Varicella Death Underscores Importance of Catch-Up Vaccination.

The varicella-related death of an unvaccinated, previously healthy 15-year-old girl serves as a reminder of the “importance of varicella vaccination, including catch-up vaccination of older children and adolescents,” according to an MMWR article.

The girl died in Ohio in 2009, within 3 weeks after admission to the hospital with rash, fever, and shortness of breath. The source of her exposure is unknown.

This case highlights that healthy unvaccinated people can develop severe disease, the authors say. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends that unvaccinated people without evidence of immunity should be given two doses of varicella vaccine, and those who have previously received one dose should be given a second.

The authors write: “Health-care providers should remind parents about vaccination during routine visits for children and adolescents, and parents should be informed of the risks, including potentially severe complications, from vaccine-preventable diseases.”

Source: MMWR

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