“Don’t Miss Out on One of Japan’s Best Kept Secrets…”




How Could 127 Million People be Wrong?

You’ve likely read about the amazing benefits of green tea on my site for many years. However, I just recently realized that there is an amazing difference in the quality of green tea. If you carefully look at most green teas, they are not green — they are brown.

After some research, I found that the best green tea is really bright green tea. If it isn’t bright green, you are receiving inferior oxidized green tea which will not provide the full range of benefits you’ve heard about.

So when you are searching for high quality green tea, make sure it is bright green and that it does not taste bitter. Otherwise, you are probably getting inferior oxidized tea leaves. Move on and keep searching for a better brand.

But there are many other factors to consider…

Why I Consider Green Tea Nutritionally Superior

Next to pure water, drinking green tea from 100% quality tea leaves becomes one of the most nutritious beverages you can consume. To understand what makes green tea so special, you’ll need a general understanding about the origin and processing of tea.

Tea originates from the leaves of Camellia sinensis — a white-flowered evergreen. About 500 species of tea exist, divided into about 50 different countries, with China leading all nations in abundance… but the highest quality teas come from Japan.

The different ways teas go through processing sets them apart from one another.

After the plucking of tea leaves occurs, they begin to oxidize and ferment which imparts a distinctive color and taste. Green, black and oolong tea refer to the method used to process those plucked leaves.

For green tea, leaves are steamed, roasted, or pan-fried almost immediately, leaving little chance for them to ferment. As a result, most green teas tend to be lighter in color.

The most nutrient-rich green tea, Matcha green tea, comes in a stone-ground powder form —completely unfermented.

The best Matcha green tea comes from Japan and is steamed, not roasted or pan-fried. As a result, Matcha green tea retains all the nutrient-rich value possible from the tea leaf and does not have a bitter taste.

Additionally, this form of green tea from Japan provides you and your family many more nutrient-rich benefits when compared to other traditionally brewed green teas.

Not All Green Teas Are Created Equal

An ancient Chinese proverb states, “Better to be deprived of food for three days than tea for one.” And when you consider that many American diets are dangerously loaded with sugar and processed food, this proverb offers some wise advice.

According to Chinese legend, ancient emperor Shen Nong frequently tasted herbs to find those with medicinal value — and often poisoned himself. But he finally found a plant that could help drain the toxins from his body, and that plant turned out to be tea. Tea has been a part of Chinese medicine in their folk prescriptions ever since.

Despite all of the ancient and rich history behind Chinese tea making, I had to look to another country to find what I consider to be the highest quality health-promoting tea available for you and your family. Surprisingly, this tea–Matcha green tea–comes by way of Japan.

Of all the green teas available to you, Matcha stands head and shoulders above the rest in delivering the highest quality and health-promoting benefits. Made from the finest, youngest leaves of the first harvesting days in Japan, this tea secures a special place in the sacred Japanese Tea Ceremony called Chado.

This unique form of green tea happened to be introduced to Japan in the 12th century by a monk returning from China.

Matcha, a powdered green tea, comes from the same plant as black teas, but remains unfermented. It is then ground into a fine green powder so that you receive benefits from the entire tea leaf.

By the 13th century, samurai warriors had begun preparing and drinking Matcha in an effort to adopt Zen Buddhism, and the foundations of the unique Japanese Tea Ceremony began to emerge.

Why Other Matcha Green Teas Don’t Stack Up

There are many Matcha tea options out in the marketplace today for you to choose from. However, you need to realize that, just like all green teas are not created equal — the same holds true for Matcha.

Fortunately, if you are a fan of tea, a solution des exist. Whether you occasionally drink tea or avidly consume it, I have exciting news for you. I’ve discovered an exclusive Matcha green tea I can recommend 100% — it’s called Royal Matcha Green Tea!

This special tea comes straight from the pristine tea plantations of Nishio, Japan. Nishio teas have been laboratory tested to make sure they don’t contain radiation or the toxic levels of metals found in teas grown near industrial development.

So, how do you know that the Matcha I discovered is the best possible in providing you the highest levels of nutrients and a great taste?

Take a look at the analysis below, where USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea shows its true brilliant jade green colors… while other brands fall well short.

If you run across other brands of Matcha in the marketplace, I seriously doubt they’ll stack up against my recommendation for the best premium Matcha.

Matcha quality parameter

Royal Matcha

Other Brands

Shade grown to maximize chlorophyll energy boost? Yes — with 3 layers of shading Not all Matcha is shade-grown with 3 layers of shading to maximize chlorophyll
Hand harvested to capture the youngest leaves of the tea plant Yes — this costly process ensures only the top 2 leaves and buds are harvested for consistent quality Many brands are machine harvested, losing the quality advantages of selective harvesting
Harvested using skilled farmers, and without unethical labor abuse? Yes — skilled workers paid “1st world” wages to ensure quality and consistency of harvest Many teas are harvested in areas like China and India with unskilled, poorly-paid workers — the end result is poor harvesting selection
100% Japanese harvested? Yes — harvested in Nishio, Japan, the premiere Matcha region in the world Some Matchas are made from blends of teas outside Japan, where poor soil conditions impact the quality
Entire tea leaf used with stems and veins removed? Yes — since stems and veins do not add any nutritional value, they are meticulously removed Not all Matcha brands remove stems and veins, leaving the tea less nutritious and more bitter in taste
Granite grinding used to produce powder? Yes — ground in controlled environment without nutrient loss Many Matcha brands use air pulverization methods to achieve powder, but friction causes loss of nutrients
Laboratory tested to verify consistent product quality and nutrient content? Yes — product is put through extensive lab testing to verify consistency factors — from color to particle size to analysis of amino acid and catechin content Without performing lab testing on their products, many Matcha brands simply won’t be able to provide a high-quality product
Professional packaging in a quality facility? Yes — produced in ISO 9001 certified “clean room” facilities and received a “superior” rating from AIB Not all Matcha brands follow international manufacturing and packaging standards for quality and consistency
Uses refrigerated warehouses to ensure optimal freshness and quality? Yes — facilities from Japan to our international distribution facilities are all refrigerated Many Matcha manufacturers do not use refrigeration throughout their supply chains, leading to freshness and quality compromises
Organic certification? Yes — 1st Matcha in the world to receive international organic certifications — IMO Switzerland (EU organic, USDA organic) and JONA (Japanese organic) Many Matcha products claim to be organic but have not been certified as such
Kosher certification? Yes — circle K certified Without this, other brands have left out a large population

Why should you settle for anything less but the best premium Matcha green tea available? That’s why I’m only recommending and offering you the “best of the best” Matcha green teas: Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Ever Wonder Why the Japanese Enjoy Such a Long Life Expectancy?

