, HPV is a silent killer that can lie dormant for years unnoticed before it strikes.

#2 The HPV Nightmare

HPV is the most commonly transmitted STI in the United States. It’s actually a catch-all category for nearly 150 strains of similar viruses, many of which cause nasty looking warts.

#3 A Prolific Virus

HPV is so common, almost all sexually active men and women contract it at some point in their lives. The virus is spread by intimate skin-to-skin contact, meaning that anywhere two bodies touch, HPV can be spread—which makes condoms only somewhat effective in preventing it.

A Prolific Virus
A Prolific Virus

#4 Contracting The Virus

HPV can be passed from person to person, even when the infected individual has no signs or symptoms of the virus. It can take years for any symptoms to show up after being infected with HPV, and some people never experience any symptoms at all.

Contracting The Virus
Contracting The Virus

#5 Ties To Cancer

HPV is none too pretty to look at, but for women especially, the virus can prove deadly. It’s closely tied with cervical cancer, which is a leading killer of women. Two types of the virus, HPV types 16 and 18, account for nearly 70% of all cervical cancer cases.

Ties To Cancer
Ties To Cancer

#6 Danger To Women

Women are also at a much higher risk of contracting the virus than men. Male-to-female transmission has a 5% higher rate of occurrence than female-to-male transmission.

Danger To Women
Danger To Women

HIV might still be the most feared sexually transmitted disease, but it’s not necessarily the easiest to contract. Human papillomavirus is one of the leading killers of women worldwide.

How the universe’s brightest galaxies were born

How the universe's brightest galaxies were born
Image shows the gas density distribution of one instance in time of the model starburst galaxy, spanning approximately 650,000 light years across. Extreme star formation in the central galaxy is fueled by significant gas inflows, rendering it extremely bright. 

The brightest galaxies in our universe are fuelled by what their gravity sucks in, not through explosive mergers of star systems as scientists previously argued, researchers said Wednesday.

In what may be the most complete explanation yet of how these enormous collections of stars and dust came to be, scientists found the galaxies pulled in and then used it to pump out the equivalent of up to 2,000 Suns per year, according to a study in Nature.

By comparison, our own galaxy—the Milky Way—turns out stars at the rate of about one “Sun” per year.

The brilliant light put off by these so-called submillimetre galaxies (SMGs)—named for the part of the electromagnetic spectrum they use—is all but invisible to the naked eye.

“The massive galaxy grows via [pulling in] gas from intergalactic space and forms stars at a steady but large rate for nearly a billion years,” study co-author Desika Narayanan of Haverford College in the United States told AFP.

These galaxies date from the early days of our roughly 14-billion-year-old universe, but researchers have only known about them for a couple of decades.

Their brightness, which gives off 1,000 times the light of the Milky Way, is due mostly to their prolific output of stars.

Movie shows rotating view of extreme infrared-luminous starburst region in the early Universe, just a few billion years after the Big Bang. The model suggests that extreme infrared-luminous regions observed by submillimetre-wave telescopes are often comprised of groups of galaxies in the early Universe that will grow to be massive clusters in the present day. 

Scientists disagree on how the SMGs were born, but one of the favoured explanations is that they result from slamming together and exploding into an intense burst of star-making.

But Narayanan says this theory can’t account for all the qualities of super bright galaxies, especially their relatively large sizes, since mergers tend to make rather compact galaxies.

Enigmatic galaxy

To test their own gravity-based explanation, Narayanan and colleagues used super computers to simulate the creation of an SMG.

How the universe's brightest galaxies were born
Image shows distribution of galaxies across the infrared luminous region, at a given instance in time. The colours denote the gas density. The model suggests that extreme infrared-luminous regions observed by submillimetre-wave telescopes are often comprised of groups of galaxies in the early Universe (just a few billion years after the Big Bang) that will grow to be massive clusters of galaxies at the present day. 

They found that the galaxies grew by pulling in gas that was then used to make which—because they were new—radiated exceptional amounts of light.

Mergers did not have a significant impact, even if SMGs can include clusters of galaxies which bump up their brightness, the study concluded.

“The galaxies collectively contribute to the local luminosity and render the system extremely bright,” Narayanan said.

The simulations were so complex that it took thousands of networked computers more than a month to do only a part of the calculations.

The team also ran models to track how light would move through these newly-created galaxies to see if the simulated outcome would resemble the real thing.

“These results provide one of the most viable models thus far for one of the most enigmatic (features of space) that we know about,” Narayanan said.

The researchers were astounded to discover that, according to their calculations, submillimetre remain super bright for almost a billion years.

Usually, intensely luminous phenomena in the universe burn out relatively quickly—a mere tens of millions of years.

Researchers fail to replicate STAP study; computational analysis reveals genomic inconsistency

Tremendous controversy erupted in early 2014 when two papers published in Nature described how a technique called “stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency,” or STAP, could quickly and efficiently turn ordinary cells into pluripotent stem cells, that is, stem cells capable of developing into all the tissues in the body.

