Clinicians and researchers develop approach to shortness of breath

Clinicians and researchers develop approach to shortness of breath

We all feel breathless from time to time: we’ve run for the bus, we’ve climbed a steep hill, we’ve cycled quickly to a meeting we’re late for. For some people, however, even the smallest of exertions – walking to the bathroom, getting dressed, even talking – can bring on a shortness of breath.

Daily, long term is almost certainly a sign of an underlying, and often serious and advanced, condition such as chronic (COPD), which causes inflammation of the lungs. It can also occur in some advanced cancers. Both are conditions that cannot be cured, only managed.

“There’s been lots of research done into symptoms of advanced disease such as pain and there are good treatments – both pharmacological and non-pharmacological – but it’s a different situation with breathlessness,” says Dr Morag Farquhar from the Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge.

For several years now Farquhar has been involved with the Breathlessness Intervention Service (BIS), set up by Dr Sara Booth at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge who, importantly, saw the need to formally evaluate the service.

Unusually for an outpatient service, the service is often delivered in patients’ homes. “A lot of these people are too breathless to leave the house,” explains Farquhar. There is another, important reason why it is beneficial to visit patients in their own home, and that is to see the patient in their own environment, so that the intervention – advice and treatment – can be tailored specifically to their circumstances.

“BIS is what’s known as a ‘complex intervention’, one that has a number of different components, often delivered by a number of different healthcare professionals,” says Farquhar, who has been involved in developing and evaluating the service in collaboration with Booth, with funding from the National Institute of Health Research, Macmillan Cancer Support and the Gatsby Foundation.

BIS is not aimed at everyone who is living with breathlessness, she explains, but rather at those who are struggling with the condition – and this applies both to patients and their carers. “Breathlessness can be very frightening for family members who are caring for their loved one. They often struggle to know what to do. They will do things like keeping asking how they can help, and of course the patient can’t respond as they can’t speak. Or they’ll take the approach where they won’t let the patient do anything because they’re worried it’s going to make them breathless – but this is counterproductive, as the patient will get muscle wasting and weakness and so will get breathless more easily.”

The intervention is multidisciplinary: patients have access to palliative care consultants, specialist occupational therapists and physiotherapists, and psychologists if needed. It involves both pharmacological approaches – such as medicines, oxygen and anti-anxiety medication – and non-pharmacological strategies. These include teaching the patient how to break the cycle of anxiety, using meditation and relaxation techniques.

Patients are also taught how to plan and pace themselves – where previously a trip to the supermarket might have seemed overwhelming, if they can learn how to plan their trip, think about how they can break it into small, manageable steps that allow them to keep breathing steadily, then it can once again become achievable.

Small, hand-held fans can also help a patient recover their breath, and it was here that Farquhar and Booth’s evaluation threw up something surprising: when they asked patients and carers about the fans, they said it was as much about how the fans were presented to them. By “delivering” the fans, rather than just “giving” them, as Farquhar puts it, the patients had greater success.

“[The BIS clinicians] didn’t just give the patients the fans and say ‘Here, use this’, because the patients would’ve just thought ‘Well, that’s not going to work’. It was the fact that they showed them how to sit, how to use it, explained how it worked – this gave it credibility.”

The BIS team have had interest from a number of other hospital trusts around the UK, some of whom now have services modelled on BIS, but there has yet to be a nationwide adoption of the service. It is across the Atlantic in Canada, however, that BIS has arguably had the greatest impact.

In 2006, Farquhar and Booth met Professor Graeme Rocker, from the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, during a meeting in London. He was already “moving in the direction of more community-based care”, he says, but was impressed by the work of the BIS collaboration. He was particularly inspired by their emphasis on listening to patients and getting a better sense of their symptoms that was independent on any particular diagnosis. “I already had some ideas how I should run the service but could see that the Cambridge team was much more clued in to effective evaluation of complex interventions.”

Rocker went on to develop the appropriately-named INSPIRED (Implementing a Novel and Supportive Program of Individualized care for patients and families living with REspiratory Disease) and adapted Farquhar and Booth’s approach to evaluating its success.

And the statistics show just how effective INSPIRED has indeed been. Its outreach programme for tackling breathlessness in COPD led to a 60% drop in visits by patients to emergency rooms and for hospital admissions. INSPIRED is now being emulated by 19 teams across the 10 Canadian provinces.