You receive all the nutrient value from the entire tea leaf with USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea!

Interestingly enough, after water, green tea happens to be the most widely consumed beverage on earth. For centuries, Matchagreen tea has been kept a guarded secret. Why? The Japanese desired to keep their tea ceremony very exclusive and closed to the outside world.

Plus, the people of Japan wanted to keep this scarce form of green tea with its numerous health-promoting benefits strictly to themselves.

As of 2006, Japan enjoys the fourth highest life expectancy rate in the world at 81.2 years. The U.S., China, and most European countries (other than Switzerland and Italy) are not even in the top 10.

With Matcha being part of the ritualistic Japanese monk ceremonies, it’s no wonder why these monks are able to concentrate intensely for their 12-hour meditation sessions!

Japanese people typically do not drink coffee. They do, however, consume green tea throughout the day. With the powerful health-supporting benefits of green tea, and even more so with Matcha, I believe that 127 million Japanese have the right idea. Wouldn’t you agree?

How You Can Avoid Potential Toxic Metal Risks Associated with Tea

Although green tea happens to be the most nutritious beverage on the planet, you also must be very careful about your source, as much of the inferior green teas (especially those grown in China, Pakistan, and India) contain potentially high levels of metals such as fluoride, lead, and aluminum.

Once in your body, the aluminum may eventually combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina — the compound of aluminum that has been found in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

As you’re well aware by now, all teas are not created equal, and some are processed in a way that may do your body more harm than good. When you drink Matcha green tea, you’re not just consuming green tea leaf-infused water (which contains only a small fraction of the phytonutrients) — you’re actually consuming the entire nutrient-rich green tea leaf.

With USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea, you can rest assured that it provides you with:

  • A completely natural green tea using the entire nutrient-rich leaf…
  • Up to 17 times the antioxidants of wild blueberries, and even 7 times higher than dark chocolate…
  • Up to 9 times the beta carotene found in spinach…
  • Nutrient-rich bright green chlorophyll to provide you with vibrant energy from the sun…
  • An incredibly delicious and satisfying flavor you’ll thoroughly enjoy…

Whether you are drinking green tea for its exquisite taste, health-supporting benefits, or both, with this healthful and safe tea you can feel free to drink up!

Polyphenols: Your Key to Better Health

You receive all the nutrient value from the entire tea leaf with USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea!

Fresh tea leaf comes unusually rich in powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which may constitute up to 30% of the dry leaf weight. So, when you drink a cup of tea, you’re basically drinking a solution of tea polyphenols. In fresh, unfermented tea leaves, polyphenols exist as a series of chemicals called catechins.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) happens to be the most powerful catechin found in tea. In fact, one study indicates that EGCG is 25-100 times more potent than antioxidant vitamins C and E. This study also reported that just one cup of green tea has antioxidant effects greater than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots, or strawberries.

With USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea, you could receive over 100 times the EGCG provided from regular brewed green tea!

With such extremely high antioxidant activity, it’s logical to conclude that Matcha green tea may be highly beneficial in protecting your body from health concerns posed by free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules and fragments of molecules that may impact your body at the cellular level.

That’s why antioxidants provide support for your hardworking immune and cardiovascular systems. Widely acclaimed for overall health-promotion, catechins (EGCG) have been studied for the last few decades for their potential ability to:

  • Support your immune system
  • Fight the signs of normal aging
  • Support your healthy digestion
  • Promote healthy function of your brain and liver
  • Help promote your healthy gums

USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea… My #1 Choice for You

For quite some time, I’ve been searching for the right form of green tea similar to what the Japanese use in their magical ceremonies. I’m very excited to be able to bring this rare variety of green tea to you in the form of Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Unlike ingredient-grade teas made from lower quality tea leaves, yielding a powder less green in color and more astringent to your taste, Royal Matcha Green Tea uses only the highest-quality tea leaves in its production.

Despite numerous compelling reasons why I chose this unique form of green tea for you over countless others — to provide you with the best possible Matcha available — certain reasons clearly stand out as to why this Matcha receives my #1 vote.

5 Powerful Reasons You Should Choose
Royal Matcha Green Tea for Yourself and Your Family

Quality: It is well-known among tea experts that the green tea from Japan is unparalleled for its quality. The abundant teas from China, Pakistan, and India often provide lower quality, with possible contamination by metals and other toxins in their poor soils.
Health-promotion: You receive all the benefits of the antioxidants and phytonutrients from the entire tea leaf, not just simply a few that get extracted from the water.
Convenience: You can quickly add 1/8-1/4 tsp. to a bottle of icy cold water, shake and have a delicious green tea beverage to help you keep focused and energetic at work or at whatever you’re doing.
Beauty and Uniqueness: Unlike other green teas which result in a pale yellow-green, bitter liquid, the high energy-promoting chlorophyll content of USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Teaprovides the most beautiful bright green color you’ve ever seen.
Superior Taste: China-type Matcha green teas have more of a bitter taste as a result of their pan-firing process. With its unique steam-firing process, Royal Matcha Green Tea from Japan has a very appealing taste — without damaging the nutrients and antioxidants.

Please Act Now As Our Supply is Limited

Recipes You’ll Love…

A great energy boost to start your day…

  • Place about 1/8-1/4 tsp. of Organic Royal Matcha Green Teapowder  in a 16 oz water bottle filled with cold water.
  • Shake well until dissolved.

Cold Matcha Frappe…Blend the following:

  • 3 ice cubes
  • ¼ cup coconut milk
  • ¾ cup water
  • 1 Tb. raw honey or stevia
  • 1/8- 1/2 tsp. Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea powder

Matcha Chocolate…Try this with your favorite chocolate recipe:

  • Add 2 teaspoons of Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea powder to every 100 grams of white chocolate
  • The green flavor of the tea helps taper the sweetness of the white chocolate

Due to the fact that Matcha green tea continues to be in such high demand in Japan, it’s even more difficult to obtain this highest-quality green tea outside the country. Keep in mind, this exclusive high-grade, shade-grown tea happens to be harvested only once a year, in the spring.

Now, I’ll be the first to acknowledge that Royal Matcha Green Tea costs a bit more than your run-of-the-mill teas. But, with all its health-promoting advantages over regular green teas and other Matchas, I feel it’s worth every penny to you.

