How do Chia seeds assist with Weight Loss?

There is still some debate on whether Chia seeds are the magical cure for weight loss. Some background on its nutrient profile will help understand why both sides feel they are right.

Chia seeds contain 69 calories for every 2 tablespoons of seeds but contain 20% of recommended daily fiber intake. This fiber (attached to the outside of the seed)  when exposed to any liquid absorbs almost 9x times its own weight and each seed form its own gel “shell” which is sticky and bulky. It is this gel that not only “bloats” your tummy, making it feel full and satiated, but also is slow to digest, thereby resisting the urge to overeat.

The soluble fiber slows down the body’s carbs-to-sugar conversion, balancing blood sugar levels andminimizing sugar cravings. The insoluble fiber acts as roughage and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, thereby supporting a healthy digestive system.

Consuming chia seeds contributes to your intake of healthy fats, particularly omega-3 fatty acids that recharge the body cells at a cellular level and are vital to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and keeping your appetite in check.

Being a great plant-based protein source, these seeds act as a steady energy source, helping you stay alert and away from food that you crave when sluggish. Since Chia seeds are abundant in key vitamins and minerals, it prevents nutritional deficiencies that are the root cause for your “sweet tooth”, and your binging on junk food.

Though many weight-loss diets and products promote Chia seeds to be the “magical” weight-loss food it may not be a ticket to easy weight loss. But adding it to your weight loss diet program will help you reach your goals quicker and maintain it over a longer period.

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