Rocker is grateful to the Cambridge team. “I would not have been successful with INSPIRED had I not learned from BIS, and particularly from Morag, the importance of evaluation. It’s invaluable for proving to hospital administrators that you have a programme that works.”

In 2014, Farquhar, Booth and colleagues published the results of a randomised controlled trial which found that BIS was more effective – and cost-effective – for treating patients with advanced cancer than standard care. Almost all the participants reported a positive impact, with reduced fear and worry, and increased confidence in managing their breathlessness.

It was the accumulation of tips and strategies, which build up into something bigger, that and carers told Farquhar made the intervention so helpful. Patients and carers recognise that the condition isn’t going to go away, but they now have a new way of living with their breathlessness.

“One of the most powerful things they talk about is how the service teaches them that breathlessness won’t kill them. People are frightened that the next episode of breathlessness might finish them. They find it liberating to be told by a professional that it won’t.”

Pineal Gland Detox: Enhance Spiritual, Mental and Physical Well-Being

A tiny gland in the center of the brain named the pineal may seem insignificant, but researchers have found it to be vital for physical, mental and, many believe, spiritual health. Through poor diet, exposure to toxins, stress and modern lifestyle choices, the pineal gland becomes hardened, calcified and shuts down. To awaken this gland from its slumber, detoxification is necessary using diet and herbs, sunlight and pure water.

An important pea-sized gland

Pinecone shaped, the size of a pea and resting in the center of the brain, the pineal gland is small but powerful. It secretes melatonin, which regulates sleep/wake cycles, and serotonin, a neurotransmitter that fosters happy and balanced states of mind. Not only crucial for a good night’s rest, melatonin also slows aging and is a potent antioxidant. It helps to protect against electromagnetic pollution as well. Moreover, individuals have reported heightened feelings of empathy while supplementing with melatonin — leading to more harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Scientists suspect that N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is also produced by the pineal gland. This is the substance that gives shamanic botanicals like Psychotria viridis its hallucinatory kick. Dr. Rick Strassman, author of DMT, The Spirit Molecule, believes that the pineal gland produces DMT during mystical experiences as well as at birth and death. DMT is also associated with lucid dreaming, peak experiences, creativity and the ability to visualize.

Why the pineal gland becomes sluggish

As a result of the aging process and exposure to toxins, the pineal gland begins to calcify. Sodium fluoride is the number one enemy of a healthy pineal gland. This toxin is lurking in the water supply, conventionally grown food and toothpaste. Dietary hormones, mercury, processed foods, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and refined sugars cause calcification as well. Radiation fields, like those found with cell phones and wi-fi networks, are damaging too. Avoiding these hazards is the preliminary step to healing this gland. The second course of action involves removing existing calcification.

How to revive optimal function

According to the Decalcify Pineal Gland website, the following foods and supplements are helpful for detoxifying the pineal gland and restoring vitality:

1. Organic blue ice skate fish oil

2. MSM

3. Raw chocolate

4. Citric acid

5. Garlic

6. Raw apple cider vinegar

7. Oregano oil and Neem extract

8. Activator X (vitamin K1/K2)

9. Boron

10. Melatonin

11. Iodine

12. Tamarind

13. Distilled water

Holly Paige of Food for Consciousness, also offers a number of suggestions to help jump start the pineal gland. “Happy Tea” is one. A mixture of passion flower and St. John’s wort, the tea contains pinoline — a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). When MAOIs are freely circulating within the system, more naturally occurring DMT is available to the brain — encouraging creative and bright mental states.

Another pineal revitalizing brew is ayahuasca. Small ‘tastes’ of this preparation (one tablespoon per day) will help to elevate mood, creativity and inspiration. Ayahuasca can be made by boiling Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis (chakruna) with orange juice for a few hours. In large doses, it can substantially alter perception and trigger visions. In small amounts, it refreshes the mind. Please note: Extracting DMT from any plant, including Psychotria viridis, is illegal in the United States.

Sunlight is also considered ‘food’ for the pineal gland. At least 10 minutes of sunlight exposure is recommended each day. Meditation, chanting and pranayama breathing practices are beneficial to the pineal gland as well.