Think of all you spend today on other beverages (many probably unhealthy)… Instead, you could be enjoying delicious Royal Matcha Green Tea with all its health-promoting benefits.

If you mix ¼ teaspoon of this exclusive Matcha in a bottle of ice cold water, your cost per serving is about $1.30. Not a big price to pay to enjoy this remarkable beverage loaded with antioxidants. When was the last time you went to a restaurant or coffee bar and paid $1.30 for a cup of iced coffee or iced tea?

I’ve managed to obtain a limited supply of Royal Matcha Green Tea that I’m offering exclusively to you. But please don’t wait or hesitate on obtaining this unique tea — my supply will probably sell out very quickly.

So, please act now so you and your family can immediately take full advantage of the “best of the best” nutrient-rich Matcha green teas from Japan, USDA Certified Organic Royal Matcha Green Tea.

Source: mercola.com

The ‘Selfish’ Reason to Donate Your Blood.

It seems like everywhere you look on food shelves today, from the baby food aisle to the dairy case, just about everything is fortified with iron.

But is that really a good thing?

When most people think about dietary iron, they wonder if they’re getting enough. This is an important consideration, but research shows you’re more likely to have too much iron than not enough – and this can pose serious risks to your health.

Excess Iron Far More Common Than Iron Deficiency

Iron is essential for virtually every life form, including humans, where it is a key part of various proteins and enzymes, involved in the transport of oxygen and the regulation of cell growth and differentiation, among many other uses.

One of the most important roles of iron is to provide hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells) a mechanism through which it can bind to oxygen and carry it throughout your tissues, as without proper oxygenation your cells quickly start dying.

If you have too little iron, you may experience fatigue, decreased immunity or iron-deficiency anemia, which can be serious if left untreated.

However, if you have more iron than your body needs to satisfy your hemoglobin requirement (for cell oxygenation), the excess becomes a dangerous surplus. This is an issue that deserves attention, as research examining iron levels in Americans shows that more people have iron levels that are considered too high, than levels that are deficient. In one study of more than 1,000 people, only 3 percent were iron deficient, but 13 percent had iron overload.1

What are the Health Risks of Too Much Iron?

Your body has a limited capacity to excrete iron, which means it can easily build up in organs like your liver, heart and pancreas. This is dangerous because iron is a potent oxidizer and can damage your body tissues contributing to serious health issues, including:

Regarding Alzheimer’s, high iron levels in your blood can lead to the production of free radicals that can damage neurons in your brain. It’s also believed that iron accumulates at high levels, and is extremely reactive, in the beta-amyloid plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

Iron is also known to accumulate specifically in brain regions associated with memory and thought processes, which are gradually lost as Alzheimer’s progresses. Research has shown that reducing excess iron in your brain can alleviate Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice,2 while measuring brain iron has been suggested as a way to detect Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages.3

How Iron Levels and a Faulty Gene Can Cause Bowel Cancer

Cancer researchers have also found new evidence that bowel cancers are two to three times more likely to develop when dietary iron is too high in your body.4 The research was done with mice, but the study’s authors said it can potentially help them find effective ways of reducing the odds of developing bowel cancer in those who are at high risk.

The role of the APC gene is this: when it’s faulty or deleted, two proteins that trigger iron build-up in bowel cells get switched on. As the iron builds up, it activates a cell-to-cell signaling pathway that malfunctions in cancer called Wnt, which stimulates cancer cells grow uncontrollably. Dr. Julie Sharp, senior science information manager at Cancer Research UK said:5

“Finding ways of ‘mopping up’ the iron that is in the bowel could have a real impact on the number of people who develop the disease.”

In the featured study, mice with a faulty APC gene that were fed a high-iron diet had a significantly greater risk of developing bowel cancer compared to mice with a working APC gene. Mice with a faulty APC fed a low-iron diet did not have an increased risk.

Who is at Risk of Iron Excess?

One of the best ways you can get rid of excess iron is by bleeding. As a result, most premenopausal women who are menstruating regularly rarely suffer from iron overload. However, most adult men and postmenopausal women tend to be at a high risk for iron overload and all of its toxicity, as they don’t have this monthly blood loss.

Some people also have a genetic predisposition to absorbing too much iron, which is called either hemochromatosis or hemosiderosis. Interestingly, one of the most common causes of excess iron is the regular consumption of alcohol. Alcohol consumed on a regular basis will increase the absorption of any iron in your diet. For instance, if you drink some wine with your steak, you will likely be absorbing more iron than you need. Other potential causes of high iron levels include:

  • Cooking in iron pots or pans. Cooking acidic foods in these types of pots or pans will cause even higher levels of iron absorption.
  • Eating processed food products like cereals and white breads that are “fortified’ with iron. The iron they use in these products is inorganic iron not much different than rust and it is far more dangerous than the iron in meat.
  • Drinking well water that is high in iron. The key here is to make sure you have some type of iron precipitator and/or a reverse osmosis water filter.
  • Taking multiple vitamins and mineral supplements, as both of these frequently have iron in them.

Fortunately, checking your iron levels is easy and can be done with a simple blood test called a serum ferritin test. I believe this is one of the most important tests that everyone should have done on a regular basis as part of a preventive, proactive health screen. The test measures the carrier molecule of iron, a protein found inside cells called ferritin, which stores the iron. If your ferritin levels are low it means your iron levels are also low.

The healthy range of serum ferritin lies between 20 and 80 ng/ml. Below 20 is a strong indicator that you are iron deficient, and above 80 suggests you have an iron surplus. The ideal range is between 40-60 ng/ml. The higher the number over 100 the worse the iron overload, with levels over 300 being particularly toxic and will eventually cause serious damage in nearly everyone that sustains those levels long term.

Tips for Getting Rid of Excess Iron

If your iron levels turn out to be high, what can you do?

Some people advise using iron chelators like phytic acid or IP6, but I don’t think that is a wise approach, as donating your blood is a far safer, more effective and inexpensive approach for this problem. If, for some reason, a blood donor center is unable to accept your blood for donation you can obtain a prescription for therapeutic phlebotomy. At the same time, you will want to be sure to avoid consuming excess iron in the form of supplements, in your drinking water (well water), from iron cookware, or in fortified processed foods.


