Surgeon lied to cancer patient about removing brain tumour.

A cancer surgeon lied to a patient for two years falsely telling her he had removed her brain tumour – leaving her with an inoperable tumour.

Emmanuel Labram lied to the woman and her husband, as well as colleagues about the operation, and forged documents to pretend the cancer had been removed. He even told her GP she didn’t need any further treatment.


The woman, referred to as Patient A, eventually had to seek private medical care but by that stage she was told the tumour was inoperable, the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service heard.

She is due to give evidence at the hearing about what happened when she was under Labram’s care.

Craig Sephton QC, for the General Medical Council, told the misconduct hearing: “This is a case where it is difficult to understand why Mr Labram initially told the patient and her husband that he had completely removed the lesion when he must have known that no such thing had happened.

“He then lied and lied and lied in order to cover up his initial failure and the GMC will therefore invite you to conclude that is what has happened.”

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Labram, of Maryculter, Aberdeen, faces 11 allegations relating to his conduct surrounding the patient’s treatment.

The neurosurgeon is currently able to work in the UK subject to six conditions that mean his work is monitored by his professional regulator, but could be struck off if he is found guilty of misconduct. He continued to work at the hospital for three years after the patient complained, and took early retirement in March.

The hearing was told that he not only lied to Patient A about operating on her tumour, but later claimed it had returned before changing his position again and telling her he had never known it was even there.

After the woman fell ill on holiday in November 2007, she went to her optician and was referred to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the hearing was told.

An MRI scan revealed a tumour about one inch in diameter in an area in her brain and she saw Labram to discuss her options in June 2008.

She decided to go ahead with an operation and underwent surgery at the hands of Labram on September 2.

After the surgery Labram told the woman and her husband the surgery had gone well and described how he had removed the tumour – when he hadn’t done this at all. He also sent letters to her GP telling them she needed no further treatment.

Mr Sephton added: “In fact he had not excised the lesion at all, whether in its entirety or otherwise, and Mr Labram must have known he had not done so.

“The GMC does not know why Mr Labram told Mr and Mrs A the lesion had been removed but there is no doubt he did so and what he said was clearly untrue and he knew it was untrue.

“The only explanation is he was being dishonest.”

It is alleged he only removed four tiny hard pale fragments when he knew the tumour was an inch in diameter and recorded in his notes only that ‘biopsies’ had been taken.

In January 2009 Labram is alleged to have sent a forged pathology report to Patient A to hide the fact she might need treatment and two months later failed to tell her an MRI scan showed the tumour was still present.

It was only after a third scan that the neurosurgeon changed his stance but continued his string of lies. He first told her and her GP the tumour had returned, and then in May 2010 told her he didn’t know it had been present when he operated on her.

The panel heard he gave her a further forged pathology report, with the author’s signature cut and pasted in.

After the woman raised concerns with the hospital he also lied to bosses, allegedly claiming he had not wanted to cause her any further stress.

“He was given the opportunity to come clean about the lies he had told and elected to not do so,” added Mr Sephton.

The hearing continues.


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