Science Says Falling In Love Might Actually Make You Lose Weight

The “love pounds” phenomenon has just been turned on its head. According to a new study, rather than making you gain weight, falling in love may actually help you lose weight.

Jay Alvarrez

Though it’s easy to gain a few pounds at the beginning of a relationship (probably because you’re dining out more than usual), the hormones released when you’re falling love may actually suppress your appetite.

The study, conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School, monitored the behaviors and eating patterns of 25 young men. Half of the participants were either overweight or obese and half of them were at normal weights.

Researchers divided all the men into two groups: The first received an oxytocin nasal spray while the second group received a placebo.

Oxytocin, for the unacquainted, is the hormone released in the brain during pleasurable activities such as sex, kissing and cuddling.

After the participants used the nasal spray, they ate large meals while researchers monitored how many calories each man consumed. They repeated the experiment eight weeks later, switching the spray each group received.

Findings published in the medical journal Obesity revealed those who received oxytocin tended to eat less and had boosted metabolic levels and insulin sensitivity while they ate.

Because the study only observed young men, more research needs to be done to reach a conclusive theory, but the researchers were encouraged by the findings.

Even if the weight loss is minor, being intimate with someone you care about reaps tons of other benefits, so make sure to show your love whenever you can.

Your mind and body will thank you.

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