Confessions of a Lost and Tormented Soul.

“The most tormented souls carry the kindest hearts. The kindest hearts hide tear soaked eyes. Tear soaked eyes can see right through you.” ~ Unknown”


I took a taxi back home today and like I always do, I asked the person who was driving the taxi the following:

“How are you?

Busy, busy?”

And I got no reply…. Complete silence.

I looked in the mirror and I saw the driver looked a bit surprised, like he wasn’t sure if I was talking to him.

It happens a lot of times when I take a taxi and I assume it’s because they don’t expect you to care about them and how their day is going.

I continued to look in the mirror in the hope that he will look as well and realize I was talking to him and he did.

Because he saw me smiling and realized I was talking to him, he smiled back and replied:

“Now that I look at you I am very fine.

Thank you! 

and continued to smile.

“My day no busy. Not enough money. It’s hard… I am tired of living this life.”

He paused for a few seconds and then he asked:

“Where are you from?”

“Do you have any children you have to take care of or are you alone?

“Romania” I replied.

“I am from Romania and yes, I do have one kid to take care of.

Its my inner child. Very noisy and demanding but a good kid.”

We both started laughing.

“You very funny. Very good entertainer.

You got me confused, you know?

But it’s good to be funny. It keeps you young.

And are you working here or are you a student?” 

to which I replied:

“No, no studying. I worked here but not anymore.

I will now continue to work on different projects but on my own.

I will follow my heart and see where it takes me.

Me and my heart are very good friends and I trust it will take good care of me..”

“I understand…” he said with a soft voice.

His tone of voice started to change.

“ I don’t hear my heart…

I work hard but not enough money.

My day no busy. Not enough money. It’s hard…

I am tired of living this life.” 

He paused…

“Maybe you should ask your God to help you.” I told him.

“You can tell your God that you are ready to receive more money and that He should help you.”

to which he replied:

“I talked to my God, asked him for money but I don’t think He’s there. 

I never got an answer from him…”

“But what would you like to do?

“I mean, if you could do anything what would you do?” I asked.

To which he replied:

“I would help people. I would go to orphans and I would help them.

And on their birthday… You know what I would do for their birthday?

I would ask them what they want to receive as a gift and I would buy it for them.


This would make me happy.

I would help people and give them money and I would also buy you a present for your birthday.”

We both started laughing and then he continued:

“But I don’t have money. 

My God won’t help me and life is hard for me.

I wish I was a ghost you know?”

His voice started changing even more and I could feel he was getting very emotional.

I looked in the mirror and I saw tears coming down his face…

“I just want to be a ghost.

I could scare people and laugh. That would make me happy…

I just want to be a ghost.

What is this?!” and started pointing at his body.

“What is this?!

I don’t want to have this.

I don’t need this body, this life…

I work so hard, from 6 am to 8 pm, and still not enough money.

I could jump off a tall building but I won’t do it…

There are so many building here” and he started looking out the window…

“I could jump but I won’t.

I won’t do it.”

After that he was silent. We both were.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

I had to take a few deep breaths before I could open my mouth again. I knew I should’t be silent and that I should say something, and I did:

“You know, maybe you should ask your God a different question.

Instead of asking him for money maybe you should ask him to help you find your gift.

I believe we all come to this world because we choose to.

Your soul chose to come to this planet and create something unique and beautiful.

If you can find your gift you will be happy and you will make good money.

You might think it’s money that you want but I don’t think it’s money.

I think you want to be happy, to feel free. To help and to bring meaning into your life and of those around you.

You said you want to help orphans, to help people and make them happy.

If you find and work with your gift, you will  be able to help not only them but also yourself. 

Money will come if you do what you love but its not about the money.

It’s about discovering your life purpose, your gift and then sharing that gift with the world.

That’s where real happiness comes from…

I love to write and I know writing is my gift.

