World’s Largest Protein Interaction Map Created.

An international research team reports that it has studied cells from numerous organisms, from amebae to worms to mice to humans, to show how proteins fit together to build different tissues and bodies. They say they uncovered tens of thousands of new protein interactions, accounting for about a quarter of all estimated protein contacts in a cell.

When even a single one of these interactions is lost it can lead to disease, and the map is already helping scientists spot individual proteins that could be at the root of complex human disorders, the team points out in an article (“Panorama of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes”) in Nature. They add that their data will be available through open access databases.

Proteins work in teams by sticking to each other to carry out their jobs. Many proteins come together to form so called molecular machines that play key roles, such a building new proteins or recycling those no longer needed by literally grinding them into reusable parts. But for the vast majority of proteins, and there are tens of thousands of them in human cells, we still don’t know what they do.

This is where the map created by researchers led by Andrew Emili, Ph.D., from the University of Toronto’s Donnelly Centre and Edward Marcotte, Ph.D., from the University of Texas at Austin map comes in. Using a technique developed by the groups, the scientists were able to fish thousands of protein machineries out of cells and count individual proteins they are made of. They then built a network that, similar to social networks, offers clues into protein function based on which other proteins they hang out with. For example, a new and unstudied protein, whose role we don’t yet know, is likely to be involved in fixing damage in a cell if it sticks to cell’s known “handymen” proteins.

The study gathered information on protein machineries from nine species that represent the tree of life: baker’s yeast, amebae, sea anemones, flies, worms, sea urchins, frogs, mice, and humans. The new map expands the number of known protein associations over 10-fold, and gives insights into how they evolved over time.

“For me the highlight of the study is its sheer scale. We have tripled the number of protein interactions for every species. So across all the animals, we can now predict, with high confidence, more than 1 million protein interactions [which is] a fundamentally ‘big step’ moving the goal posts forward in terms of protein interactions networks,” says Dr. Emili, who is also Ontario Research Chair in Biomarkers in Disease Management and a professor in the department of molecular genetics.

The researchers discovered that tens of thousands of protein associations remained unchanged since the first ancestral cell appeared, one billion years ago, preceding all of animal life on Earth.

“Protein assemblies in humans were often identical to those in other species. This not only reinforces what we already know about our common evolutionary ancestry, it also has practical implications, providing the ability to study the genetic basis for a wide variety of diseases and how they present in different species,” says Dr. Marcotte, who notes that the map is already proving useful in pinpointing possible causes of human disease.

One example is a newly discovered molecular machine, dubbed Commander, which consists of about a dozen individual proteins. Genes that encode some of Commander’s components had previously been found to be mutated in people with intellectual disabilities but it was not clear how these proteins worked.

Because Commander is present in all animal cells, the scientists went on to disrupt its components in tadpoles, revealing abnormalities in the way brain cells are positioned during embryo development and providing a possible origin for a complex human condition.

“With tens of thousands of other new protein interactions, our map promises to open many more lines of research into links between proteins and disease, which we are keen to explore in depth over the coming years,” says Dr. Emili.

New Polio Case Confirmed In Mali.

Electron micrograph of the poliovirus.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The World Health Organization reported today that a 19-month-old boy in Mali has polio. The child came to Mali from Guinea with his parents, and his polio infection is genetically linked to one reported in Guinea last year.

This particular strain of polio is vaccine-derived, which sometimes happens with oral vaccination. This type of vaccine uses weakened polio virus, which may sometimes mutate and make its way back into a community. Areas that are under-vaccinated are especially vulnerable. Still, circulating vaccine-derived polio is rare. According to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, there were 580 cases out of 10 billion oral vaccine doses between 2000 and 2011.

Polio vaccinations dropped in Guinea in 2014 during the Ebola outbreak, which may have contributed to the current cases coming out of the region. Both Mali and Guinea are initiating an emergency response to the current outbreak. According to Lucien Manga, the acting WHO representative in Mali, the government there has set up emergency vaccination teams that will start immunizations on Wednesday. The government is also investigating the current case and conducting a risk assessment to see how it may potentially spread. “We are confident that the Government of Mali is taking appropriate measures to control this outbreak,” says Manga, via email.

