Data proves Fukushima has exceeded Chernobyl in radiation release.

The cumulative amount of radiation released from Fukushima already exceeds that of the infamous 1986 Chernobyl disaster, says a new study published in the journal Nature — and the damage, of course, is still ongoing.


Scientists from Japan, after testing radiation concentrations in various spots throughout the Pacific Ocean and on land, found that at least 120 petabecquerels (PBq), or 120 quadrillion becquerels (Bq), of radioactive cesium-134 (Cs-134) and cesium-137 (Cs-137) have been released by Fukushima just into the world’s oceans.

This figure is 11 percent higher than the total amount of radioactive cesium released by Chernobyl on both land and water, illustrating the true severity of the Fukushima disaster that the mainstream media is concealing from the public.

According to the study, researchers analyzed data collected at numerous measuring stations located throughout the North Pacific Ocean and elsewhere where Fukushima radiation was released. Though incomplete, this data was used to come up with radiation release estimates that account for the spread of contaminated water via ocean currents.

Based on these models, it was determined that up to 46 PBq of Cs-134 was released into the North Pacific Ocean following Fukushima. However, the study also says that the 6 PBq of Cs-134 definitively identified in the study area may represent as little as 10 percent of the overall release, bumping this figure to 60 PBq of Cs-134.

Combined with the total estimated release of Cs-137, the study authors concluded that up to 120 PBq of both types of radioactive cesium were released just into the North Pacific Ocean following the Fukushima disaster. Compared to the 108 PBq of radioactive cesium released during Chernobyl, this represents an 11 percent greater amount.

Fukushima: hands-down the worst nuclear disaster in history

But it is important to note here that the 108 PBq figure for Chernobyl includes radiation deposited on both land and sea. In the case of Fukushima, the 120 PBq figure only accounts for radiation released into water, and specifically water circulating in the North Pacific Ocean — the total amount of Fukushima radiation released on both land and sea is likely orders of magnitude higher than this figure.

“A report by the Nuclear [Energy] Agency states that when more detailed deposition data eventually became available, the United Nations estimated the total Chernobyl release of 137CS at 70 PBq,” explains

“134Cs is estimated to have been 53.7% of the 137Cs — approximately 38 PBq of 134Cs — resulting in a total of 108 PBq. Unlike the Fukushima total… this does include all 134Cs and 137Cs releases from Chernobyl — not just what was deposited in the ocean.”

The implications of this are astounding, as Chernobyl has long been regarded as one of the worst nuclear disasters in history. The exclusion zone surrounding Chernobyl is still mostly deserted, having displaced hundreds of thousands of people, and readings still show high levels of radiation near the plant.

And yet the Chernobyl disaster clearly pales in comparison to Fukushima. Not only is Fukushima far more of a threat to humanity due to its direct proximity to the ocean, but the most credible data we have shows that, in the aftermath, Fukushima is spreading far more radiation across the globe than Chernobyl ever could.

Even worse is the fact that the 120 PBq figure does not take into account all the other radioactive isotopes like strontium, plutonium and uranium that have been spreading through the air and water since 2011 when the disaster occurred. Taking all these other contaminants into account paints an even more dire picture of what the world has to look forward to.


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