Many Healthcare Workers, Pregnant Women Forgo Influenza Vaccination.

Only about two thirds of healthcare personnel were immunized against influenza during the 2011–2012 season, according to an MMWR study.

A CDC survey of some 2300 healthcare personnel recruited from two Internet sources found the following vaccination rates:

  • by occupation: 86% of physicians, 78% of nurses, and 63% of other healthcare personnel (e.g., dentists, clerical workers, cleaning staff)
  • by work setting: 77% in hospitals, 68% in physician offices, 52% in long-term-care facilities
  • by employer policy: 95% in hospitals that required influenza vaccination and 68% in those where it was not required

The three most common reasons for not getting vaccinated were belief that it wasn’t necessary, concern about effectiveness, and concern about side effects.

In a separate survey of nearly 1700 pregnant women, 47% reported receiving influenza vaccination during 2011–2012. Vaccination rates were more than six times higher among women whose healthcare providers recommended and offered vaccination than among those whose providers did neither.

Source: MMWR


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