The new outbreak follows celebratory announcements in July, when Nigeria hit a one-year milestone of remaining polio-free. At that time, it was thought that the virus would soon be eradicated from the entire continent, and that the only remaining strongholds were in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now, in addition to the new Mali case, two new cases of vaccine-derived were reported in the Ukraine last week.

The new cases highlight the difficulties in reaching global eradication for any disease.

“These events mean basically that polio is not over until it’s over,” says Manga. “Stringent surveillance must continue, including in areas with satisfactory immunization coverage. We must ensure that all newborns are fully immunized—meaning that they receive 4 doses of the vaccine before the age of 7 months—and that the routine immunization activities must be strengthened.”

Abortion is big business: Nearly $1 billion a year generated from murdering human babies.

Playing the part of the benevolent nonprofit, Planned Parenthood seems to get a kick of out pretending as though it exists to help women stay healthy and make the best reproductive decisions for their lives. However, a closer look into the group’s financials reveals that it’s a nearly $1 billion-a-year business that profits immensely from murdering the unborn babies of women.

According to data compiled by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), more than half of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenues come from abortion services. The group rakes in $164 million annually from this segment of its business, not to mention the funds it receives from general clinic income, private donations and taxpayer disbursements.

When you add it all up, Planned Parenthood brings in almost $1 billion a year for suctioning innocent babies out of their mothers’ wombs, murdering them, and selling the remains to biotech companies for “research” purposes.

“[D]o not be deterred by Planned Parenthood protestations of concern for women: abortion is a big, dirty, money-making business,” writes Tami Jackson for Barbwire.

“The giant cash cow in the abortion business, Planned Parenthood grosses (as of 2012 stats) about $320 million per year, 51% ($164,154,000.00) from abortion services. To top that off, taxpayers wittingly or not, contribute another $542 million to the coffers as of 2012.”

Abortion, not mammograms or “women’s health”, is why Planned Parenthoood exists

You’ve probably heard the claims that Planned Parenthood’s abortion services represent just a small portion of its overall business. Three percent is what many media outlets are reporting with regards to where abortion falls under Planned Parenthood’s distribution of “reproductive health” services.

However, this number is highly misleading as abortion is the bread and butter of Planned Parenthood’s entire existence. The organization wasn’t started to provide mammograms, contrary to White House claims — Planned Parenthood doesn’t even offer breast cancer screenings — nor was it launched with the intent of helping women through pregnancy.

“The abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, is about committing abortion,” explains the ACLJ. “Sure they provide some other services, but when your only self-sustaining revenue source is one thing and you are responsible for 40 percent of that one thing in the entire nation, that is what you are about. Planned Parenthood is about abortion.”

If it weren’t for government funding from taxpayers, Planned Parenthood would likely be run out of business

The truth is that Planned Parenthood probably wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for government subsidies. Government funding, which comes directly from taxpayers, accounts for nearly half of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenues. A sizable percentage of this amount comes as a result of “free” birth control initiatives at the federal level.

“Over 46 percent of its $1 billion total annual revenue comes from the government — from our tax dollars,” explains ACLJ. “According to Planned Parenthood, of this taxpayer funding, about $70 million comes through the federal government’s Title X funding — providing free birth control (including to minors).

Low-income and minority communities are where Planned Parenthood seems to thrive most. It’s within these segments of society where folks most utilize government birth control services, which end up sending large amounts of cash straight into the coffers of Planned Parenthood.

“If any other non-profit that received hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars were caught doing half the things that Planned Parenthood is caught doing they would be run out of business,” says the ACLJ, drawing attention to the Center for Medical Progress’s (CMP) undercover video series and other evidence showing criminal activity at Planned Parenthood.

