
Throughout various cultures in the world there are daily practices which are considered indispensable in order to maintain optimal health. In American society, brushing the teeth first thing in the morning is considered one of those absolute “do not miss.” In the Orient, especially wherever Ayurveda is practiced, tongue scraping is considered equally important as teeth brushing.

Because of what takes place in your mouth during a night’s sleep, it’s quite important that the tongue be scraped first thing each and every morning. There are different reasons for performing this health practice, as the following excerpt describes.

“Tongue scraping removes the nightly accumulations of toxins which inevitably coat the morning tongue. Don’t brush them off as they will only be pushed into the the top layer of the tongue.

If the tongue is coated with a white film in the morning it is a sign of the accumulation of toxins in the small intestine, large intestine and/or stomach. The location on the tongue will indicate which parts of the GI tract are dealing with the most toxicity.” (Source: 3 Morning Essentials — EVERYDAY!)

How To Scrape Your Tongue Correctly

The silver tongue scraper in the photo below is very simply used by gently dragging it across the surface of the top of the tongue — from back to front — over the bathroom sink with warm water running for rinsing the scraper. Doing this a few times removes the white furry tongue growth which inevitably builds up after a night’s sleep.

This daily process is then followed by thoroughly rinsing the mouth out with water. Swishing the water around well a few times serves to remove all the white fur that coats the tongue. Tongue scraping should be performed before brushing the teeth.

Wherever Ayurveda is taught, this necessary hygiene practice is often followed by an oil pulling session for 5 to 10 minutes. Thus completes the oral hygiene that many people around the world would never miss doing even for a day.

There are actually five very good reasons for daily tongue scraping

#1 Improves the breath
#2 Improves your ability to taste
#3 Avoid toxins being reabsorbed into your body
#4 Improves dental health
#5 Get to know your tongue

(Source: 5 Reasons to Scrape Your Tongue Every Day)

The last reason — number 5 — can be particularly helpful for anyone dealing with chronic degenerative disease or a multi-infection syndrome. The tongue actually maps the body in such a way that imbalanced or diseased locations (organs, tissues, etc.) can be identified. Both Ayurvedic physicians and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners are trained to diagnose various ailments according to the condition of the tongue.


The more you get to know your tongue – particularly any changes which occur over time – the more tongue analysis can be used as part of one’s self care program.


Tongue scraping ought to be conducted every day as part of morning hygiene. Scraping the tongue is really just as important a practice as teeth brushing, although Western society has not yet embraced it as a regular hygiene habit.

For anyone who is doubtful about the efficacy of such a novel practice, please consider the following more detailed explanation of number 3 listed above — “Avoid toxins being reabsorbed into your body

“As you sleep, your body is detoxifying. Much of the film on your tongue is toxins excreted from your body. You don’t want to re-ingest that do you? NO! Scraping your tongue first thing in the morning will remove this sludge from your tongue and from your body, improving your over all health and improving your immune system.”[1]

In a first, French scientists create sperm in lab .

Sperm has been created in a laboratory for the first time, French researchers have claimed, raising hopes of treatment for infertile men.

A company based in in Lyon said they had created human sperm in vitro, a feat which would be a world first.

Isabelle Cuoc, the CEO of the Kallistem laboratory, said: “Kallistem is addressing a major issue whose impacts are felt worldwide: the treatment of male infertility.

“Our team is the first in the world to have developed the technology required to obtain fully formed spermatozoa [sperm] in vitro with sufficient yield for IVF.”

Kallistem said it has taken male fertility tissue, known as spermatogonia, and turned it into mature sperm in test tubes. This complex process usually takes 72 days.

This would benefit tens of thousands of infertile men who cannot develop their own sperm.

But until the publication of a patent on 23 June for the process, called Artisem, the company is refusing to disseminate their results.

The lack of scientific findings published in a peer-reviewed journal has led to experts from around the world calling for caution to be exercised while further work is conducted.

Professor Allan Pacey, an expert in male fertility at the University of Sheffield, said he remained sceptical until the research has reviewed.

“Claims like this can often cause heartache for infertile couples who see them as hope only to have their hopes dashed later when it doesn’t translate into an available procedure,” he told the Daily Mail.

“”If it works, this method opens great prospects,” Professor Nathalie Rives, director of the centre for assisted reproduction at the University Hospital of Rouen, told Le Figaro newspaper.

The private male infertility company hopes to begin human clinical trials within two years and is crowdsourcing funds to make this a reality.

Eventually the lab hopes to treat 50,000 men a year, in a market that is estimated to be worth £1.7bn a year.

Iran to build nuclear medicine hospital

Iran said  that it will soon start the construction of a specialized nuclear medicine hospital which will be the first of its kind in the Middle East. 

Ali-Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the hospital will be constructed in capital Tehran.

“It will be a very vast project and will be equipped with facilities that will make it a unique hospital in the Middle East,” Salehi told reporters.

“Once operational, Iranian patients suffering from rare diseases will no longer have to travel abroad to seek treatment. Besides, Iran will have a new attraction in terms of medical tourism,” he was quoted as saying by Fars news agency.

Salehi further described the planned hospital as one of AEOI’s most important projects, adding that the Organization has already provided a certain amount of the total budget of about $35 million.

Iran’s nuclear chief added that the hospital will be equipped with a variety of machines to provide radiotherapy services to patients and that different types of centrifuges will also be installed in the complex.

He emphasized that the main objective of the project will be to promote the application of radioisotopes in Iran and also to enhance the standards of radiotherapy equipment across the country.

Iran already has 150 nuclear medicine centers across the country that provide services to over one million patients each year. Iranian officials had previously repeatedly emphasized that using nuclear technology for medical purposes is a key objective of the country’s nuclear energy program.