  • Certain phenolic-rich herbs and spices, such as green tea and rosemary,5 can reduce iron absorption6
  • Curcumin actually acts as an iron chelator, and in mice studies, diets supplemented with this spice extract exhibited a decline in levels of ferritin in the liver7
  • Astaxanthin, which has been researched to have over 100 potential health benefits, has been shown to reduce iron-induced oxidative damage8

Source: Dr. Mercola







“FORGOTTEN for Over 80 Years – Could this Be the New Vitamin D?”

Considered unimportant and forgotten for decades, scientists worldwide are now recognizing its extraordinary benefits to your bones and heart health.* This is one vital nutrient you do NOT want to be deficient in…

It’s been over 10 years, since I began educating and helping people understand the importance of vitamin D… specifically, vitamin D3.

Of course, I wasn’t alone in this effort. Many others contributed to helping overcome some of the myths about sunlight and how critical vitamin D3 is to your overall health.

And now I believe another nutrient, appropriately labeled the ’forgotten vitamin,’ is about to explode in popularity as researchers are uncovering more of its spectacular health benefits every day.

Why has it been forgotten and somewhat ignored for over 80 years?

I’m not sure anyone can really answer why this vitamin’s health-enhancing benefits have been so overlooked. But certainly there’s a clue to its importance here because in some areas of the world (like India), government health agencies regulate this vitamin.

If this nutrient did not have any beneficial health advantages, why would it be regulated by government health agencies?

Plus, your potential benefits from this extraordinary nutrient are pretty much off the chart.

For example, this vitamin…

  • Helps you build strong bones and keep them healthy*
  • Helps boost your vascular (arteries and veins) system*
  • Promotes your healthy heart*
  • Helps you fight against premature aging*
  • Enhances your memory function*

And this is just a start…

Before I get into more details on this vital nutrient, I must warn you up front… there are synthetic forms of this nutrient that may put your health at risk.

So, it’s very important to make sure you fully understand what to look for.

After all, the whole purpose here is to give more exposure to the ‘forgotten vitamin’ so you can reap the benefits… not to spike any health risk.

And that’s exactly what I’m planning to do. Just please pay close attention to the details on the different types of this nutrient to avoid potentially risky synthetics.

Next, let’s discover…

Why You Could be Deficient in this Vital Nutrient

It’s hard to understand why this vitamin has been so overlooked over the years. And estimates range as high as 99% of the population could be deficient in this nutrient.

There are many conditions where you could be putting yourself at risk for a higher likelihood of deficiency.

First of all, this vitamin is fat-soluble.

What does that mean? Well, fat-soluble simply means that dietary fat is necessary for efficient absorption.  So, if your diet does not contain adequate amounts of dietary fat, your absorption of this nutrient could be impacted.

There are additional conditions that could increase your risk of deficiency in this essential vitamin…

  • Eating a poor or restricted diet
  • Having certain conditions like Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, celiac, and others that interfere with nutrient absorption
  • Dealing with a liver condition that interferes with vitamin storage
  • Taking certain medications such as broad-spectrum antibiotics, cholesterol drugs, and potentially aspirin that may impact or block vitamin absorption
  • Eating foods containing the wrong type of this vitamin with poor bioavailability

I’m ready to dive into your best natural source of this ‘forgotten vitamin’… but first, right up front, I want to further raise your awareness of…

Synthetic Pretenders – What to Look For and Avoid

If you haven’t figured out what the ‘forgotten vitamin’ is by now let me tell you that this new wonder kid on the block is vitamin K.  You can rest assured that in the next few years you will hear the media rave about its benefits.

But fortunately, since you are reading Mercola.com you can learn about this long before the rest of population discovers its benefits.

Danish scientist, Dr. Henrik Dam, discovered vitamin K in 1929. The ‘K’ is for ‘koagulation’ – essential for blood clotting.* But it only starts there.

Vitamin K is unique because it has multiple effects in your body, but doesn’t demonstrate any known toxicity. With research focused on potential effects on your skeletal system, brain, liver, and pancreas, vitamin K is one of the most promising nutrients of our time.*

But you should know about the different types. And in particular, know which synthetic type to be on the look out for.

There are three main forms of vitamin K…

  • K1-phylloquinone, aka phytonadione
  • K2-menaquinone
  • K3-menadione synthetic variant

Vitamin K3 is a synthetic variant of the vitamin which I don’t recommended for human consumption… this is the one you and your family need to avoid at all costs.

Green leafy vegetables – including lettuce, broccoli, and spinach contain vitamin K1. And it makes up about 90 percent of the vitamin K in the Western-style diet.

The vitamin K which I recommend is vitamin K2 natural, non-toxic, and made in your body as well.

Vitamin K2 includes several menaquinones (MK-n, with the ‘n’ determined by the number of prenyl side chains), such as MK-4 found in meats, MK-7, MK-8, and MK-9 found in fermented food products like cheese and natto.

What is Your Best Source of the ‘Forgotten Vitamin’?

One of the best natural sources of vitamin K2 comes from an ancient Japanese food called natto.

So, what is natto?


  • Is a fermented soybean food
  • Comes loaded with a healthy bacteria called bacillus subtilus that may also serve as a probiotic*

Fermented foods, like natto, typically have the highest concentration of vitamin K in the human diet. Levels of vitamin K found in natto (K2) have been shown to far exceed those amounts found in dark green vegetables (K1).

In fact, vitamin K2 concentration after the consumption of natto has been shown to be about 10 times higher than that of vitamin K1 after eating spinach.

Unfortunately, most people do not eat or enjoy many fermented foods.

And the absorption of vitamin K1 through eating green leafy vegetable is not very efficient… some research shows only about 10-15% gets absorbed even when consumed with dietary fat.

The problem with natto is that most people do not enjoy eating it because they find it very distasteful. It has a slippery texture with a strong flavor and pungent aroma.

Some people do acquire a taste for natto over time.  But many never do.

Any wonder why most people may be deficient in vitamin K?… They simply may not be eating the right food to provide what’s needed.

So, what can be done to solve this issue? That’s where I can offer some recommendations to help out.

Before we dive into that, I first want to address the natto issue and the fact that it comes from soy. If you’ve been a visitor to my site, you’re probably already aware that I’m not a big fan of soy. But if you look closely, there is one exception and that’s…

Why This Type of Soy Could be Healthful for You

Like I said, I’m not an advocate of eating unfermented soy.


Many people still believe unfermented and processed soy products like soy milk, soy cheese, soy burgers, and soy ice cream are actually healthful when nothing could be further from the truth.

Today’s high-tech processing methods leave toxic and carcinogenic residues created by high temperatures, high pressure, alkali and acid baths, and petroleum solvents in unfermented soy.