The simplicity of the approach—subjecting the cells to particular stresses like mild acid exposure—seemed too good to be true. And it was.

Almost immediately stem cell researchers around the world began questioning the results, as repeated attempts to replicate the findings failed. After an investigation by the journal revealed many problems and inconsistencies with the data, the papers were retracted.

Despite the retractions, claims persisted that the essential science of STAP was valid and that issues of replication could be solved through refined protocols. As a result, a group of scientists representing seven international laboratories and led by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital pooled their collective efforts to replicate STAP, which included experiments conducted in the lab where STAP was first developed. They also went beyond the original experiments and analyzed publicly available with newly developed bioinformatics algorithms.

Collectively, researchers worldwide were unable to replicate the findings reported in the original STAP papers. These negative results will be published in Nature, along with a companion paper that describes universal hallmarks of pluripotency, providing a roadmap that researchers can use to determine whether they have in fact created induced , or iPS cells.

“The scientific process requires replicating and extending existing data,” said George Q. Daley, HMS professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Boston Children’s and co-senior author on both papers addressing the STAP controversy. “We appreciate that can be difficult. We must strive for ever-higher standards of rigor up front, which can be at odds with the rush to publish in this increasingly competitive environment.”

One experiment that the researchers sought to replicate involved a gene called Oct4, one of the most consistent markers of iPS cells. Most scientists agree that Oct4 is essential. To test for Oct4, researchers use a green fluorescent protein that activates when Oct4 is present. In the original STAP studies, the researchers did in fact detect green fluorescence in the cells, leading them to believe that they had induced pluripotency.

However, when Alejandro De Los Angeles, a scientist in the Daley lab, repeated the protocol, he noticed what researchers call “autofluorescence,” a tendency for some molecules in cells to emit light randomly when excited by lasers. The lasers used to detect green fluorescence require proper filters to separate random signal from noise. After exposing cells to the original acid treatment and adjusting for the appropriate laser filters, the researchers detected no active presence of Oct4.

Another hallmark of pluripotent is their ability to form teratomas, benign tumors that arise when stem cells differentiate into multiple tissues when injected into mice. While the original STAP papers claim to have found teratomas, researchers attempting to replicate teratomas from STAP preparations discovered adverse chemical reactions that could have been mistaken for teratoma formation. Aside from this, no teratomas were found.

In analyzing the original experiments, Peter Park, HMS associate professor of biomedical informatics, developed a set of algorithmic tools to analyze the original genomic data from the study. He refers to this approach as “forensic bioinformatics.”

At first this was challenging because publicly available data sets from the original study were incomplete and poorly labeled. But once Park’s team members had gathered enough data, they were able to determine in less than a month that the initial studies were problematic.

Inferring genetic variants in the DNA of the cells from gene expression data, Francesco Ferrari, a postdoctoral fellow in the Park lab, and his colleagues found that many of the cells described as STAP cells were genomically distinct from their predecessors. In some cases, they were even different genders. In one critical experiment where STAP-derived cells were reported to behave like both embryonic and placental stem cells, it was found that the cell populations were in fact a mixture of embryonic and placental stem cells that pre-existed in the lab.

“At the very least, journals should enforce proper annotation and timely deposition of datasets into public databases,” said Park. “It won’t prevent this sort of thing from ever happening again, but it is an easily attainable safeguard.”

Furthermore, Park emphasized the importance of careful bioinformatic analysis in these studies, noting that “if the authors, their colleagues or the referees of the manuscripts had the right expertise in genomic data analysis, the STAP cell idea could have been discredited much earlier with the data they had already generated. That would have saved so much time and effort for researchers around the world who tried to replicate the findings.”

“Ultimately, we need to have more checks and balances in science,” said Daley, who is also an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “Incentives in the system are so stacked toward being productive and publishing and getting grants that it can lead even very well-intentioned people into too easily accepting their own cognitive biases.”

Psychedelic Mushroom Compound Found to Grow and Repair Brain Cells.

mushroom psychedelic brain cells 263x164 Psychedelic Mushroom Compound Found to Grow and Repair Brain CellsYou may know them as “shrooms”, “Magic mushrooms”, psilocybic mushrooms, or you may not know them at all. They are a natural plant that, like marijuana, is banned by the U.S. Government. But like marijuana, these mushrooms may not be without medical properties. Like marijuana, they could deserve a place on natural medicine shelves for their ability to treat depression, eradicate mental illness, and improve cognition – not in police evidence rooms.

According to research from the University of South Florida, psilocybin, the active component within psychedelic mushrooms, is able to grow new brain cells—potentially offering treatment for mental illness and improving cognition.

The study, published in Experimental Brain Research, says psilocybin is able to bind to special receptors in the brain that stimulate healing and growth. In the case of these mushrooms, brain cell growth occurs. In mice, the researchers found psilocybin to actually help repair damaged brain cells and cure or relieve PTSD and depression.

