
Could those late night snacks be adding to your waistline and causing harm to your heart? A new study suggests that its better to eat during the daylight hours.

Nighttime snackers take note: eating late is harming your health, or so suggests a recent study out of San Diego State University.

While the study looked at fruit flies, and not humans, the findings do provide compelling reasons to investigate further whether there is a causal link between late night eating and heart health, amongst other health measures. I have been saying for some time, it is not just WHAT you eat, but WHEN you eat too.

Two-week-old fruit flies were divided into two groups: one group was allowed to eat a standard diet of cornmeal at anytime they wished and the second group was restricted to eating only within a twelve hour period. The amount of food each group ate was comparable. At the end of a three-week period, each fruit fly was measured on several health measures, including weight and heart health. Fruit flies on a restricted schedule were found to have stronger hearts, better sleep patterns, and to have gained less weight than their eat-anytime friends.

The results were the same when repeated at five weeks and when the study was completed with older fruit flies. What is it about late-night snacking that compromises our health, including our heart and waistline?

  • Your body’s digestive system works hard each day to process the food you put into your mouth. Nighttime fasting—as I define it, no food after 7pm—allows your digestive system to take a much-deserved rest. Your stomach takes several hours to empty. A dinner or snack after 7pm likely doesn’t have time to make it through the system before you fall asleep.

  • Intermittent fasting is actually good for your body, in particular for individuals who are obese or have high blood pressure. Our ancestors went through periods of famine; it is natural to assume our body functioning accommodates times of food scarcity by working more efficiently. Fasting is thought to regulate the body’s hunger hormone (ghrelin), which can be out of whack for many people facing obesity. It also works as a reset button for your body: giving you a chance to clear out toxins and regulate insulin levels.  It can be  for those who require high-level intervention.

  • Allowing your digestive system to “take a breather” promotes better sleep.

  • Most of us are fairly sedentary after 7pm. Calories consumed past this time are more likely to be stored as fat, because our body does not have time to burn them off before we hit the hay.

    And then there is heart health, something our fruit fly researchers suggest is important to continue examining (I agree). Another preliminary study, this time on humans, found that men who ate late at night were 55% more likely to develop coronary heart disease.

We can all benefit from restricting our food to the daylight hours. The best health advice I can give my patients who seek weight loss support is to consume their most caloric meals earlier in the day, then start to slow consumption towards the end of the day to give the body time to rest, and to ensure that calories consumed have a chance to fuel the body. We also make poor food choices at night; fatigue makes us prone to cravings. Ditch the late-night snacking habit and improve your heart health and waistline.


A revolutionary new study reveals that the core tenet of classical genetics is patently false, and by implication: what we do in this life — our diet, our mindset, our chemical exposures — can directly impact the DNA and health of future generations.

A paradigm shifting new study titled, “Soma-to-Germline Transmission of RNA in Mice Xenografted with Human Tumour Cells: Possible Transport by Exosomes,” promises to overturn several core tenets of classical genetics, including collapsing the timescale necessary for the transfer of genetic information through the germline of a species (e.g. sperm) from hundreds of thousands of years to what amounts to ‘real time’ changes in biological systems.

In classical genetics, Mendelian laws specify that the inheritance of traits passed from one generation to the next can only occur through sexual reproduction as information is passed down through the chromosomes of a species’ germline cells (egg and sperm), and never through somatic (bodily) cells.  Genetic change, according to this deeply entrenched view, can take hundreds, thousands and even millions of generations to manifest.

The new study, however, has uncovered a novel mechanism through which somatic-to-germline transmission of genetic information is made possible.  Mice grafted with human melanoma tumor cells genetically manipulated to express genes for a fluorescent tracer enzyme (EGFP-encoding plasmid) were found to release information-containing molecules containing the EGFP tracer into the animals’ blood; since EGFP is a non-human and non-murine expressed tracer, there was little doubt that the observed phenomenon was real.

These EGFP trackable molecules included exosomes (small nanoparticles produced by all eukaryotic cells (including plants and animals), which contain RNA and DNA molecules), which were verified to deliver RNAs to mature sperm cells (spermatozoa) and remain stored there.  The authors of the study pointed out that RNA of this kind has been found in mouse models to behave as a “transgenerational determinant of inheritable epigenetic variations and that spermatozoal RNA can carry and deliver information that cause phenotypic variations in the progeny.”