When I write, I go to this magical place and I become so blissful. In those moments I realize why I am here on this planet and why writing feels so good… It’s because writing is part of my life purpose. It helps me and it helps many of the people who read what I write.

Writing comes from the heart and even though I am not doing it for the money, I know that money will come…

Talk to your soul. Ask your soul to help you remember what your gift is.

Your soul chose to come here. You chose to be here.

Just talk to your soul and trust that by doing so things will begin to change.”

Because I was so engaged in what I was telling him, I didn’t even realize we arrived at my destination.

He turned around, and with a big smile on his face said to me:

“We have arrived my friend…

Thank you…

You are a good person.

Thank you for being in my taxi.

Have a good day, ok?”

His energy was different and I was so happy to see him smile again. 

“Listen, you talk to your soul ok?” I told him again.

Promise me that you will talk to your soul and next time we will meet, we will get the same taxi but you will no longer be the driver, ok?”

He looked at me, shook his head, smiled some more, took his money and drove away… :)

“Taking an interest in what others are thinking and doing is often a much more powerful form of encouragement than praise.” ~ Robert Martin

The moment I stepped out of his taxi I knew that I have to share my experience with all of you and I do hope you will learn from it as much as I have and will probably continue to learn.

This man made me realize how much I love all of you who are reading this blog, how much I love people and life in general and that I have no interest in settling for less than a beautiful, happy and inspiring life.

His story really touched me and it made me realize that he is not a rare case. There are so many unhappy people in this world, people who have given up on themselves, their hopes and their dreams, settling for less than what they are worth, for less than what they deserve… Living a lonely, sad and unhappy life.

Don’t let this happen to you. If you’re unhappy, lost, scared, stuck in a dark place and you can’t seem to switch on the light, know that there is always something that can be done. There is always a way out of the darkness into the light.

I was in the dark for more than 25 years and I can tell you for sure that its a scary place to be in. You feel lost, frightened, at times paralyzed by fear and you have no idea where to go, what to do and who to talk to.  It’s not easy but if you really want to get out of mess you are in and turn your life around, you can do it and it all starts with an intention to do so.

First comes the intention and the commitment to change and then the action steps. Just like Lao Tzu said it, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Dare to take your first step towards a happier and more meaningful life. Start from where you are and trust that if you keep your eye on the life you wish to live and not on the mess you are in, things will start to change. If it changed for me it can change for you as well. (You will read a lot more about my story once my book is out. Trust me, you will be surprised to see how much crap I had to go through and that I didn’t become the person that I am today until a few years ago. Before that I was a mess.)

Why do you think it’s so challenging for people to change and to make a commitment to themselves to start living a happier and fulfilled life?

Source:Purpose fairy




The Act of Forgiveness: Learning How to Forgive.

“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” ~ Alexander Pope

There is one golden rule of happiness that sounds so simple but is often drowned out in the chaotic noise of our lives “Treat others like you would like to be treated”.


We need to cultivate the ability to forgive others as well as ourselves in order to live in harmony.

Throughout our lives we may find ourselves in a position that requires us to think about forgiveness, and we do not always know how best to do that.  There are three types of forgiveness, forgiving the self, those that have been harmed by our actions, and forgiving of others that have harmed us.  To capture the essence from the transformation of forgiveness, the emotional steps occur:

Understand your actions;

Resolve to change;

Right the wrong;


Heal the damage.

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” ~ Robert Muller

These steps are challenging, I know from personal experience.  It takes great courage and strength to follow them.  To me it was transformational, a healing journey to release wrongs. The wrongs that I held against myself, the wrongs inflicted upon me from others and wrongs I inflicted upon others.  Reaching out and moving forward to release these fears, past hurts, resentments, anger and judgments will change your life.  By forgiving you are releasing the initial harm.  The real gift comes from releasing the second harm the energy you have been using to hold on to it.  By releasing the second harm, you are releasing them from your present and your future.