Lead researcher, Dr. Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos, tested the effects of psilocybin by training mice to fear an electric shock when they heard a noise associated with the shock. Then, by giving them psilocybin, the mice were able to stop reacting to the noise-trigger much faster than those mice not treated with the mushroom compound.

“The proposition that psilocybin impacts cognition and stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis is based on extensive evidence that serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) acting on specific 5-HT receptor sub-types (most likely the 5-HT2A receptor) is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis in hippocampus,” says Dr. Sanchez-Ramos according toNaturalNews. “The in vitro and in vivo animal data is compelling enough to explore whether psilocybin will enhance neurogenesis and result in measurable improvements in learning.”

Other research also shows that this same compound could greatly help with depression, helping the majority of participants in one study achieve great well-being.

Psilocybin is referred to as a “nootropic” agent, or one that has numerous functions in the brain that can improve hippocampus health. The hippocampus is part of the brain responsible for learning as well as converting short-term memory to long-term memory. New brain cells in the hippocampus from the psilocybin translates into a healthier and sharper brain overall.

The research on psychedelic mushrooms is limited—far more limited than the research on marijuana. Because these mushrooms are known for causing hallucinations, unguarded self-treatment isn’t recommended. However, this plant, like marijuana, does not deserve a place in the Schedule I classification of illegal substances. Like marijuana, the U.S. government has determined ‘shrooms as having no medicinal value’—an obviously-flawed determination.

Humans can be identified by the unique ‘microbial cloud’ that surrounds them.

It’s made of farts and skin bacteria.

It’s no secret that we’re covered in microscopic organisms, both inside and out. In fact, there are 10 times more bacterial cells in our bodies than human cells, and they make up 98 percent of our genetic material, setting up shop everywhere, from inside our mouths and the tips of our eyelashes, to under our skin and in our digestive systems.

And I’m sorry to tell you this, but whatever you do – whether it’s waving to someone, scratching your head, or just sitting quietly in a chair – you’ll be surrounded by a ‘cloud’ of microbes that are being shed from your body at a constant rate, 24 hours a day. And because everyone’s microbe population – or biome – is unique, so is your disgusting microbial cloud, and scientists now think the tiny creatures you leave behind can be used to identify you.

A new study led by James Meadow, formerly of the University of Oregon in the US, concludes that it’s demonstrated for the first time that “individuals release their own personalised microbial cloud”, and this cloud is made up of three main sources – dust, particles from our clothing, and particles from ourselves.

As Nick Stockton puts it so eloquently at Wired:

“When you pick your nose, burp your ABCs, or signal your compliments to the chef, gut microbes join the cloud. And, sorry if you were eating, but your farticles are also a medium for all the gut microbes living in you. Quoting a colleague, Meadow says, ‘The world is covered in a fine patina of faeces.’”

Meadow and his colleagues tested the ‘uniqueness’ of human microbial clouds by asking three volunteers to sit alone in a sanitised chamber filled with filtered air. They were each asked to put on an identical brand-new outfit so their clothing emissions would be the same, and sit in a disinfected chair and use a sterilised laptop to communicate to the researchers outside. For the first session they had to remain in the chamber for 4 hours and then after a break, returned for another 2 hours.

As each volunteer unwittingly shed their various microbes, they would be filtered out of the chamber and genetically sequenced so the researchers could figure out which types of bacteria each person contained. The most common bacteria they found were Streptococcus from the mouth, Corynebacterium and Propionibacterium from the skin.

The team then set up another experiment to see if they could use these microbe clouds to identify their volunteers. Eight new volunteers were asked to sit in the sterilised chamber for two 90-minute sessions, and their discarded microbes were analysed as they were in the first experiment.

“We expected that we would be able to detect the human microbiome in the air around a person, but we were surprised to find that we could identify most of the occupants just by sampling their microbial cloud,” Meadow told CBS News. The results were published in the journal PeerJ.

When it comes to using microbial clouds to identify people in the future – such as criminals who have fled the scene but left their discarded microbes behind – things won’t be so easy. In theory, police could identify specific microbes from places a person has been, or things they’ve eaten, but unless the crime scene happens to be anything other than a sterilised chamber, there’ll be plenty of other things discarding their own microbes, such as other people, animals, and dusty objects.

Perhaps a more promising application is identifying the spread of infections and disease in hospitals, as Stockton explains:

“That knowledge will help shape microbiome cloud research in fields like contagious disease and forensics. In hospitals, nobody really knows how germs spread. Since leaving Oregon State University, Meadow has joined a biotech company in San Francisco that wants to use the understanding of microbial clouds to help hospitals prevent things like MRSA outbreaks.”

So I guess the good news for criminals is that you’re free to fart with abandon while breaking the law and the cops will be none the wiser. The bad news for the rest of us is that farticles exist.