Natto does not come from unfermented soy… it’s derived from healthful fermented soy and provides an extraordinary rich source of vitamin K2.

Fermented Dairy – Another Excellent Source of Vitamin K2


While natto is the most potent natural source of vitamin K2, the nutrient is also readily available in fermented dairy products, especially cheeses.

Most cheeses are rich in vitamin K2… particularly, curd cheese. And even though it’s not as high in vitamin K2 as natto, curd cheese may be more palatable on a day-to-day basis for many people. Raw curd cheese made from grass fed cows would be best.

Like I mentioned earlier, most people have a difficult time acquiring a taste for natto… especially on the regular basis needed for healthy K2 absorption.

Curd cheese is also a good vitamin K2 source because it’s lower in fat (animal fat) than regular cheese.

When compared to natto in equal portions… Japanese food natto contains over 27 times more vitamin K2 than curd cheese.

No Good Vitamin K2 Test

One of the reasons vitamin D became so popular is that a relatively inexpensive test became commercially available in the 1990s.  That allowed researchers and clinicians to gain a better understanding of vitamin D.  Unfortunately there really isn’t a great commercial assay for vitamin K2 yet.

Sure there is a blood test.

But, this classic measure of vitamin K deficiency uses clotting time and what’s called ‘prothrombin’… which provides almost no value for determining vitamin K deficiency in your bones or arteries.

In fact in some cases, blood levels of vitamin K may appear normal while a real deficiency exists in your bones.

So, more work needs to be done in the area of vitamin K deficiency testing.

As this ‘forgotten vitamin’ gets more and more of the attention it deserves, I’m confident modern medical science will determine a more accurate test… just like the comprehensive test eventually created for vitamin D.

With potential health advantages (in addition to the ones already mentioned above) in which vitamin K has been shown to…

  • Promote your heart health*
  • Protect and support your skin*
  • Provide the calcium path ‘key’ from your bloodstream to your bones*
  • Boost your overall immune system*
  • Help regulate calcification of your tissues*
  • Provide you powerful antioxidant benefits*
  • Protect your cells against oxidative damage*
  • Aid in supporting your already normal blood sugar levels*

…it’s only a matter of time before a more comprehensive test evolves.

In the meantime, it’s important you take vitamin K deficiency seriously and take action to provide yourself and your loved ones with enough vitamin K.

And if you do not like the taste of natto, or prefer not to eat curd cheese, I have a phenomenal solution for you coming up.

But next, let’s take a closer look at…

How This Vitamin Goes to Work for YOU

While other nutrients are important for maintaining and promoting your bone health (like vitamin D3, calcium, and magnesium), evidence continues to grow indicating a vital role vitamin K plays in bone metabolism and healthy bone growth.*

In fact it may be the modern day “missing link” to increasing your bone density.

Vitamin K has been linked to osteoblasts, the cells that generate or ‘lay down’ bone and produce a specific protein known as osteocalcin.*

You can think of osteocalcin like the studs in the wall of your house. Basically, osteocalcin acts as the structural framework holding calcium in place in your bones.*

And vitamin K is critical for producing osteocalcin protein.*

Why is this so important? Because osteocalcin cannot perform its job until vitamin K converts it to an active bone-building form.

The bottom line – vitamin K is the ‘key’ that unlocks the door from your bloodstream to let calcium flow into your bones and bone marrow.*

Without this vitamin K key action, you simply wouldn’t have the strong bones you do.* Plus, there’s another area vitamin K plays an important role, particularly vitamin K2.

I mentioned earlier how osteoblasts are important cells responsible for bone formation.

Well, while these osteoblast cells are busy building bone, other cells called osteoclasts are trying to break down bone and remove bone tissue.

Vitamin K2 is so important because, not only has it been shown to stimulate and enhance osteocalcin production, it has also been shown to inhibit osteoclasts and help maintain your bones.*

Some Compelling Research

There are many research studies supporting how vitamin K2 works to help maintain healthy bone mass and growth through its effects on osteocalcin, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts.*

Here are few examples for reference purposes…

  • Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 1997, Y. Koshihara and K Hoshi
    Journal reference: “The results proved that vitamin K2 increased Gla-containing osteocalcin, which accumulated osteocalcin in the extracellular matrix, and facilitated mineralization in vitro.”
  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2001, ZJ Ma and M Yamaguchi
    Journal reference: “These results suggested that MK-7 (K2-7) has a suppressive effect on osteoclasts.”
  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 2001, M Yamaguchi et al1
    Journal reference: “This study demonstrates that MK-7 (K2-7) has an anabolic effect on bone tissue and osteoblastic (MC3T3-E1) cells in vitro, suggesting that the compound can stimulate osteoblastic bone formation.”

In a human study, Japanese scientists examined the effect of vitamin K2 from fermented soybeans on normal individuals.

The scientists reached the following conclusion – “This illustrates that intake of K2-7 can stimulate carboxylation (gamma-carboxylated osteocalcin), which plays an important role in bone formation in normal individuals.”

So, the evidence is quite compelling when it comes to the vital role vitamin K2 potentially plays in promoting your healthy bones.*

What is the Best Way for You to Get Vitamin K2?

Since I promised you an alternative natto solution for vitamin K2, let’s get right to it.

The bottom line here… your best bet for a natural source of K2 is from natto. And maybe you can find a reliable natural source and come to acquire a taste for it.

But I can tell you… I tried it myself on a regular basis but never really got used to the taste and smell. So, I decided to do the next best thing and look for a high quality inexpensive natural K2 supplement made from natto.

And let me tell you, finding a natural source of vitamin K2 turned out to be a real challenge.

Why? Well, not only did my team and I have to be on the lookout for risky synthetic imposters out there, we had to scrutinize the manufacturing processes very closely as well.

See, as I dug deeper and deeper into this, it became quite apparent how important a role the manufacturer must play in creating a natural high-quality K2 product.

Here are the key issues my team and I looked for when searching for a top manufacturer to deliver the highest quality vitamin K2 formula…

  • Must be non-GMO – Formulas including genetically modified organisms or processes are absolutely unacceptable.
  • Must be allergen-free – Other than fermented soy content from the soybeans, the formula has to be free from known allergens such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fin fish, shellfish, and wheat.
  • Must have a stable fermentation process – Natto fermentation process that involves other derivatives can be very unstable. Need a consistent reliable process that ensures product quality in the formula.
  • Must use vitamin K2-7 in the formula – Just like there are many varieties of vitamin K (K1, K2, K3), there are many varieties of K2. K2-7 produced from natto has proven to be one of the most bioavailable, stable, and beneficial varieties.*
  • Must be pure – Formula must be of the purest fashion with both internal and external lab validations following GMP standards and high-quality best practices.
  • Must be affordable – With all these rigorous requirements for this K2 formula, cost could be a real challenge. But affordability is one of my top priorities and cannot be overlooked.

