Are we ready for DIY drugs?

Hard drugs are pretty serious business, but at least they’re hard to obtain, right? Well, that’s true now, but scientists say that very soon, it will become possible to “brew” opiates similar to heroine with a kit resembling a beer homebrewing system. And we all know how it goes with drugs: if there’s a way, it will be abused.

Slightly modified yeast will allow opiate ‘brewing’

Genetic engineering has given us some amazing advantages over the years, increasing crop yields and improving their resistance to diseases. But this kind of research always comes with a great moral responsibility. Once published, and put into use in clinical or industrial settings, it will trickle down into less honorable markets, no matter how noble the intentions.

Are we ready (or should we be?)

Does that mean these projects need to be stopped? Of course not, no more than any other scientific advancement should be stopped on account of its applicability in the criminal circuit. But we need to be ready for the societal ramifications that would certainly arise if this method of opiate production should lead to widespread availability of addictive substances.

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