14 Myths About Diabetes That Need To Be Busted Right Now!

Stop Believing These 14 Myths About Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

The cells in our body use glucose as fuel for energy. Insulin is the hormone that helps most the cells to convert glucose to energy. Diabetes can occur either if the body does not produce enough insulin to meet its needs, or if the insulin does not work properly. This results in high blood glucose levels. Over a period of time, high blood glucose levels can damage various tissues including the eyes, kidney, nerves, brain and heart. So here we throw light on some of the myths around type 1 and type 2 Diabetes and insulin.

# Myth 1: Only children and young adolescents develop type 1 diabetes.

Fact: Type 1 occurs most commonly in children between 7 to 13 years but it can occur in older age groups as well.

# Myth 2: Kids don’t get type 2 diabetes.

Fact: Although Type 2 Diabetes is usually diagnosed in adulthood, increasing obesity and changes in lifestyle have resulted in an increase in diabetes among young adults and even children.

# Myth 3: People who use insulin are unsafe drivers.

Fact: Diabetes need not affect driving. If you have diabetes, you should have your eyes checked regularly as recommended by your doctor. This will check for any damage to the retina (the back of the eye) or other changes that may affect driving. People on insulin should also check their finger prick blood glucose tests just before driving and, during longer drives, at least every 2 hours. You should discuss safe blood glucose ranges for driving with your doctor. You should keep glucose tablets (hypotab), glucose powder, or juice and some snacks in the car in case you have an episode of hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar).

# Myth 4: Once started, you have to be on insulin for ever.

Fact: People with type 2 diabetes may be started on short term insulin if they are unwell. Pregnant women may need it just for the duration of pregnancy. Insulin dosage is affected by several factors including type of diabetes, body weight, and other factors.

 # Myth 5: Oral medications are better than insulin.

Fact: People with type 1 diabetes will need insulin. For people with type 2 diabetes the decision on whether oral medicines or insulin is a better choice will depend on several factors including duration of diabetes, diabetes control, diabetes complications, and other health conditions.

# Myth 6: Insulin will result in weight gain.

Fact: Yes, Insulin and weight gain often go hand in hand, but weight control is essential and possible. If you have poorly controlled diabetes, before you start insulin, your body is unable to process glucose and use energy efficiently. Once you start insulin, your body uses the food you eat more efficiently and you gain weight. Therefore, it is critical to make lifestyle changes at the time you start insulin to minimize weight gain – it can be done!

# Myth 7: Women are more prone to diabetes.

Fact: Studies have indicated that Type I diabetes does not show a female bias. The overall sex ratio is roughly equal in children diagnosed under the age of 15. However, while populations with the highest incidence all show male excess, the lowest risk populations mostly of non-European origin, characteristically show a female bias.

# Myth 8: Diabetes is communicable.

Fact: We know diabetes is not contagious. It can’t be caught like a cold or flu. There seems to be some genetic link in diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle factors also play a part.

# Myth 9: Pre-Diabetes cannot be cured.

Fact: Early treatment can actually return blood glucose levels to the normal range. In fact, you will not develop type 2 diabetes automatically if you have pre-diabetes.

# Myth 10: Diabetes can be completely cured.

Fact: No. Cures for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes have proved elusive to medical science.

# Myth 11: Junk food and syrupy drinks don’t increase risk of Diabetes.

Fact: Obesity is a cause of diabetes. There is conclusive evidence that junk food is the leading cause of obesity and so junk food is also linked to diabetes. Soft drinks and junk food raise blood glucose and can provide several hundred calories in just one serving. A typical 300ml soft drink has 10 tsp of sugar and 40gms of carbohydrates.

Stop Believing These Myths About Type 1 And Type 2 Diabetes

# Myth 12: All artificial sweeteners are safe to consume.

FACT: Many artificial sweeteners contain a substance called aspartame, which is a sweetener for cold beverages and commonly used in many food products. However, it loses its sweetness at high temperature. For example, to sweeten one cup of hot tea or coffee we need more aspartame than to sweeten one cup of normal / cold water. So exercise caution in its use. Consuming more aspartame based sweeteners may cause abnormal functioning of the brain. Pregnant women, children and patients with advanced liver disease should avoid excess usage of aspartame. Opt for artificial sweeteners made of sucralose, which are safer and more stable in hot and cold conditions. Artificial sweeteners containing cyclamate are banned in most countries.

#13 Myth: Diabetics require multiple daily insulin injections

Fact: With the advent of modern day insulin, a patient has a variety of options to choose from. Either he/she can take an injection once a day or several times a day, depending on their case history and their doctor’s recommendations.

#14 Myth: Diabetics should not eat rice.

Fact: Diabetics can consume rice, but the quantity and quality always depends on the nature and degree of diabetes.

Overall the idea is to stay aware and informed about the symptoms and nature of diabetes. Do not neglect it. Even if you do not have any symptoms, the slow and silent damage to the organs may already be occurring. Consult your doctor. Stay informed. Stay Safe!

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