The good news with all this is I was able to find, what I believe to be,  the highest quality vitamin K2 manufacturer in the world that could deliver the formula you need. 

Plus, this manufacturer not only met all of the stringent selection criteria, they exceeded many of them as well.

I’ll have more on that coming right up. But first I want to take a closer look at another reason why the vitamin K2 type requirement is so important.

Powerful Synergy with Vitamin D3


The surprising thing about what I’m going to review next is that some of the research has been available for over 10 years.

I guess this goes along with the whole ‘forgotten vitamin’ story.

If you’ve been a regular visitor to this site, you undoubtedly know how I feel about the vital role vitamin D3 plays in your optimal health.

Well, the amazing thing is research has shown vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 may provide you another level of benefits when taken together.*

Several studies have shown the following potential synergistic benefits when vitamin K2 and D3 are combined…

  • Increased bone formation*
  • Enhanced osteocalcin accumulation in cells*
  • Amplified bone mineral density*

So, vitamin K2 and D3 worked together in certain situations to help improve your bone health even more.*

Because vitamin D3 encourages calcium uptake to promote your strong and healthy bones, it’s not only a natural complement to vitamin K2, the two nutrients work together to boost your bone health to a higher level.*

What a phenomenal combination. Wouldn’t you agree?

Manufacturer’s Report Card for Producing this Health-Boosting Formula*

I mentioned earlier how I found a unique manufacturer of vitamin K2 that not only met my demanding requirements, but exceeded them.

Here’s a handy chart showing you how this selected K2 producer stacks up… and then next we’ll get into more details on how they exceeded my expectations.

Selection criteria: Mercola manufacturer? Other manufacturers?
Must be non-GMO
  • Yes – The product is not genetically modified in either the processes or the ingredients.
Some synthetic manufacturers of vitamin K3 and K2 natural formula ‘pretenders’ use GMOs.
Must be allergen-free (other than soybeans)
  • Yes – This manufacturer not only avoids using known allergens, it has effective procedures in place to avoid cross contamination during production processes.
Not all manufacturers of vitamin K2 go through both painstaking processes to avoid cross contamination and avoid allergen ingredients in their formulas.
Must be non-animal sourced
  • Yes – No animal sources are used in the formulation process
Some manufacturers may use animal sourced ingredients to create their vitamin K formula.
Must have a stable fermentation process
  • Yes – Stability and consistent high-quality are this manufacturer’s forte. Shelf life of K2 product is over 2 years. And not only do they have a dedicated facility for producing K2, they also filed a drug master file (DMF) fully characterizing the product to help ensure stability.
Very few if any manufacturers have dedicated facilities for producing vitamin K2 and even fewer ever file a DMF to characterize their formula.
Must use vitamin K2-7 in the formula
  • Yes – Only vitamin K2-7 (from natto fermentation) gets produced by this manufacturer in its dedicated facility in India.
There are many synthetic formulas of vitamin K (K3) produced that could be risky to your health. Plus, other varieties of vitamin K2 produced may not be as beneficial.
Must be pure
  • Yes – This manufacturer ensures purity by using a dedicated facility, adhering to GMP standards, and by voluntarily fully characterizing its K2-7 formula by filing DMFs.
To date, my team could not find any other manufacturer who followed such rigorous purity standards as this. To our knowledge, no other manufacturer has submitted a DMF for their vitamin K2.
Must be affordable
  • Yes – This is a big sticking point with the complex processes involved to produce K2-7. Yet, by using natto and a dedicated facility, economies of scale have kept costs reasonable.
Many forms of vitamin K2, and particularly K2-7, can be very expensive and almost prohibitive from practical use.

So, you can see how this manufacturer met my selection criteria with flying colors.

But what about the ways they exceeded (that I mentioned earlier)?

Well, I feel the biggest area they exceeded my expectations was with the…

Drug Master File – How Our Manufacturer Clearly Stands Above the Crowd

The comparison chart above introduced you to a new concept called drug master file (DMF).

The manufacturer I chose to provide vitamin K2 voluntarily submitted these types of files in India. Since it conforms to strict standards, the DMF can be used in any country.

What is a DMF and why is it so important here?

A Drug Master File (DMF) is a submission that may be used to provide confidential detailed information about facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of one or more human drugs..

The astonishing thing about a DMF…it’s totally voluntary.

So, why would any manufacturer wish to expose their formula, facilities, processes, etc., when they don’t have to?

Well, that’s exactly why I chose this manufacturer to provide the vitamin K2 formula I was looking for… they have nothing to hide and go to the ‘nth degree’ to ensure stability and consistency of their formula.

In fact, to our knowledge, this manufacturer is the only one who has filed DMFs for vitamin K2.

Their Type II and Type III DMF submissions totally expose…

  • Formula substance and…
  • Materials used in the formula preparation and…
  • Packaging materials

Plus, the fact they have a dedicated and certified cGMP facility to only produce K2-7, speaks volumes for their commitment to purity and cross contamination protection.

Now you know why I only recommend Vitamin K2 as your source of vitamin K.

And there’s another area where this manufacturer’s dedicated facility in India comes into play…

How Production Costs are Kept in Check to Make the Formula Affordable

Many sources of vitamin K2 supplements tend to be expensive.

So, why is Vitamin K2 able to be reasonably priced?

It really all boils down to many of the same things we’ve already talked about that this manufacturer does. Things like…

  • Economies of scale By using a dedicated facility for vitamin K2-7, costs are more easily kept in check. Potential costly cross contamination issues from other formula lines are avoided. Manufacturer spent over 4 years building this super-efficient facility dedicated to vitamin K2 production.
  • Efficient fermentation processes By using natto from fermented soybeans to produce the Vitamin K2 formula, this is one of the most cost-efficient processes to yield vitamin K2-7.
  • Leveraging competitive advantages Many competitors are composed of very large companies (one is a Japanese billion-dollar conglomerate) that have very expensive overhead and processes to produce K2. Not so, with the Vitamin K2 manufacturer.