CA seals experiencing mass deaths from leukemia-like disease; Fukushima radiation suspected as cause


Dead baby seals have been plaguing the coast of California. Recent lab reports reveal that the cause of death for many baby seals was disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), adding further evidence that marine life has been contaminated by radiation from the Fukushima disaster.(1)

DIC is a serious disorder where the proteins that usually control blood clotting become overactive. This can cause the body to use up its supply of platelets and clot-forming proteins, which can result in excessive bleeding.(2)

DIC is not a disease in and of itself. It is a symptom of a deeper, underlying disorder, which could include tumors, blood cancers and/or cute promyelocytic leukemia. Approximately 16 of the 46 weaned baby seals that died at the San Francisco Bay rescue center this summer were diagnosed with DIC.(1)

Although 16 may sound like a small number, it represents only a fraction of the amount of marine life dying from nuclear waste bleeding from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean. The radiation is causing a number of animals to gracelessly die from cancers, deformities and disorders that they other wise would not have, including the baby seals found in California.(1)

It doesn’t take a genius to link radioactive waste with increased risk of cancer. These events just so happen to coincide with radiation from the Fukushima disaster bombarding the West Coast. It’s taken about three years for radiation from the nuclear power plant to reach the coast of California, and its effects are becoming clearly manifest.

In the meantime, the mainstream media continues to underplay the disaster, refusing the acknowledge a link between the two events. As radiation from the disaster hits the coast, cancer rates among marine life are expected to rise.

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, So What Is The Alternative?

“Long-term high-dose use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac is ‘equally hazardous’ in terms of heart attack risk as use of the drug Vioxx, which was withdrawn due to its potential dangers, researchers said.”

The 2004 Vioxx recall, as you may remember, was spurred by the nearly 30,000 excess cases of heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths caused by the drug between 1999-2003. Despite the fact that scientific research had accumulated as early as 2000 linking Vioxx to increased heart attacks and strokes, the drug’s manufacturer Merck, and the FDA, remained silent as the death toll steadily increased.

The Reuters report focused on new research published in Lancet indicating the risk of heart attack increases as much as a third and the risk of heart failure doubles among heavier users of NSAID drugs.

INFLAMED: Our Default Bodily State

Why are so many folks taking NSAID drugs like ibuprofen anyway?

Pain and unhealthy levels of inflammation are fast becoming default bodily states in the industrialized world. While in most cases we can adjust the underlying pro-inflammatory conditions by altering our diet, and reducing stress and environmental chemical exposures, these approaches take time, discipline and energy, and sometimes we just want the pain to stop now. In those often compulsive moments we find ourselves popping an over-the-counter pill to kill the pain.

The problem with this approach is that, if we do it often enough, we may kill ourselves along with the pain…

Ibuprofen really is a perfect example of this. As mentioned above, this petrochemical-derivative has been linked to significantly increased risk of heart attack and increased cardiacand all-cause mortality (when combined with aspirin), with over two dozen serious adverse health effects, including:

  1. Anemia[1]
  2. DNA Damage[2]
  3. Hearing Loss[3]
  4. Hypertension[4]
  5. Influenza Mortality[5]
  6. Miscarriage[6]

Ibuprofen is, in fact, not unique in elevating cardiovascular disease risk and/or mortality. The entire category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) appears to have this under-recognized dark side; cardiovascular disease and cardiac mortality score highest on the list of over 100 unintended adverse health effects associated with their use. See also our analysis of the rarely acknowledged dark side to aspirin: The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives.

So, what does one do? Pain is pain. Whether it happens to you, or you witness it in another (which can be worse), finding relief is a top priority.

