An orgasm a day could keep prostate cancer at bay

Men in their forties who orgasm every day are much less likely to develop the disease, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School.

Doctor discussing prostate cancer with patient

For men in their forties, a daily orgasm can reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by over 20 per cent, according to new research.

The study, conducted by Harvard Medical School, followed nearly 32,000 healthy men over 18 years, almost 4,000 of whom went on to develop prostate cancer.

Researchers found that men in the 40-49 age range who ejaculated at least 21 times per month were 22 per cent less likely to develop the disease than those who ejaculated between four and seven times per month.

Dr Jennifer Rider of Harvard Medical School said that “While these data are the most compelling to date on the potential benefit of ejaculation onprostate cancer development, they are observational data and should be interpreted somewhat cautiously.”

Last year, a study carried out researchers at the University of Montreal concluded that men who had sex with more than 20 women were 19 per cent less likely to develop the most aggressive form of prostate cancer.

However, when lead researcher Dr Marie-Elise Parent was asked whether public health authorities should recommend men to sleep with many women in their lives, she commented: “We’re not there yet.”

Each year in the UK around 41,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 11,000 die from the disease.

Last month it was reported that a new treatment, called “chemoimmunotherapy“, could wipe out the disease in its advanced form by boosting the body’s immune system.

2 thoughts on “An orgasm a day could keep prostate cancer at bay

    • I don’t think so. Coz ca prostate is a hormone dependent tumor (androgen).
      But this study was published in IJU. So it must have some authenticity.
      Thanks for your curiosity.

      Dr Chandan

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