The researchers concluded that their study’s findings strongly suggest, “exosomes are the carriers of a flow of information from somatic cells to gametes,” and that their “results indicate that somatic RNA is transferred to sperm cells, which can therefore act as the final recipients of somatic cell-derived information.”

Breaking Through Weismann’s Genetic Barrier

These findings overturn the so-called Weismann barrier, a principle proposed by the German evolutionary biologist August Weismann (1834 – 1914), that states hereditary information can only move from genes to body cells, and not the other way around, which has long been considered a nail in the coffin of the Lamarkian concept that an organism can pass on characteristics it has acquired during its lifetime to its offspring.

Over the past decade, however, the seeming impenetrability of the Weismann barrier has increasingly been called into question, due to a growing body of evidence that epigenetic patterns of gene expression (e.g. histone modifications, gene silencing via methylation) can be transferred across generations without requiring changes in the primary DNA sequences of our genomes; as well as the discovery that certain viruses contain the enzyme reverse transcriptase, which is capable of inscribing RNA-based information directly into our DNA, including germline cells, as is the case for endogenous retroviruses, which are believed responsible for about 5% of the nucleotide sequences in our genome. Nonetheless, as the authors of the new study point out, until their study, “no instance of transmission of DNA- or RNA-mediated information from somatic to germ cells has been reported as yet.”

The researchers further expanded on the implications of their findings:

“Work from our and other laboratories indicates that spermatozoa act as vectors not only of their own genome, but also of foreign genetic information, based on their spontaneous ability to take up exogenous DNA and RNA molecules that are then delivered to oocytes at fertilization with the ensuing generation of phenotypically modified animals [35][37].

In cases in which this has been thoroughly investigated, the sperm-delivered sequences have been seen to remain extrachromosomal and to be sexually transmitted to the next generation in a non-Mendelian fashion [38]. The modes of genetic information delivery in this process are closely reminiscent of those operating in RNA-mediated paramutation inheritance, whereby RNA is the determinant of inheritable epigenetic variations [16][17].

In conclusion, this work reveals that a flow of information can be transferred from the soma to the germline, escaping the principle of the Weismann barrier [39] which postulates that somatically acquired genetic variations cannot be transferred to the germline.”

The implications of research on exosome-mediated information transfer are wide ranging. First, if your somatic cells, which are continually affected by your nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and even mind-body processes, can transfer genetic information through exosomes to the DNA within your germline cells, then your moment-to-moment decisions, behaviors, experiences, toxin and toxicant exposures, could theoretically affect the biological ‘destinies’ of your offspring, and their offspring, stretching on into the distant future.

Exosome research also opens up promising possibilities in the realm of nutrigenomics and ‘food as medicine.’ A recent study found common plant foods, e.g. ginger, grapefruit, grapes, produce exosomes that, following digestion, enter human blood undegraded and subsequently down-regulate inflammatory pathways in the human body in a manner confirming some of their traditional folkloric medicinal uses.

If the somatic cells within our body are capable through extrachromosomal processes of modulating fundamental genetic processes within the germline cells, or, furthermore, if foods that we eat are also capable of acting as vectors of gene-regulatory information, truly the old reductionist, mechanistic, unilinear models of genetics must be abandoned in favor of a view that accounts for the vital importance of all our decisions, nutritional factors, environmental exposures, etc., in determining the course, not only of our bodily health, but the health of countless future generations as well.


Why Guys Should Add Yoga to Their Fitness Routines

“I’m not flexible enough to do yoga.” “Yoga is for girls in pink spandex.” “Yoga? Don’t you have to be celibate and vegan to do that?”

Gary Burchell/Digital Vision/Getty Images

These are just a few of the excuses I hear from men who are a tad resistant to the idea of adding yoga to their fitness routines. Their heads are filled with notions of swamis on mountaintops and gurus sipping wheatgrass-tofu smoothies while wrapping their legs behind their head.

While those images are enough to drive any man to the nearest Gold’s Gym to pump some iron, they’re simply not an accurate description of modern-day yoga.

As a yoga teacher and trainer, I’ve worked with elite male athletes and watched their performances transform with consistent yoga practice — UFC fighters who developed more mental focus in the Octagon; marathoners and triathletes who cut minutes off their best times; NFL players who were able to avoid injuries and increase stamina.

The simple fact is, yoga works. The main impediment for most men isn’t a lack of flexibility or fear of pink spandex — it’s ego.