Research on Natural Alternatives To Ibuprofen

Here is some evidence-based research on alternatives to ibuprofen, sourced from the National Library of Medicine:

  1. Ginger – A 2009 study found that ginger capsules (250 mg, four times daily) were as effective as the drugs mefenamic acid and ibuprofen for relieving pain in women associated with their menstrual cycle (primary dysmenorrhea). [7]
  2. Topical Arnica – A 2007 human study found that topical treatment with arnica was as effective as ibuprofen for hand osteoarthritis, but with lower incidence of side effects. [8]
  3. Combination: Astaxanthin, Ginkgo biloba and Vitamin C – A 2011 animal study found this combination to be equal to or better than ibuprofen for reducing asthma-associated respiratory inflammation. [9]
  4. Chinese Skullcap (baicalin) – A 2003 animal study found that a compound in Chinese skullcap known as baicalin was equipotent to ibuprofen in reducing pain. [10]
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids: A 2006 human study found that omega-3 fatty acids (between 1200-2400 mg daily) were as effective as ibuprofen in reducing arthritis pain, but with the added benefit of having less side effects. [11]
  6. Panax Ginseng – A 2008 animal study found that panax ginseng had analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity similar to ibuprofen, indicating its possible anti-rheumatoid arthritis properties. [12]
  7. St. John’s Wort – A 2004 animal study found that St. John’s wort was twice as effective as ibuprofen as a pain-killer. [13]
  8. Anthrocyanins from Sweet Cherries & Raspberries – A 2001 study cell study found that anthrocyanins extracted from raspberries and sweet cherries were as effective as ibuprofen and naproxen at suppressing the inflammation-associated enzyme known as cyclooxygenase-1 and 2. [14]
  9. Holy Basil – A 2000 study found that holy basil contains compounds with anti-inflammatory activity comparable to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. [15]
  10. Olive Oil (oleocanthal) – a compound found within olive oil known as oleocanthal has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen. [16]

Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year So What Is The Alternative - NaturalThere are, of course, hundreds of additional substances which have been studied for their pain-killing and/or anti-inflammatory effects, and there are also aromatherapeutic approaches that do not require the ingestion of anything at all, but there is also a danger here. When we think of taking an alternative pain-killer to ibuprofen, we are still thinking within the palliative, allopathic medical model: suppress the symptom, and go on about our business. It would behoove us to look deeper into what is causing our pain. And when possible, remove the cause(s). And that often requires a dramatic dietary shift away from pro-inflammatory foods, many of which most Westerners still consider absolutely delightful, e.g. wheat, dairy, nightshade vegetables and even wheat-free grains, etc.


EcoWatch has covered the growing trend of insects as the new sustainable protein source. Bugs have been hailed as the “next climate-friendly superfood,” they’ve been offered up as the solution to feeding a hungry world and they’ve already been added to Oreo milkshakes (yum). Just last month, Dr. Jenny Josephs in the UK gave a TEDx talk about how eating bugs will soon become the new normal.

Now, PBS is investigating. Earlier this month, its program, The Good Stuff (inspired by NPR’sThis American Life) looked into the benefits of eating bugs—both for humans and for the planet. Should you be eating bugs? Is eating bugs better for the environment? Are bugs good for us?

What if I told you that you have already eaten bugs? And no I’m not talking about that time when you were five and your best friend Billy dared you to eat a cricket. “All processed food is going to contain some amount of bugs,” says Steve Sullivan, senior curator of urban ecology and a bug connoisseur. Alan Lawrence, a living invertebrate specialist, says, peanut butter and even chocolate (gasp) contain some amount of bugs.
Wath the video. URL:


How Stress is Keeping You From Losing Weight

If weight gain isn’t the result of too many calories and too little movement, what is the cause? The top theories include a diverse number of reasons, including:

* Environmental toxins
* Sugars, especially fructose
* Shift work and other causes of insomnia
* High levels of stress
* Noise pollution
* Electromagnetic fields

Many of these may not seem to be obvious causes of weight gain. How could invisible chemicals or loud sounds cause people to pack on the pounds? The one common thread among all of these factors is that each changes adrenal hormones in ways that lead to weight gain. Why is that?

Survival Mode
All mammals are able to control their body weight, even when their food intake goes up or down by a bit. All mammals are also able to gain weight without eating more food when preparing for hibernation or when threatened by famine. “Survival mode” is the phrase given to this storage reaction, and it happens to us too.

