Japanese Facial Massage for Youthful look .

When the Japanese ’’beauty minds”consult with the masters of traditional Japanese rituals for the body and the spirit, the result is an efficient and simple self-massage for youthful look.

Japanese Facial Massage for Youthful look

This facial massage was created by cosmetic specialists, by combining the movements of shiatsu massage with the western techniques in order to enhance the effects of their products for rejuvenation. Not only will this massage improve the functioning of the active ingredients of the skin care products but it will also calm the stress and the tension, relax the muscles, it will make your skin tight and firm. It will also accelerate your microcirculation and it will improve your sleep. In order to improve the circulation, this massage should be performed at the same speed, following the rhythm of the heart. You need to do this massage for only five minutes!

For the cheeks and chin

Use your fingertips to apply the face cream or the serum on your face. Press gently with your palm and massage your entire face. Start from the chin, over the root of the nose to the top of the forehead, up to your ear.

Massage the right side of your face with your left hand and the left side of your face with your right hand. You need to repeat each procedure three times. By pulling the palm upward you are stimulating the circulation and the microcirculation. This will strengthen the skin on your face and chin.

Eye area

Place the index finger on your eyelid, and your middle finger below the eye. Now lightly, with your fingertips, press the delicate eye area and drag it toward the outer part of the face. The second step is to gently pinch the corners of the eyes from the top to the bottom.

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