The FDA warns that powdered caffeine could potentially kill you .

Just one teaspoon equals 28 cups of coffee.


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warnings to five distributors of pure powdered caffeine, saying that the products they’re selling are highly dangerous and demanding they take action.

Pure caffeine powders might be packaged to look like other inconspicuous energy supplements, but the truth is they’re extremely potent. According to the FDA, a single teaspoon of pure powdered caffeine is equivalent to the amount of caffeine in approximately 28 cups of coffee.

What this means is the only safe way to consume the product is to use an exceptionally precise measure to serve a very small dose, but it’s unlikely that most household kitchens would have the right kind of equipment to do this.

As the FDA points out, volume measures such as teaspoons are not themselves precise enough to accurately measure the correct amount of milligrams in a serving, making it very easy to accidentally mistake a toxic dose for a safe amount when dealing with pure caffeine.

The risks aren’t just theoretical. Some people get the jitters when they’ve had maybe one or two cups of coffee too many, but the side effects are massively amplified when someone overdoses with the equivalent of 10 or 20 cups too many (or even more). An overdose of pure caffeine can result in rapid or erratic heartbeat, vomiting, seizures, and even death.

In 2014 consumption of powdered caffeine led to two separate fatalities in the US, with 18-year-old Logan James Stiner of Ohio and 24-year-old James Wade Sweatt of Georgia both dying from overdoses.

According to Michael M. Landa, the director of the FDA’s Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, both young men turned to caffeine powder as an easy way of getting an energy boost.

“I cannot say strongly enough how important it is to avoid using powdered pure caffeine,” writes Landa on the FDA Voice blog. “The people most drawn to it are our children, teenagers, and young adults, especially students who want to work longer to study, athletes who want to improve their performance, and others who want to lose weight.”

In one of the warning letters issued by the FDA, the organisation points out that one brand is selling it in 400-gram packages, which is equivalent to 2,000 recommended servings. But they say the labelling, which ambiguously states, “Serving Size: 200mg… ¼ Teaspoon: 574mg”, does not make this clear to the consumer.

Even if consumers didn’t make the error of mistakenly equating the serving size with a ¼ teaspoon – which the FDA says could easily happen – it’s unclear how most people (who don’t have laboratory-grade measuring equipment hanging around on their kitchen shelves) could safely measure out what amounts to about one-twelfth of a teaspoon.

Now that they’ve been officially warned, the companies have 15 business days to explain what they’ll do to bring their products into compliance with the law. Going forward, they’ll need to come up with packaging and labels that clearly state the potency of their product, so they no longer present a “significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury”.

The Largest Galaxy In the Known Universe

ic 1101

Galaxies. The Universe is littered with them. They have speckled the darkness of intergalactic space, setting it aglow, for 13-billion years. Images like the Hubble Deep Field are impressive yet familiar—showing a vast sea of spiraled disks that appear to stretch into infinity. However, in the far reaches of the cosmos, there are galaxies that are anything by familiar.

To begin with, galaxies are grouped into three size variations: Dwarf galaxies, mid-range spiral galaxies, and gigantic elliptical galaxies.

Dwarf galaxies are among the smallest galaxies that have been classified thus far. They are rather, as the name indicated, rather small. This is “relatively speaking,” of course. They’re still unbelievably large in “human terms.” Many of these galaxies are only about 200 light-years across, and contain only a few tens-of-millions of stars, weighing only slightly more than a star cluster.

The second grouping includes the Spiral galaxies, such as our very own Milky Way (more specifically, ours is a barred spiral galaxy). This type of galaxy is the most commonly observed in the Universe, making up 60% to 75% of all galaxies ever found.

Now we approach the largest galaxies – the Ellipticals. They range in shape from nearly spherical to nearly flat, and they can contain as many as a trillion stars. For comparison, the Milky Way is believed to contain a mere 100 billion stars (that’s a lot, but not compared to a trillion).

ic 1101 largest galaxy by  Jaime Trosper/From Quarks to Quasars

This brings us to the main point of this article – IC 1101. Shown in these images is IC 1101: The single largest galaxy that has ever been found in the observable universe. It is located almost a billion light-years away.