When we’re not in survival mode, our main stress hormone, cortisol, has a healthy daily rhythm. The adrenal glands put out a big burst of cortisol in the morning, and as the day goes on they make less and less of it. When things like toxins, noise and stressors send us into survival mode, the timing of cortisol production gets thrown off. When cortisol timing changes, the energy in the bloodstream gets hijacked by the belly fat and is used to enlarge the fat cells.

Once we realize weight gain is a preparation for famine, it becomes clear why eating less food seldom leads to lasting fat loss. When you go on a new diet, your food intake goes down. If your body is already in a state of getting prepared for a food shortage, this only makes it worse.

Stress and Obesity

Even though long-term weight loss won’t happen from pushing yourself harder, it will happen from comforting yourself more effectively. Rather than the old standbys of diet and exercise, the new solutions look more like:

* Meditation
* Yoga
* Regular sleep
* Probiotics
* Journaling
* Detox and cleansing
* Time spent in nature
* Massage

Healing the Cortisol Cycle
All of these solutions can help heal the cortisol production cycle, and this is the ticket to lasting fat loss. The only bad thing about these new solutions is that they take time, and many people just don’t have enough time for the things they already have on their plates.

A simple diet has been shown to heal the same cortisol cycle all by itself. It works because good carbs like squash, buckwheat and navy beans can effectively lower cortisol. Since it’s good to have higher cortisol in the morning and lower cortisol at night, you can eat these carbs into the evening and reset the rhythm.

A group of 42 volunteers tested this diet and showed that, in as little as 30 days, the hormones of fat storage can be fixed [1]. In the study, participants lost an average of nine pounds of fat, and many lost three to five inches around their waists. Other findings: Unlike with typical diets, participants gained energy, had improved sleep quality and noticed greater mental focus.

If your weight has been a struggle, please don’t think that you’re weak-willed or lazy. Once you understand that stress hormones drive weight gain, it becomes clear that feelings of shame and self-doubt by themselves may make the problem worse. Understand that the modern world is full of famine triggers and that your body is just doing what it can to protect itself. The way to being lean and energized comes not through more extreme deprivation, but from more effectively honoring and comforting yourself.


Rise Seen in Preventive Mastectomy for Male Breast Cancer Patients


A new report indicates a growing number of men with breast cancer are opting for preventive double mastectomies, despite a lack of research showing the surgery increases survival rates.
Breast cancer much more commonly afflicts women—only about 1 percent of cases in the U.S. are diagnosed in men—but men are still at risk and face many of the same treatment decisions. Women and men who survive breast cancer all share the same fear: that they’ll be diagnosed with it again in the future. This is why so many breast cancer patients choose to undergo contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM), surgery to remove the healthy breast in addition to the breast with malignant tissue, to hopefully reduce the risk in a future diagnosis.

A new report, published Wednesday in JAMA by researchers at the American Cancer Society and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, finds the number of male breast cancer patients who undergo prophylactic mastectomy is steadily on the rise. The study found the rate of male breast cancer patients who choose to have CPM nearly doubled, from 3 percent to 5.6 percent, between 2004 and 2011. This is equal to a relative increase of 86.7 percent. By comparison, the rate of CPM among female breast cancer patients increased from 4.5 percent to 11 percent between 2003 and 2011.

“We don’t know why it’s happening in men, but we do know the sociodemographic factors that have been associated with contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in women are also associated with men,” says Ahmedin Jemal, vice president of surveillance and health services research at the American Cancer Society and author of the study. As with women, male breast cancer patients who opt for CPM are more likely to be young, white and privately insured.

For the report, Jemal and his fellow researchers analyzed breast cancer treatments among 6,332 men who opted to have only the breast with cancer removed, between 2004 and 2011. The report is based on data from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.