A lot of men like to lift heavy things. They like to count reps and keep score. And no one gets tackled on the yoga mat. What does occur is a deeper mind-body connection, freer movement and a pliable strength in the body’s muscles that enables longevity in physical activity of all kinds.

Best of all? The release of ego and self-judgment. So, men, pull out your yoga mats: Here are five simple yoga-inspired moves to get you started — no tofu smoothies or contortions in sight.

Try incorporating a few of these moves before and after your workouts and you’ll notice the difference in your effectiveness and recovery.

 1. Up Dog-Down Dog Flow
This is one of the classics: Start in Downward Facing Dog. To find your perfect stance, begin in a plank pose and lift your hips up and back, leaning your heels back toward the mat.

This is a foundation yoga pose and a home base for any practice. It stretches the entire back of the body, making it ideal for athletes, particularly cyclists and runners.

Your Achilles, hamstrings and lumbar spine all get a decadent lengthening and tension release.

From Down Dog, gently roll through the spine, through a plank position and continue to Upward Facing Dog by rolling over your toes, pressing into your palms and opening your chest in a thoracic backbend.

Two men practicing upward dog yoga pose

This pose frees the heart center and stretches the entire front of your body. A great stretch for the pectorals and shoulders, which often get overutilized in aggressive sports and fitness routines, this is also the ideal counterpose for anyone hunched over a computer all day.

Flow from Down Dog to Up Dog four to six times or until you feel open and energized.

 2. Warrior 2
Stand facing the side of your mat with your arms stretched to your sides and your feet elbow-distance apart. Extend tall through the spine and pivot both feet to face the front of your mat.


Lunge with the right leg until your knee is stacked directly over the ankle. This is a great pose for men because it opens up the hips in a nonaggressive way while cultivating upper- and lower-body strength and balance.

This pose also targets the side of the body, which helps with lateral strength and mobility. From shaping the shoulders to strengthening lats, obliques, quads and hamstrings, this pose is a true full-body workout.

Try holding this pose for two to five breaths on each side, then another round for 10 breaths.

3. Forward Fold/Chair Flow
Begin with feet slightly apart in a gentle forward fold, hinging from the hips. No worries if you can’t touch your toes — that will come with time and practice.

Forward Fold

The purpose here is to release the low back, stretch the hamstrings and relax the nervous system. This pose is a great way to end a strenuous workout and will also redirect blood flow by dropping the head below the heart.

In yoga, we call this an “inversion.” We’ll make it more “masculine” by lifting up to Chair Pose by bending the knees until the thighs come parallel to the mat, dropping your weight back into the heels while lifting the arms overhead for a full-body strengthener.

Flow between each pose from four to six times, spending five breaths in each position.

4. Crescent Lunge Twist
Every well-rounded yoga practice should offer four things for the spine: forward folding, backward bending, extension and twisting.

This pose covers extension and twisting: Find a low runner’s lunge with the right leg in front. If you have knee issues, you can place the left knee on the ground.

Crescent Lunge

Keep the left hand on the mat and gently twist your heart center to the right, raising the right arm to cultivate shoulder flexibility. To fire it up a bit, curl over your back toes and lift the knee off the mat engaging more leg strength.

This pose will challenge balance, activate core strength and cultivate suppleness and rotation in the spine, keeping you limber and flexible.

Hold this pose for five to 10 breaths, then return to center and rest in a runner’s stretch, extending the hamstring. Repeat five times, then switch sides.

5. Heart-Opening Warrior 3
Stand in a high lunge, then hinge forward 45 degrees and shift your weight onto the right leg and lift off the left until your body is parallel to the floor and your standing leg is straight.

Warrior 3

Engage your entire core and interlace fingers behind your back to add a vibrant pectoral stretch and shoulder opener. Don’t worry: Tipping over is part of the practice of releasing ego, so find your very edge and hold for five to 10 breaths.  Repeat three times on each side, coming back through a high lunge each time to rest.

Now that you’ve worked up a sweat, balanced the body and mind and practiced some of the basics, you can take your new moves into any yoga class — pink spandex optional.


What spicy food says about you?

Spiciness is actually not a taste or flavor — it’s your body sensing the presence of certain chemicals, also called chemesthesis. The chemicals in peppers and other spicy foods can be a deterrent to some animals and serve as a protective mechanism for a plant, but some humans have developed an affinity for this feeling and seek it out in their cuisine. As one study puts it, some people exhibit a preference for oral burn.