11 Powerful Reasons Why I Strongly Recommend this Formula

Let me quickly summarize the extraordinary potential benefits to your overall health from vitamin K2 – available in the Vitamin K2 formula…


  • Helps you build strong bones and keep them healthy*
  • Helps boost your vascular (arteries and veins) system*
  • Protects your cells against oxidative damage*
  • Promotes your heart health*
  • Protects and supports your skin*
  • Helps you fight against premature aging*
  • Provides calcium path ‘key’ from your bloodstream into your bones*
  • Boosts your memory function*
  • Helps regulate calcification of your tissues*
  • Provides you powerful antioxidant benefits*
  • Aids in supporting your already normal blood sugar levels*

These powerful benefits tell an incredible story about vitamin K2… rather amazing it’s been ‘forgotten’ for so long.

But keep in mind, without the high-quality manufacturer focused on stable and pure production of this nutrient built into the Vitamin K2 formula, your benefits could be significantly reduced.

Don’t just settle for any vitamin K or K2 supplement. Do like I do… demand the absolute best you can find.

And that’s exactly what I believe you have with Vitamin K2.

Source: mercola.com



“What’s Your Eye-Q?”

Discover How You Can Go Beyond 20/20 Eyesight
to More Clearly See and Interpret the Light!

Over three out of four people believe that their sight is the most important sense they have. This is probably related to the fact that about 80% of what you perceive through your senses comes in through your sight.

Good eyesight plays a crucial role in your mobility and your enjoyment of life so it would certainly make sense to optimize your eyesight as much as possible without the use of artificial and unnatural aids that may only worsen your vision with continued use.

While it is true that eyeglasses bring some people improved vision and relief from pain and discomfort, they do more or less harm; and at their best, they won’t improve your vision to normal.

Most people don’t realize that their visual abnormalities are a dynamic process that can vary regularly throughout the day due to a variety of conditions. They simply are not set in stone.

Pioneering physicians examined 20,000 school children and found that more than half had normal eyes with sight that was perfect at times, but not one of them had perfect sight in each eye at all times of the day. Their sight might be good in the morning and imperfect in the afternoon, or imperfect in the morning and perfect in the afternoon.

Many children could read one Snellen test card with perfect sight, while unable to see a different one perfectly. Many could also read some letters of the alphabet perfectly, while unable to distinguish other letters of the same size under similar conditions.

What was true for those children was also true for adults.

The degree of imperfect sight varies within wide limits. Its duration can also vary. Under some conditions it might continue for only a few minutes or less, while under others it might prevent the subject from seeing the blackboard for days, weeks, or even longer.

The bottom line is that you or your children do not have a static, unchanging visual impairment. It changes widely throughout the day.


Eyeglasses Don’t Compensate
for Variable Vision

One of the most foundational flaws with glasses is that they provide an unchanging consistent correction for a refractive error in your eye that is CONSTANTLY changing.

After you begin to wear glasses, in most cases, the correction has to be steadily increased in order to maintain the degree of visual acuity secured by the aid of your first pair. Wearing glasses progressively decreases your vision with time.

A person with myopia of 20/70 who puts on glasses which provide them with a vision of 20/20 may find that in a week’s time their unaided vision has declined to 20/200.

When people break their glasses and go without them for a week or two, they frequently observe that their sight improves. As a matter of fact, sight typically improves to a greater or lesser degree, when glasses are discarded. Although many might not be aware of or recognize this change.

The difficulty of keeping glasses clean is one of the minor discomforts of glasses. On damp and rainy days, the atmosphere clouds them. On hot days, the perspiration from your body may have a similar effect. On cold days, they are often clouded by the moisture of your breath.

Every day, they are subject to contamination by dust and moisture, and marks made by your fingers due to unavoidable handling. It is seldom they provide an absolutely unobstructed view. Additionally, they are easy to misplace or break.

Other downsides of glasses include:

  • The cost of glasses and eye doctor appointments
  • Unnatural and a non-holistic remedy for your vision health — they send the wrong message to your mind and body
  • When you use them as reading glasses, to some individuals, they can be socially embarrassing and a sign of aging
  • May cause eye injury

And if you have children, there’s a growing consensus that…

Oftentimes, Your Kids Don’t Even Need Glasses

Behavioral Optometrists routinely use stress reducing glasses (during reading and computer work) that increase visual performance and prevent vision deterioration. These glasses are not designed to compensate for refractive error, work exceedingly well as a preventive tool, and are never prescribed by ophthalmologist (including pediatric ophthalmologists).

Now, think of all the issues I mentioned above with your eyeglasses, and apply them to your kids.

I would strongly advise you to exercise extreme caution before you impose glasses on your children. It really is tragic when children are destined to a lifetime of having to wear glasses because, of all age groups, they are the ones that best respond to natural eye improvement strategies.

A study conducted by Anglia Polytechnic University in Cambridge, England, found that the very best intentions by optometrists to correct short-sightedness in a group of 94 children, in fact, made the children’s vision worse.

Another study published in Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavia in March 2002, showed that in hunter/gatherer populations less than 2% of the children required glasses, unlike European or Asian populations that have up to 50% of children needing glasses.

The study of 229 hunter/gatherer societies found that refined cereals and sugars were rarely, if ever, consumed in these groups living in their traditional manner. But the moment they had Western contact, these foods rapidly became dietary staples and the loss of the children’s vision followed after that.

Eating whole, natural and unprocessed foods without an excess of grains, sugars, sodas, or fruit juices helped keep their insulin levels in check.

The reason many children require glasses for vision correction is due to increases in free insulin-like growth factor (IGF).

Remember, if you start your kids out on glasses you could be starting their slow vision deterioration at a very young age.

This is obviously something no parent would want for their children.

Program Works Exceptionally Well for Children

Further in this report, I will discuss more specifics of a natural vision recovery program, but there is a major point you need to understand when making the decision to put glasses on your child.

If they are under 12 years of age, or even under 16, and have never worn glasses, they usually improve in a few days, weeks, or months, and nearly always within a year, by doing something as simple as reading a Snellen test card every day.

Warning: LASIK May Cause You More Problems than Improvement

The latest laser technology can slice and dice your cornea, reshaping it through computer driven instruments to correct refractive error.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a simple surgery could provide a quick fix? I know many of you have considered LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery. The challenge is that for many, LASIK produces amazing results in the short term.

But what many people fail to consider is the long term perspective. Recent studies raised further questions on the safety and efficacy of laser surgery for improving sight.

And most patients do not recover 20/20 vision. The long-term view is not much better.