While breast cancer in men is rare, men with who are afflicted with the disease are more likely than women to develop breast cancer in their healthy breast at some point in the future. Men who are breast cancer survivors have a twentyfold increased risk for breast cancer, compared with men who don’t have a history of the disease, Jemal says. Comparatively, women who are breast cancer survivors are up to five times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer than the healthy population.

The broad increase in CPMs has occurred despite a lack of research to show the procedure can affect patients’ survival rates. Some experts point to the impact of genetic testing and the “Angelina Jolie effect.” Two years ago, the actress went public with her decision to undergo a preventive double mastectomy after learning she carried the BRCA1 gene mutation, which significantly raises the risk for the disease by as much as 87 percent.

However, Jemal points out that the data indicate the trend began well before the Jolie news. One contributing factor to the decade-long trend may be that most insurance companies are now required to cover breast reconstructive surgery, which makes the decision for some patients much easier.

Jemal says it’s important for male patients to ask a physician about their individual risk for contralateral breast cancer before making any decisions about the surgery. “Men can benefit from this procedure,” he says. “What they need to do is talk to their doctors about the benefits, risks and costs. It’s only the patients at high risk who are likely to benefit from the procedure. They need to discuss with the doctor if they’re a candidate. They have to have the information so they can make an informed decision, but it has to be based on scientific evidence.”


The biodiverse nation intends to shut down both of its zoos and release all captive animals.


This news is too awesome not to share. In 2013, the beautifully diverse country ofCosta Rica announced that it would become the first country in the world to shut down its zoos and free all captive animals.  Home to 4% of all known species, the tropical nation is one of the most biodiverse locations on Earth – a major reason why tourism is its #1 industry.

Unfortunately, the country is now contractually obligated to keep the doors of its two zoos open for another ten years, after a court ruling last Friday (more info below). Still, the news of its intentions (documented in 2013) are inspiring enough to share, and activists are continuing to appeal in favor of the government’s desire to transform its zoos into cage-less bio parks.

The nation has plans to close its two government-run zoos as part of an emerging new environmental consciousness that question’s humanity’s dominion over all creatures. Like the landmark ruling in New York concerning chimpanzees, this controversial move has ignited both favor and fury.

Treehugger reports that the nation, which is also the first to completely ban hunting for sport, intends to close its only two zoos in the country, the Simon Bolivar Zoo, and the Santa Ana Conservation. By closing these two establishments, the nation seeks to convey to the world its respect towards wild birds, mammals, and reptiles.

Said the Environmental Minister René Castro, “We are getting rid of the cages and reinforcing the idea of interacting with biodiversity in botanical parks in a natural way.” 

She continued:

“We don’t want animals in captivity or enclosed in any way unless it is to rescue or save them.”

According to sources, existing management contracts were to be terminated in 2014. Unfortunately, it was mandated last Friday that Costa Rican zoos must remain open for another ten years due to contractual obligations. When the day does come that the country is able to transform its zoos into cage-less bio parks, however, animals incaptivity not able to be released into the wild will be cared for in rescue centers and wildlife sanctuaries throughout the country.

Rolapitant OK’d for Chemo-Induced Nausea

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Tesaro Inc’s oral drug rolapitant (Varubi) for treatment for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in adults, the company said on Wednesday.

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, considered one of the most acute side effects of cancer therapy, occurs in up to 80% of patients, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Rolapitant was approved for use in combination with other antiemetic agents in adults for the prevention of delayed nausea and vomiting associated with initial and repeat courses of emetogenic cancer chemotherapy, including, but not limited to, highly emetogenic chemotherapy, the company said.

Rolapitant works by blocking the activation of neurokinin (NK)-1 receptors in the nervous system, which play a role in nausea and vomiting.

The approval was based on four trials of patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy, including cisplatin, carboplatin, and anthracycline/cyclophosphamide-based regimens, the company said.

Rolapitant is Tesaro’s first product to win FDA approval. It is expected to go on sale in the fourth quarter and will address a $1 billion market in the United States, the company said.

Tesaro is also testing an intravenous (IV) formulation of rolapitant.