Interestingly, studies now show this love for heat is also linked to certain personality traits. If you love the heat of spicy food, you may be a thrill-seeker. People who like spicy foods are attracted to the burning sensation of a compound called capsaicin, which causes a mild feeling of pain when eaten. Chili peppers are commonly associated with spiciness, which is rated on the Scoville scale and measures capsaicin content.

A 2013 study in the Food Quality and Preference Journal describes the many factors that affect a love of spicy foods, ranging from social or cultural influences, how many times you’ve been exposed to capsaicin, physical differences in the sensation of spiciness and a person’s personality traits.

This study also shows that those who seek more frequent chili intake exhibit qualities of “sensation seeking,” or the need for new and complex sensations and “sensitivity to reward behaviors,” which support the researcher’s hypothesis that personality plays a role in whether a person likes spice or not.

There’s good reason to include spices for health as well as for the adventure of eating hot foods. A 2014 study found that healthy compounds in spices, namely flavonoids, work as antioxidants and are associated with a reduced risk of chronic disease.

Capsaicin in particular has been studied extensively in relation to reducing cancer risk, even at relatively low to medium intake levels. Many studies show the most benefit from spices at higher intake levels, so finding ways to include a variety of spices in your diet on a regular basis may offer benefits outside of the kitchen.

If you’re averse to spice but want to enjoy a mild level of capsaicin-containing foods, try sweeter peppers like the Anaheim, ancho, sweet bell or poblano. Increase the heat in your foods by trying Cholula hot sauce, horseradish or wasabi and serrano or jalapeno peppers.

If these medium peppers and sauces are too spicy, start with a very small quantity and work your way up, as studies show that repeat exposure is also associated with enjoying spiciness.

Remember, you can always add spice, but you can’t take it away. The hottest peppers, such as the Carolina Reaper, cayenne pepper, ghost pepper, habanero or Thai chili pepper, should be used only for those who love spice and are accustomed to it; capsaicin content here is much higher than mild or medium peppers. Sensation-seeking folks will likely go for these capsaicin-packed, mouth-burning peppers. Whichever level of spice you enjoy adding to your food, there is a pepper for everyone — so we can all partake in this healthful trend.


Scientists Test Secondhand Smoke Effects Of Marijuana, Find ‘Contact High’ Is Real

Smoking marijuana in an unventilated room — “hotboxing,” to the uninitiated — is a surefire way to increase a person’s physiological effects to the drug, a new study finds, thus confirming empirically what anecdotal evidence has taught pot smokers for decades.

As Americans’ attitudes toward cannabis swing from blind disgust to tentative acceptance, research into the drug’s unique, blanketing effects has started to become more robust. It doesn’t just get you high, the studies find. Rather, it can offer relief for inflammatory diseases, soothe chronic pain, and jumpstart the appetites of people who suffer from eating disorders. But while the plant has much of academia on its side, its reputation has had a harder time catching up.

Which is probably why Evan Herrmann and the rest of the study’s co-authors don’t actually use words like “hotboxing” and “pot.” Instead, they describe a test involving six individuals exposed to secondhand cannabis smoke inside a Plexiglas room, whose ventilation levels they could control manually. They were looking at how much the non-smokers were affected by the lingering smoke.

At the end of the experiments, after smokers had either filled the sealed room with smoke or allowed the smoke to leave through vents, the researchers found ventilation ultimately made a large difference in the non-smokers’ physiology. Their heart rates picked up, their cognitive skills waned, and they got a little hungrier. (This last effect is partially suspect, Herrmann admits, since the trial ended near lunchtime.) In the ventilated condition, however, subjects’ blood tests showed far lower cannabinoid levels and their cognitive skills fell mostly at baseline.

To Herrmann, the results suggest a possible, though perhaps implausible, scenario in which secondhand smoke could sabotage new employees hoping to espouse a clean record or the average citizen mixed up in a possession charge. “It would be pretty unlikely for someone to fail a drug test from most ‘real-world’ secondhand exposure scenarios where the environment is ventilated,” Herrmann told Medical Daily in an email.

However, as the study showed, unventilated conditions put one participant above the THC threshold of 50 nanograms per milliliter for urine tests, a standard concentration used by most government positions. Four of the five remaining subjects surpassed the 20 ng/mL threshold used by some private companies, the authors explain.