Sources for this article include:

“The Pineal Gland — The Bridge to Divine Consciousness” Scott Mowry, Miracles and Inspiration. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Pineal Gland” Regina Bailey. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Reactivating the Pineal Gland” Food for Consciousness. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Psychotria viridis – Chacruna” Botanical Spirit Shop. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“How to Detox Fluorides from Your Body” Paul Fassa, Natural News, July 13, 2009. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

Decalcify Pineal Gland. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“How to Decalcify and Detoxify the Pineal Gland” Waking Times. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever” Paul Fassa, Wake Up World. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Professor talks DMT research, its effects on you – and possibly your faith” Clayton Crockett, Legacy Magazine, November 13, 2012. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Wi-Fi Health Dangers & Radiation Health Effects”, Safe Space Protection. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“How to Exhale in Pranayama” Sudha Carolyn Lundeen” Yoga Journal. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Melatonin and Meditation” Cathy Wong, Alternative Medicine, January 18, 2008. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Ayahuasca: A Plant for Healing the Soul” Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter, Fox News, January 5, 2011. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“An introduction to METAtonin, the pineal gland secretion that helps us access higher understanding” METAtonin Research. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

“Indolethylamine N-methyltransferase expression in primate nervous tissue” Nicholas V. Cozzi, Timur A. Mavlyutov, Michael A. Thompson, Arnold E. Ruoho, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Retrieved on December 18, 2012 from:

Alzheimer’s may be transmissible through dental surgery.

University College London study finds it is theoretically possible to become infected through blood transfusion, brain surgery or root canal operation

Alzheimers may be caused by anti-cancer defence

People could be unaware that they have been contaminated with Alzheimer’s for up to 40 years

Alzheimer’s disease may be transmissible through blood transfusions and medical accidents in the same way as Creuzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD), scientists believe.

In a landmark finding described as a “paradigm shift”, researchers at University College London said it was possible that the “seeds” of dementia could be transferred from the brain tissue of one person to another.

Worryingly, the proteins that cause dementia are like a type called prions which can stick to metal surfaces, like surgical instruments, and are resistant to conventional sterilisation.

It means that it would be theoretically possible to become infected withAlzheimer’s seeds through a blood transfusion, brain surgery, or invasive dental work, like a root canal operation. And because the incubation period can be up to 40 years, people could be unaware that they have been contaminated.

The government’s Chief Medical Officer, Dame Sally Davies, said the Department of Health was monitoring the situation but reassured the public that there was little risk.

The government’s Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies said the Department of Health was monitoring the situation

British scientists stumbled on the discovery while studying the brains of eight people who died of CJD. All had developed the disease after being injected with human growth hormone taken from bodies between 1958 and 1985, when the practice was banned.

Unexpectedly, four of the patients had huge levels of amyloid beta protein – a sticky deposit which forms among brain cells and stops them communicating with each other properly in Alzheimer’s patients. Smaller amounts were found found in three others. Although none had developed dementia, scientists say it is likely they would have, had they lived longer.

“What we need to consider is that in addition to there being sporadic Alzheimer’s disease and inherited or familial Alzheimer’s disease, there could also be acquired forms of Alzheimer’s disease,” said lead scientist Professor John Collinge, director of the Medical Research Council Prion Unit at UCL.

“You could have three different ways you have these protein seeds generated in your brain. Either they happen spontaneously, an unlucky event as you age, or you have got a faulty gene, or you’ve been exposed to a medical accident. That’s what we’re hypothesising. It’s a paradigm shift.

“What relevance this has to common forms of Alzheimer’s disease out there, we don’t know. Could a small percentage of these cases be related to seeds of from the environment?”

Previous experiments on laboratory mice and monkeys had already shown that transmission of the Alzheimer’s protein is at least theoretically possible.

When liquified brain tissue from deceased Alzheimer’s patients was injected into the central nervous systems of the animals, they developed the brain changes associated with the disease.

The scientists say they are confident that the amyloid beta deposits were not caused by CJD. Brains of 116 patients with prion diseases who had not received pituitary growth hormone did not have the Alzheimer’s hallmark.

Writing in the journal Nature, the study authors conclude that it was likely infectious Alzheimer’s proteins were be passed at the same time as CJD.

