Fluoride is a Poison Linked to Brain Damage and Mind Control

There are so many myths and assumptions surrounding putting fluoride in water that many people go into a state of incredulous disbelief if they are told that our water supply is being poisoned.

Fluoride is a synthetic waste product of the nuclear, aluminum, phosphate fertilizer industries, has a capacity to combine and increase the potency of other toxic materials, and can weaken bone and dental matter. It damages the liver and kidneys, weakens the immune system, creates symptoms that mimic fibromyalgia, and acts as a Trojan Horse to carry aluminum across the blood brain barrier. It can even inhibit function needed for sound, deep sleep.

While the issue of whether fluoride reduces dental decay is often debated when discussing this topic (it doesn’t – in fact it actually slightly increases tooth decay – for studies see this article), this is a just a distraction from the real issues – fluoride is put in the water to create a profitable way to dispose of a lethal industrial by-product, and to make the population more submissive.

The only reason it remains in the water supplies of a handful of American influenced countries (less than 4% of the population globally) is because the officials who have been pushing this mass medication program don’t want to admit it has been thoroughly discredited.

It’s a difficult subject for many people to look into with an open mind, because if fluoride really is toxic, they would have to then question many of their other assumptions about the society we live in. “It must be good for us, otherwise ‘they’ wouldn’t put it in the water..”

I have added some good resources bellow, for those of you who would like to investigate the issue of  Fluoride further.

By Tom Retterbush



Doctor Exposes Fluoride as Poison

HITLER & FLUORIDE added High Dose to Water at Concentration Camps Keep People LIKE WALKING DEAD

Stuff They Don’t Want You To KnowFluoridation


Fluoride: How A Toxic Poison Ended Up In Our Water Supply

Fluoride: Deadly Poison? History & Dangers of Fluoride

THE FLUORIDE WARS: THE PROTECTED POISON – The Real History Of Fluoride “Strange Journey – From Hazardous Waste To Good For Teeth”

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