Marijuana is currently the most widely used illicit drug, and a solid amount of evidence exists to suggest it’s becoming more potent with time. Fortunately, that trend won’t likely result in greater rates of failed drug tests, given that dispensaries trade mostly in edibles and other oral routes of ingestion. In addition, many of their clientele are simply seeking the drug’s medicinal benefits, not its psychoactive properties. In these cases, THC isn’t a factor.

Herrmann says the research is following the trend. “We’ve moved on from the passive smoke exposure,” he said. “We’re now studying the effects of oral cannabis — specifically looking at how different doses of orally consumed cannabis effect behavior/cognition and drug testing results.”

Source: Herrmann E, Cone E, Mitchell J, et al. Non-smoker exposure to secondhand cannabis smoke II: Effect of room ventilation on the physiological, subjective, and behavioral/cognitive effects. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2015.

‘Heartbreak’ stem cells could repair damage of heart attack .

An injection of newly discovered stem cells could encourage the heart to regenerate and reverse damage, scientists believe.

Stem cells injected directly into the heart could repair the damage caused by a heart attack

Stem cells capable of repairing the irreversible damage of a heart attack have been discovered by scientists in a breakthrough which could offer new hope for hundreds of thousands of Britons.

Many heart attack survivors are left suffering breathlessness and tiredness because their muscles are so badly damaged that the heart can no longer pump blood effectively.

Scientists have hoped that an injection of heart stem cells could encourage the organ to repair itself but have struggled to find cells which had a significant effect.

Now, researchers at the British Heart Foundation and Imperial College have discovered that a particular type of stem cell in the heart is crucial to the regeneration process. After the new stem cells were injected into damaged hearts they were able to pump double the amount of blood as before.

Although so far the cells have only been found in mice, the team are hopeful that a similar regenerating cell should exist in humans.

Professor Michael Schneider, of Imperial College, who directed the research said: “We have found stem cells in the heart that have a specific protein on their surface have the greatest potential to repair damaged hearts.

“When we injected stem cells with this protein into damaged hearts, we saw a significant level of heart repair.

“Future treatments could be injections of stem cells, as in our current experiments, or use of the healing proteins that these cells make.”

This study discovered that stem cells with heart repairing properties carry an identifying protein on their surface, called PDGFRα.

The scientists were able to use this protein to find, purify and multiply enough of these stem cells so that they could be injected into damaged hearts.











Stem cells could be injected directly into the heart to repair it

Mice treated with these stem cells were able to recover and repair a significant proportion of their damaged heart muscle after 12 weeks, preventing heart failure, when compared to mice who had not received the treatment.

The researchers now hope to find a similar cell in human hearts, using PDGFRα and other proteins to identify and purify the best stem cells to repair the damage caused by heart attacks.

Professor Jeremy Pearson, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation which part-funded the study said: “This research is an early but important step towards understanding how we might be able to encourage stem cells in failing hearts to repair the damage caused by a heart attack.

“A crucial next step for this research will be to establish if the human heart has similar heart-repairing stem cells to those pinpointed by this method in mice.”

Laser technique for low-cost self-assembly of nanostructures

Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a low-cost technique that holds promise for a range of scientific and technological applications.

They have combined laser printing and capillary force to build complex, self-assembling microstructures using a technique called laser printing capillary-assisted self-assembly (LPCS).

This type of self-assembly is seen in nature, such as in gecko feet and the salvinia leaf, and scientists have been trying to mimic these multi-functional structures for decades.

The researchers have found they can control capillary force – the tendency of a liquid to rise in narrow tubes or be drawn into small openings – by changing the surface structure of a material.

“Using laser printing techniques we can control the size, geometry, elasticity and distance between tiny pillars – narrower than the width of a human hair – to get the self-assembly that we want,” Swinburne’s Dr Yanlei Hu, said. He is the lead author of a study published in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

Ultrafast laser printing produces an array of vertical nanorods of varying heights. After the laser process, the material is washed in a development solvent using a method similar to traditional darkroom film processing. The gravity-governed difference creates pillars of unequal physical properties along different axes.

“A possible application of these structures is in on-chip micro-object trap-release systems which are in demand in chemical analysis and biomedical devices,” co-author Dr Ben Cumming said.

The researchers demonstrated the ability of the LPCS structures to selectively capture and release micro-particles.