“Alzheimer’s protein seeds could follow similar transmission pathways,” added Professor Collinge. “The seeds will potentially stick to metal surfaces whatever the instrument is. With prions, we know quite a lot about that. Certainly, there are potential risks with dentistry where it’s impacting on nervous tissue, for example root canal treatments.

“If you are speculating that amyloid beta seeds might be transferred by instruments, one would have to consider whether certain types of dental procedure might be relevant.”

“Although the risk is low, the researchers said that determining whether the proteins could be passed through medical instruments and metal surfaces should be a research priority

However the authors urge people not to be concerned about planned medical procedures, and to dismiss any notion of Alzheimer’s being “contagious” in the same way as flu.

“No way is this suggesting that Alzheimer’s is a contagious disease,” he said. “You can’t catch it by living with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or being a carer. No-one should consider cancelling or delaying any kind of surgery. But I think it would be prudent to do some research in this area.”

Treatment of people of short stature with pituitary growth hormone taken from dead donors began in the UK in 1958. It was stopped in 1985 after confirmed reports of CJD among recipients.

Because growth hormone from different cadavers was mixed up before being distributed, a treatment given to an individual patient may have originated from a large number of donors. This greatly increased the risk of disease transmission.

In total, 1,848 men and women in the UK underwent the procedure for stunted growth and of these 77 have so far died from CJD.

Prof Roger Morris, Professor of Molecular Neurobiology, King’s College London, said: “This is a landmark paper in providing evidence, for the first time in man, of a mechanism for the propagation of Alzheimer’s disease that we already know exists from experimental studies in mice.”

However, health experts said that the risks were extremely low and people should not be overly concerned by the findings.

One in eight people are now looking after someone with dementia, with more than half attempting to “juggle” paid work with caring duties

The study has been described as a ‘paradigm shift’  

Chief Medical Officer, Professor Dame Sally Davies, said: “As this research itself states, there is no evidence that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted in humans, nor is there any evidence that Alzheimer’s Disease can be transmitted through any medical procedure.

“This was a small study on only eight samples. We monitor research closely and there is a large research programme in place to help us understand and respond to the challenges of Alzheimer’s.

“I can reassure people that the NHS has extremely stringent procedures in place to minimise infection risk from surgical equipment, and patients are very well protected.”

Dr Eric Karran, chief scientist at the charity Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Current measures in place to limit contamination with the prion protein and minimise CJD risk from hospital procedures are very rigorous and the risk of developing CJD from surgical contamination is extremely low.

“The biggest risk factor Alzheimer’s is age, along with genetic and lifestyle factors. If further research was to confirm a link between historical tissue contamination and Alzheimer’s, it would only likely be relevant to a tiny proportion of the total number of people affected.”

Neuroscientist Professor John Hardy, from University College London, said: “With the previous mouse data, I think we can be relatively sure that it is possible to transmit amyloid pathology by the injection of human tissues, which contain the amyloid of Alzheimer’s disease.

“Does it have implications for blood transfusions: probably not, but this definitely deserves systematic epidemiological investigation.”

Last year, the University of Texas showed that it is possible to detect Alzheimer’s prions in the bloodstream of suffers years before they get the disease. They were hoping to develop a diagnostic test.

Revealing the Secrets of Brain Cells

Jerold Chun, a professor at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), heads to Honolulu every year to run a marathon, a streak now at 42 years, but when he was a kid, smaller journeys captured his imagination.

“My dad was one of these really old-school, bow-tie physicians,” Chun said. “I used to follow him around on house calls. He had a black bag and he would see patients at their homes.”

After house calls, it was common for families to pay their medical bills with fruit, fish or chickens. “The good you could do through medicine left a big impression on me,” Chun said.

Today, Chun conducts scientific research to help find cures for people with neurological and psychiatric diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and schizophrenia. His work has revealed some surprising phenomena in the brain.

The Bard and the Brain

Chun’s focus on neuroscience began, strangely enough, as he worked on a degree in English literature at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. As he read the Romantic Era poetry of Wordsworth and the pun-filled plays of Shakespeare, he began to wonder how one species, humans, could come up with such a vast range of ideas and writings.

“These written works are all produced by humans—by us—and that made me wonder if I could understand that at a scientific level, by understanding the brain,” said Chun.