On our journey on this beautiful blue planet earth, we all need to learn how to forgive.  We will not pass to the other side without forgiving.  We all make mistakes.  We do the best we can with the information we have at the time we make decisions and act.

Start with yourself first. Forgive yourself. If you are not in harmony and balance in your heart and forgive yourself, how can you forgive others or ask for forgiveness from others?  People will feel it authentically when you come with your own forgiveness in the past.  They will see your energy and light.  They will know something changed.

By forgiving you are not letting another off the “hook”.  Forgiving is helping you heal.  You can forgive, but you cannot forget.  Put it in the past and learn from the experience. Once you forgive, you see life with a new view.  You live in the present more.

What happens if you cannot forgive?  Everyone here is on a journey.  If people cannot forgive they are holding onto the lower energies and vibrations that limit  joy, love and the light within each of us.  If others cannot forgive, still send them a blessing.  Know that they are doing the best with what they presently have in their life.  Do not judge them do not make assumptions.  Each person must experience this within his or her own heart.  One cannot force another to forgive or accept forgiveness.  Again, send the blessing and move on.  Forgive with the highest emotion LOVE.

Enjoy your life, laugh again and see wonderful qualities in others, this is the benefit you receive when you forgive!  You also lose judgment.  Judging another is one of the lowest energies.  Worry about yourself.  Send blessings and be a peace, and maybe some day that blessing will connect.

Sharing this message will assist others to be at peace.  This is my mission.  If one person captures the sense of forgiveness and moves to forgive – energy has been shifted. The act of forgiveness and learning how to forgive is passionate to my heart. 

Learn from the past, forgive yourself and let it go.  Move forward with a light heart, mind and soul.  Your light will shine with balance joy, harmony, love and peace.  You will discover a new self at your core.   Your soul will dance. There will be a wellspring of love from the release. The gratitude and appreciation will be transformational.  I guarantee it will make a difference in your life – I did for me!

“You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well.” ~ Lewis B. Smedes

Source:Purpose fairy

Indian scientists break dengue code, develop non-infectious vaccine from yeast.

Indian scientists have achieved an important breakthrough in their efforts to develop a vaccine to prevent the deadly dengue. Supported by the Department of Biotechnology under the Ministry of Science & Technology, scientists at International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) in New Delhi have developed a non-infectious dengue vaccine from yeast.

Preliminary animal trials of the vaccine have yielded good results.

“Search for a dengue vaccine has been going on across the world for past several decades. We, at our centre, started experiments seven years ago. The new technology we have used, i.e. recombinant DNA technology, to develop the dengue vaccine is a breakthrough,” said Dr Navin Khanna, group leader of Recombinant Gene Products Group, ICGEB. The initial trials done on mice gave encouraging results.

The research team explored virus-like particles which can provide “robust immunity” against the vector-borne disease that is endemic to more than a hundred countries. “There are four closely related dengue viruses (DENVs) that cause this disease. A vaccine that can protect against all four DENVs is an unmet public health need,” said Dr Khanna.

Explaining the need to explore a new technology to develop the vaccine, he said: “Efforts to develop a live attenuated vaccine (a vaccine created by reducing the virulence of a pathogen but still keeping it viable) have encountered unexpected interactions between the vaccine viruses, raising safety concerns. This underscored the need to experiment with non-replicating vaccine options.”

Among the disadvantages of the vaccine developed by live attenuated technology is that it can cause severe complications in patients with low immunity.

The ICGEB scientists used the yeast ‘Pichia pastoris‘ to develop dengue virus-like particles. “Using recombinant DNA technology, we have created non-infectious dengue virus-like particles made of only the major DENV ‘envelope protein’ important for eliciting virus-specific immunity.

These virus-like particles elicit high levels of virus-neutralising antibodies which protected the mice significantly against lethal DENV challenge,” said Dr Khanna. “The encouraging data obtained for virus-like particles specific to one of the four DENVs warrant the development of virus-like particles specific to the remaining three DENV strains,” he added.