“This hybrid strategy for preparing hierarchical structures features simplicity, scalability and high flexibility in comparison to other state-of the-art approaches such as photolithography, electron-beam lithography and template replicating,” Director of the Centre for Micro-Photonics at Swinburne, Professor Min Gu, said.

“Moreover, the assembled cells can be used as automatic micro-grippers for selective trapping and controllable releasing, suggesting many potential applications in the field of chemistry, biomedicine and micro-fluidic engineering.”

The paper “Laser printing hierarchical structure with the aid of controlled capillary-driven ” has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

There’s antibiotic-resistant E. coli in UK beach water.

Just in time for summer, scientists have announced that there are traces of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in the UK’s coastal water, and they pose “a potential risk of exposure” to swimmers.

Don’t panic just yet – the bacteria strain only made up 0.12 percent of the water sampled, and there’s no evidence of it causing infections in humans. But the new research shows that swimmers and surfers could potentially be exposed to the bug because of how much seawater they swallow.
E. coli can cause severe food poisoning, and the strain this study was looking at is resistant to third-generation cephalosporin antibiotics, or 3GCs, which makes it harder for doctors to treat.

To work out whether bathers were at risk of being exposed to this nasty bug, the researchers first analysed the amount of antibiotic-resistant E. coli found in the coastal waters of England and Wales, based on samples taken in 2012. They then studied how much water is swallowed, on average, by swimmers, surfers, kayakers and other water sports participants, and used this to calculate their risk of exposure.

Publishing their results in Environment International, the researchers predict that more than 6.3 million water-sport sessions in 2012 would have resulted in people swallowing at least one antibiotic-resistant E. coli bug. However, there’s no evidence to suggest that the exposure would make people sick.

“We know very little about how the natural environment can spread antibiotic resistant bacteria to humans, or how our exposure to these microbes can affect health,” lead researcher William Gaze, from the University of Exeter in the UK, said in a press release. “People are exposed to antibiotic resistant bacteria in many ways, through person to person contact, via food and as a result of international travel. Our research establishes recreational use of coastal waters as an additional route of exposure.”

The research also suggests that the exposure risk could be underestimated, as it’s closely linked to how contaminated a particular beach or coastal waterway is.

“With millions of people visiting beaches in England and Wales each year, there is a risk of people ingesting 3GC resistant E. coli, and it looks like water-users’ exposure to all resistant bacteria could be even higher,” Gaze added.

However, the researchers stress that they haven’t yet shown whether that presents a health risk or not – the next step is to find out exactly what happens to that antibiotic-resistant E. coli once inside the human body.

“We’re not recommending that people stop visiting the beach,” said team member Anne Leonard. “This kind of research will help us ensure people can still make the most our coastal resources.”

WATCH: The loudest possible sound, according to science.

When a noise travels faster than the speed of sound and becomes a shock wave.

There’s probably not a person on Earth who didn’t wish for the ability to instantly teleport themselves somewhere else at a given moment. But despite what some science fiction would lead us to believe, even if we had the technology to do it, it wouldn’t exactly be pleasant for the innocent bystanders on the other side. As this episode of It’s Okay To Be Smart explains, the air filling the vacuum where you used to be would collapse with such force, the sound would burst their eardrums and probably make them feel sick to their stomachs.
When we talk about how loud a sound is, what we’re really talking about is how intense the pressure wave created by sound travelling through the air is, says Joe Hanson in the video above. Sound waves are odd because they happen to move outwards from a source in the shape of a sphere. The larger this sphere becomes, and the further away from the source, the less pressure there’ll be at any given point of the sphere.

The smallest sound pressure wave the human ear can perceive is pretty ridiculous – according to the video above, it vibrates our eardrums at less than the width of a single oxygen molecule. Ridiculous.

But what about the loudest sound? Back in 1883, the Island of Krakatoa in the South Pacific erupted into an explosion of fire, molten lava, and gas, which was pummelled into the atmosphere at a force more powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. This explosion was so loud, it shattered eardrums 65 KILOMETRES away (40 miles).

But this didn’t even hit the upper limit for what a sound can be. You’re gonna have to watch the episode of It’s Okay To Be Smart above to find out what that means, but let’s just say it happens when sound waves move faster than the speed of sound and then become a shock wave.