Literature also seemed like a window into understanding human behavior. Take the works of William Shakespeare. While Shakespeare wasn’t a scientist, he did portray human humor, tragedy and madness. “I think if you could understand all the nuances of Shakespeare, you’d understand much about people and how the brain makes us human,” said Chun.

Inspired, Chun ended up pursuing an MD and PhD in neuroscience at Stanford University. There he studied how the cerebral cortex, the brain region responsible for higher thought, develops. After a positions at MIT and the University of California, San Diego, Chun joined the TSRI faculty in 2003.

A Closer Look at the Brain

So what makes a Shakespeare or an Einstein? An artist or an engineer?

Chun’s research shows that some differences in human behavior—and disease risk—could come down to mutations in the DNA of individual brain cells.

In 2001, Chun was the first to report that the brain contains many distinct genomes within its cells—much like the colorful tiles in an artist’s mosaic. He and his colleagues showed that some brain cells can gain or sometimes lose a chromosome, a state referred to as aneuploidy. Over the years, a wide range of DNA changes in single brain cells has been identified, which is referred to as “genomic mosaicism.”

In 2015, Chun’s lab showed that genomic mosaicism was linked to the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease, called “sporadic” (non-inherited). The brains of people who had died with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease showed many cells with many millions of extra DNA base-pairs, including more copies of the APP gene, which can lead to production of the primary component of damaging amyloid plaques in diseased brains

Blood tests to identify genes that cause sporadic Alzheimer’s disease have not been successful and Chun’s results could explain why—these extra gene copies and other DNA changes exist only in certain cells of the brain. The research also provides a path for finding new genes from the amplified DNA.

Looking beyond Alzheimer’s disease, Chun’s lab also discovered the first receptors for small fat molecules called lysophospholipids, which his lab linked to many brain diseases, including multiple sclerosis, hydrocephalus and pain. A recent study from Chun’s lab and colleagues at the University of Southern California revealed the 3D structure of one of these receptors, the lipid called lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), letting scientists create a “roadmap” of this receptor molecule that could lead to the creation of new drugs.

Another recent study, this time a collaboration with Associate Professor Beth Thomas’s lab at TSRI, identified LPA receptors in the developing brain that can initiate schizophrenia-like brain changes and behaviors in animal models.

Chun said collaboration is key in his field. “There’s this stereotype of a scientist with a lab coat and thick glasses squirreled away somewhere—but that’s not true,” said Chun. “Science is not a weird, solitary event, but rather a human, social activity.”

And that makes him particularly grateful to be working at TSRI.

“There’s fantastic, cutting-edge research going on all the time—with brilliant minds to talk to,” said Chun. “We’re all here to push the frontiers of knowledge with research that can help people.”

An Impact in the Community

Over the past year, Chun has been reaching out to caregivers and Alzheimer’s patients through the San Diego County Alzheimer’s Project. The project gives Chun new opportunities to collaborate with researchers at nearby institutions like the Sanford-Burnham-Prebys Medical Discovery Institute and the University of California, San Diego. The goal is to combine resources to find new treatments more quickly.

“That’s been really great because it has brought together folks from academia as well as the healthcare industry,” said Chun.

Chun said that giving presentations for the Alzheimer’s Project and other outreach events has shown him the impact of his research. After nearly every event, an audience member approaches him to talk about a loved one with Alzheimer’s or even ask if they can help with the research itself. “That doesn’t leave you—it’s with you all the time,” said Chun.

“What do you do in the time you have, to make a real difference? For me, it’s working on these diseases that afflict your family, my family and, quite possibly, ourselves at some point. We want our work to really help patients, to really make a positive difference.”

NASA gives thumbs up to use of colloidal silver as antibiotic in space; FDA has no jurisdiction in high orbit .

In the day-to-day happenings of world politics, the United States and Russia are presented on the global stage as arch-enemies. Up in space, however, it’s a completely different story. Enter the International Space Station (ISS), which for years has housed astronauts from both countries along with life-support systems unique to each country’s needs. The two sides have long remained separate from one another until recently. silver

For years, the U.S. side of the ISS utilized iodine as its water cleansing agent of choice, while the Russian side took advantage of antibacterial silver for water purification purposes. Both sides coexisted peacefully in their respective methods, with the U.S. picking up whatever extra water the Russian side had leftover. Russia’s water purification process has always been much more efficient than that of the U.S. It seemed that the two opposing nations would never find a common bond in adopting a single, standardized water purification method that served the interests of everyone. However, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) recently made the decision to adopt Russia’s method of purifying its water after coming to the realization that adding ionized silver to water is easier, more effective, and much more efficient than adding iodine. “Unlike iodine, silver doesn’t have to be filtered out of the water,” explains a report by Bloomberg, noting that iodine has to be filtered out of the U.S. water after use. “Epsom salts (magnesium) are added to improve its taste.”