Just how large is it?  At its largest point, this galaxy extends about 2 million light-years from its core, and it has a mass of about 100-trillion stars. To give you some idea of what this means, the Milky Way is just 100,000 light-years in diameter, and IC 1101 is 2000x as massive. If our galaxy were to be replaced with this super-giant, it would swallow up both Magellanic clouds, the Andromeda galaxy, the Triangulum galaxy, and almost all the space in between. That is simply staggering.

Over billions of years, galaxies the size of our own have collided and combined together to form this immense structure. Telescopic observations have also revealed an interesting fact about the stars within this galaxy. Normally, blue-tinted galaxies signal active star formation, while yellow-red hues indicate a cease in the birth of new stars. IC 1101 is giving birth to very few new stars. Unless it continues to collide and join with other younger galaxies, IC 1101 will eventually fade away.

Four Best Aromatherapy Oils For Your Medicine Cabinet


A study published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, suggested that

“A blend of essential oils, lavender, roman chamomile, and neroli at a ratio of 6:2:0.5 can reduce anxiety, increase sleep, and stabilize the blood pressure of patients undergoing cardiac stent insertion.

And peppermint oil, ginger oil, or a blend of essential oils of ginger, spearmint, peppermint, and cardamom, are very effective in reducing nausea.”

Here are 4  popular aromatherapy essential oils that are packed with other uses as well:

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is a very popular aromatherapy essential oil because of its sweet aroma and wonderful qualities. It is the perfect addition to massage oil to combat stress and relieve tired, tense muscles.

Other uses of lavender oil:

It can help you get a better night’s sleep, Lavender oil is an effective natural sleep aid without popping pills.

You can also use lavender oil to relieve itchy skin conditions such as rashes.

You can use lavender oil for migraines. Ease the symptoms in a natural chemical-free way.

If you suffer from hair loss problem, try using lavender oil for hair growth.

Mosquito bites are quickly soothed by an application of a trickle of lavender oil on the affected region.

Plus, lavender oil has so many uses for cleaning too– floors, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry and more.

Basil oil

Basil oil is a good source of Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium. Its uses are plenty and varied:

Relieves the indigestion issues

Soothes sore muscles and joints

Assists with clear breathing

Acts as a cooling agent for the skin

Provides mental strength and used to treat stress disorders

Cures a variety of infections such as cuts, wounds, skin infections, and bladder infections

Rosemary oil

Rosemary is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils that known for its refreshing effects on the spirit. It is an super oil to combat exhaustion and with other uses as well:

Studies have found that anti-bacterial property of rosemary oil action against the bacteria that cause acne. Use rosemary oil with coconut oil will help to reduce and control acne blemishes.

It helps relieve the pain of both migraine and tension headaches.

It relieves the muscle and joint pain, and swelling caused by arthritis.

Sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil is one of the oldest known materials used specifically for its exotic scent. It’s also effective in dealing with many other conditions:

It’s powerful to treat some bad bacteria and viruses, making it useful for aiding sore throat, chest infections, and bronchitis.

It can soothe an upset stomach, help relieve gas, heartburn, and good for the whole digestive system.

It has been shown to possibly help reduce high blood pressure.

It helps soften skin by increasing and restoring its ability to retain moisture.

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva


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Aspirin may boost cancer therapy.

Giving cancer patients aspirin at the same time as immunotherapy could boost the effectiveness of the treatment, says a new study.

The researchers found that combining immunotherapy with aspirin or other COX inhibitors substantially slowed bowel and melanoma skin cancer growth in mice, compared to immunotherapy alone.

Aspirin, commonly prescribed for pain relief, is part of a group of molecules called COX inhibitors.

“Giving patients COX inhibitors like aspirin at the same time as immunotherapy could potentially make a huge difference to the benefit they get from treatment,” said study author Caetano Reis e Sousa from Francis Crick Institute in London.

Skin, breast and bowel cancer cells often produce large amounts of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) molecule that dampens down the immune system’s normal response to attack faulty cells, which helps cancer to hide.

It is a trick that allows the tumour to thrive and may explain why some immunotherapy treatments have not been as effective as hoped.

Aspirin and other COX inhibitors stop the production of PGE2 and help reawaken the immune system, the study said.

“We have added to the growing evidence that some cancers produce PGE2 as a way of escaping the immune system. If you can take away cancer cells’ ability to make PGE2 you effectively lift this protective barrier and unleash the full power of the immune system,” Sousa noted.

The study was published in the journal Cell.