Watch the video. URL:https://youtu.be/wi_aawsChqA

Depopulation test run? 75% of children who received vaccines in Mexican town now dead or hospitalized

Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled U.S. media to censor the stories about the deadly side effects of vaccines, the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to strike has killed two babies in La Pimienta, Mexico and sent 37 more to the hospital with serious reactions to toxic vaccine additives.

“…14 children are in serious condition, 22 are stable and one is in critical condition,” the Chiapas Health Secretariat said in a statement via Latino.FoxNews.com.

What’s especially alarming is that only 52 children were vaccinated in all, meaning that 75% of those receiving the vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.

The vaccines were administered by the Mexican Social Security Institute, known as IMSS. The IMSS confirmed the deadly reactions occurred after children received injections of vaccines for tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis B — the same viral strains targeted by vaccines routinely administered to children in the United States.

IMSS suspends vaccination pending further investigation

According to Fox News Latino, the IMSS has suspended the vaccines pending the outcome of an investigation into why so many children have been killed and hospitalized.

According to the entire mainstream media in the United States — which is 100% controlled by corporate interests — vaccines never harm anyone and are perfectly safe to inject into children in unlimited quantities. This dangerous, inhumane “Vaccine Injury Denialism” is rampant across the corporate-controlled media, which contributes to the deaths of innocent babies and children by refusing to acknowledge the truth that vaccines kill and injure children on a regular basis.

Just recently, in fact, the UK government agreed to pay $90 million to victims of the swine flu vaccine. That vaccine caused permanent brain damage to over 800 children across Europe. The truth is that vaccines regularly harm and even kill innocent children, most likely because of the toxic chemical adjuvants and preservatives they still contain.

As the CDC openly admits, vaccines are still intentionally formulated with mercury, aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde. Some vaccines even use ingredients derived from aborted human fetal tissue. Last year, a CDC scientist blew the whistle on the CDC committing scientific fraud to cover up links between vaccines and autism in young African-American males.

Test run for depopulation via vaccines?

As globalists now fully realize, vaccines are by far the best way to cull the human population because most people can be tricked into lining up and asking for them. Thus, there’s no need to resort to all the difficulties used by the Nazis to commit genocide in World War II, involving complex logistics of railroad cars, gas chambers, construction of mass graves, prisoner tracking via IBM computing technology, and so on. (Yes, Nazi genocide and prisoner tracking was powered by early IBM computers. See IBM and the Holocaust, the strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation…)

As the vaccine industry has now come to realize, it’s so much easier to kill people when they voluntarily comply with the injections. Hence the aggressive media propaganda push to achieve absolute blind obedience to vaccines so that no one will ask questions when sterilization or euthanasia chemicals are used. That’s no doubt why vaccines have been routinely tested for depopulation programs via two primary methods:

# 1) Achieve covert sterilizations of targeted populations by combining sterilization chemicals with vaccines. (The “slow kill.”)

# 2) Directly kill vaccine recipients by intentionally lacing vaccines with euthanasia chemicals that cause death. (The “fast kill.”)

Method #1 has been repeatedly used throughout Africa, Mexico and South America to inflict sterilization upon targeted groups via immunization and vaccination programs. Just last year, in fact, I reported on the discovery of a covert depopulation vaccine program being run in Kenya:

Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.

“We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. “They were all laced with HCG.”

Method #2 now appears to be under way in Mexico as 75% of those children injected with vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.

Vaccine-induced depopulation was attempted in Mexico in 1974

As Truth Stream Media exhaustively documented, a depopulation exercise was run in Mexico in 1974, using vaccines as the cover story.

The scheme was dreamed up after the release of the National Security Study Memorandum 200 which highlighted the global population problem and urged governments to find ways to reduce the global population.

As TruthStreamMedia.com explains:

Concentration on this “problem” of how to reduce the population was planned for 13 key countries, including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia. Of those, the document singled out Mexico as having one of the highest (and therefore, most worrisome) growth rates of all. The document read, “Perhaps the most significant population trend from the viewpoint of the United States is the prospect that Mexico’s population will increase from 50 million in 1970 to over 130 million by the year 2000.”

To combat this problem, “medical spooks” — who were almost certainly U.S.-funded depopulation vaccine crews — began injecting women all across Mexico with anti-fertility drugs disguised as vaccines. If you doubt this, read your history. The U.S. government’s National Institutes of Health was caught red-handed running human medical experiments on prisoners in Guatemala. President Obama was even forced to publicly apologize in 2011 after the cover-up collapsed! There is nothing the Nazis did in the 1930s and 40s that the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t be willing to repeat today under the label of “science.”