NASA says silver is an effective purifying agent, despite what the FDA claims

Isn’t the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adamantly opposed to people using silver as a safe bactericide? The agency has repeatedly targeted companies trying to help people with antibacterial silver, including during the recent Ebola epidemic when it threatened organizations like the Natural Solutions Foundation for attempting to help Ebola victims by providing them with silver water. What about the FDA’s persecution of Texas-based Utopia Silver Supplements, which has been fighting the agency for more than five years to defend its sale and distribution of colloidal silver supplements? The FDA continues to stonewall all attempts to conduct honest research into silver’s bacteria-destroying properties, and they have even threatened to shut down companies that sell it for personal and/or medical use. The FDA apparently has no jurisdiction up in space, as both U.S. and Russian astronauts will now be taking advantage of silver as a water purifier. Clean water is understandably hard to come by on a space shuttle, and any method of obtaining it is open game. The fact that silver is now the primary method of keeping astronauts alive says a lot about its therapeutic potential. The U.S. side of the ISS will continue to produce drinking water using iodine as a backup. As ISS subsystems manager Layne Carter puts it, they plan “to have dissimilar redundancies in the space station in case one of the systems has problems.” Nevertheless, the purifying method of choice will now be silver. “Due to widespread growth in the use of colloidal silver as a biocidal agent, development of a simple and cost efficient method of silver testing is valuable,” admits NASA on its website. “On station, silver is used as a biocidal agent based on its antimicrobial properties in the potable water system.” Too much silver may be toxic to humans, so NASA is supporting research into a simple technique that it says will allow ISS crew members to test silver levels in water in less than two minutes. Learn more:

Does This Patient With a Pericardial Effusion Have Cardiac Tamponade?

Context Cardiac tamponade is a state of hemodynamic compromise resulting from cardiac compression by fluid trapped in the pericardial space. The clinical examination may assist in the decision to perform pericardiocentesis in patients with cardiac tamponade diagnosed by echocardiography.

Objective To systematically review the accuracy of the history, physical examination, and basic diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade.

Data Sources MEDLINE search of English-language articles published between 1966 and 2006, reference lists of these articles, and reference lists of relevant textbooks.

Study Selection We included articles that compared aspects of the clinical examination to a reference standard for the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade. We excluded studies with fewer than 15 patients. Of 787 studies identified by our search strategy, 8 were included in our final analysis.

Data Extraction Two authors independently reviewed articles for study results and quality. A third reviewer resolved disagreements.

Data Synthesis All studies evaluated patients with known tamponade or those referred for pericardiocentesis with known effusion. Five features occur in the majority of patients with tamponade: dyspnea (sensitivity range, 87%-89%), tachycardia (pooled sensitivity, 77%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 69%-85%), pulsus paradoxus (pooled sensitivity, 82%; 95% CI, 72%-92%), elevated jugular venous pressure (pooled sensitivity, 76%; 95% CI, 62%-90%), and cardiomegaly on chest radiograph (pooled sensitivity, 89%; 95% CI, 73%-100%). Based on 1 study, the presence of pulsus paradoxus greater than 10 mm Hg in a patient with a pericardial effusion increases the likelihood of tamponade (likelihood ratio, 3.3; 95% CI, 1.8-6.3), while a pulsus paradoxus of 10 mm Hg or less greatly lowers the likelihood (likelihood ratio, 0.03; 95% CI, 0.01-0.24).

Conclusions Among patients with cardiac tamponade, a minority will not have dyspnea, tachycardia, elevated jugular venous pressure, or cardiomegaly on chest radiograph. A pulsus paradoxus greater than 10 mm Hg among patients with a pericardial effusion helps distinguish those with cardiac tamponade from those without. Diagnostic certainty of the presence of tamponade requires additional testing.