But getting back to Mexico, as the covert depopulation vaccination program spread across Mexico City in 1974, locals began to catch on to the deception, and public resistance grew. As these newspaper clippings reveal, parents began hiding their children in their own homes to avoid them being injected with sterilization chemicals at the public schools. (California, by the way, also targets children at schools in order to avoid parents having the opportunity to say “No!”)

Mexico City – Associated Press – Rumors that persons disguised as inoculation teams were giving school children shots that sterilized them forced health authorities to suspend all vaccination drives today and to post police outside Mexico City schools. Thousands of parents stormed various schools in the Mexico City area Tuesday and took their children home.

It’s also important to note that these sterilization vaccines were being administered essentially at gunpoint, as police were accompanying the vaccine crews:

Callers told newspapers and TV stations that the sterilization crews were protected by police escorts and that they included white-robed men and women “who looked like foreigners.”

This same scenario is now about to be replicated in California, by the way, where SB 277 would criminalize parents of children who are not vaccinated, essentially at gunpoint.

What’s even more interesting is that the exact same arguments we hear today about vaccine skeptics — they’re punitively labeled “anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” — were also being used in Mexico in 1974. As the following newspaper clipping shows:

The Mexican Medical Association issued statements denying that any kind of inoculation could cause sterility… Officials said superstition and ignorance of preventive health [i.e. “anti-science”] were responsible for the widespread belief that the rumors were true.

In other words, even though sterilization teams were running around Mexico, injecting people with chemicals as part of a depopulation agenda, any person who pointed this out was immediately labeled “anti-science” and derided as “ignorant.”

Very little has changed in four decades, it seems: the same tactic is still used today, even while children are being killed or injured every single day due to the toxic ingredients used in vaccines.

CDC’s intelligence operatives caught running disinfo campaigns

The “science bullying” behind vaccines also allows governments of the world to run sterilization and depopulation programs disguised as public health. Once the population is bullied into accepting vaccines without question — blind obedience is now demanded almost everywhere — governments can add any chemicals they want to those vaccines, including chemicals that cause permanent sterilization or even death.

The fact that all vaccine injuries are systematically denied to exist also means that any person harmed or killed by vaccines is immediately wiped from the national memory. Like a criminal mafia, the vaccine industry works hard to hide the bodies and thereby maintain its monopolistic racket on the utterly false premise that vaccines are 100% safe. To further drive home this extraordinary medical propaganda, the CDC uses intelligence operatives like Nurse Hickox who spread disinfo through the mainstream media, which is always happy to comply with the destructive agendas of the vaccine industry.

As Natural News uncovered during the Ebola scare of 2014:

Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made headlines over the last few days by refusing to quarantine herself after returning from the Ebola front lines in Africa, turns out to have been trained as an “intelligence officer” under a two-year CDC program modeled after the U.S. military.

As you can see from the document below, Hickox graduated from a two-year CDC intelligence officer training program in 2012. This is the same nurse whose LinkedIn page was recently scrubbed to hide her ties to the CDC

The official intelligence designation granted to Nurse Hickox by the CDC was “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer,” and she is a graduate of the 2012 EIS program according to this CDC document (PDF). (See page 138 – 139 for her name and photo, or view photo below.)

That same year, the CDC graduated 81 such “intelligence officers” whose names and photos are also listed in the public document.

Bottom line? Don’t trust the vaccine industry

What’s the takeaway realization from all this? Vaccines have been and will continue to be used as a cover for forced depopulation programs involving sterilization or euthanasia chemicals.

Obedience to vaccines allows depopulation teams accompanied by armed police to intimidate people into accepting any liquid they want to put in a syringe. That liquid might be a vaccine, or it might be a sterilization chemical or even a euthanasia chemical.

Any population that is indoctrinated into trusting the vaccine industry — an industry steeped in repeated criminal activity combined with a total disregard for human life — is ripe for being targeted for depopulation.
After all, why go through the trouble of building gas chambers and rounding people up for mass extermination when you can achieve the same result without any resistance at all if you simply label the chemicals “vaccines”?

Sources for this article include:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049669_vaccine_injury_depopulation_agenda_deadly_side_effects.html#ixzz3aeKzCXDD