Even for those who initially attain “perfect” 20/20 eyesight, the improvement diminishes for many after six months, requiring the use of glasses for such tasks as night driving or reading.

And the costs?

Most insurance companies still do not cover the procedure. Here are just a few examples of the pricing and option complexities you face:

  • $2,105 for all laser-based vision correction procedures in which a single price is quoted.
  • $1,662 for non-customized LASIK using a bladed instrument (microkeratome) and excimer lasers not guided by wavefront analysis.
  • $2,341 for wavefront-guided LASIK using IntraLase.

Even more troubling is your risk of complications and side effects from botched or problematic LASIK surgery — many of which have been downplayed to the general public.

Even though the FDA is supportive of LASIK surgery, their own website on LASIK surgery raises the following risks you should be aware of:

  • Some patients lose vision — Some patients lose lines of vision on the vision chart that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery as a result of treatment.
  • Some patients develop debilitating visual symptoms — Some patients develop glare, halos, and/or double vision that can seriously affect nighttime vision.
  • You may be under treated or over treated — Only a certain percent of patients achieve 20/20 vision without glasses or contacts. You may require additional treatment, but additional treatment may not be possible.
  • Some patients may develop severe dry eye syndrome — As a result of surgery, your eye may not be able to produce enough tears to keep your eye moist and comfortable. This condition may be permanent.
  • Results are generally not as good in patients with very large refractive errors of any type — You should discuss your expectations with your doctor and realize that you may still require glasses or contacts after the surgery.
  • For some farsighted patients, results may diminish with age — The level of improved vision you experience after surgery for farsightedness may decrease with age.
  • Long-term data are not available — LASIK is a relatively new technology. Therefore, the long-term safety and effectiveness of LASIK surgery is not known.

Are you ready to give it a try? I would not recommend it.

And besides, remember I’m driven to find a natural, holistic approach for both of us. This certainly does not come close.

Could a Natural Option Really be this Simple?
Amazingly the Answer is “Yes.”

Your mind is the source of much of the stress from outside sources brought to bear upon your eye. Every thought of effort in your mind, of whatever sort, transmits a motor impulse to your eye; and every such impulse causes a deviation from the normal in the shape of the eyeball and lessens the sensitiveness of the center of sight.

If you want to have perfect vision, therefore, you must minimize stress in your mind. Mental strain of any kind always produces conscious or unconscious eyestrain and if the strain takes the form of an effort to see, an error of refraction is always produced.

Mental strain may produce many different kinds of eyestrain. While there are many types of strains, there is only one solution for all of them, namely, relaxation.

The health of your eye depends upon your blood, and circulation is very largely influenced by your thoughts. When your thoughts are not attended by any excitement or strain — the circulation in your brain is normal, the supply of blood to your optic nerve and your visual centers are normal, and your vision is perfect.

When your thoughts are abnormal, your circulation is disturbed, the supply of blood to your optic nerve and visual centers is altered, and your vision lowered.

You can consciously think thoughts that disturb your circulation and lower your visual power; you can also consciously think thoughts that will restore normal circulation and thereby improve not only all errors of refraction, but many other abnormal conditions of your eyes.

You cannot, by any amount of effort make yourself see, but by learning to control your thoughts, you can accomplish that end indirectly.

When a disturbing thought is replaced by one that relaxes, your squint disappears, the double vision and the errors of refraction are corrected and this is as true of abnormalities of long standing as of those produced voluntarily.

In a fraction of a second the highest degrees of refractive error may be corrected, a squint may disappear, or the blindness of amblyopia may be relieved.

If the relaxation is only momentary, the correction is momentary. When it becomes permanent, the correction is permanent.

This relaxation cannot, however, be obtained by any sort of effort. It is fundamental that you understand this; for so long as you think, consciously or unconsciously, that relief from strain may be obtained by another strain your improvement will be delayed.

That is why RELAXING your eyes and addressing the stressors that contribute to the stress are the keys to help you recover your vision.

Why Making Sound Dietary and
Emotional Choices are Key Vision Enhancers

Temporary conditions may contribute to the strain to see that result in poor eyesight, but its foundation lies in wrong habits of thought.

Very seldom is the impairment or destruction of vision due to any fault in the construction of your eye. Of two equally good pairs of eyes, one will retain perfect sight to the end of life, and the other will lose it in kindergarten simply because one looks at things without effort and the other does not.

In addition to optimizing blood flow by relaxing and controlling your thoughts, you can also directly improve the nutrients your central nervous system and eye receive by focusing on high-quality nutrition.

Here are the dietary guidelines I follow to support eyesight:.

  • Eat plenty of foods containing lutein — spinach, broccoli, zucchini, peas
  • Increase your intake of omega-3s — krill oil is a great choice
  • Eat nutritious raw egg yolks — they contain zeaxanthin and lutein
  • Consume plenty of raw vegetables and fruits — particularly dark berries
  • Avoid processed foods especially those containing trans fats

And now, for the rest of the story…

How Your Computer Could Add to Your Visual Stress

Particularly, in this high-tech age of amazing electronic devices, many people spend their entire day in front of their computer.

And this doesn’t necessarily end when traveling on business or pleasure. While on the road, people are often glued to their laptops regardless of where they are in the virtual world.

Well, this can lead you to glazed-over, fatigued, and stressed out eyes.

And you’re not alone. The American Optometric Association found that about 75% of computer users complain of visual discomfort after prolonged computer use.

As a result of the visual stress you might be enduring, you could suffer from:

  • Blurred or double vision
  • Visual fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder discomfort

There are steps you can take to help relieve this visual stress… but first, it’s important for you to fully understand how to identify any visual inefficiencies you might have.

Sometimes, they are not so obvious… you may not even give them a second thought.


Take Your FREE Eye-Q Stress Test

Here’s a quick questionnaire to help you determine whether you’re experiencing visual stress

1. My eyes feel tired at the end of the day




2. My eyes feel tired after reading or using the computer




3. I have trouble concentrating




4. My vision gets worse after prolonged reading or computer work




5. I have difficulty retaining what I have just read




6. I skip words, lines, or lose my place while reading




7. I get headaches during or after reading/computer work




8. Words move, run together or double during reading




9. Words go in and out of focus while reading




10. I have difficulty judging distances when driving or playing sports




11. I have difficulty tracking moving objects with my eyes




12. I have difficulty catching or hitting a ball




If you answered “Yes” or “Sometimes” to any of these questions, you’re experiencing the effects of visual stress.

I strongly recommend you take action as soon as possible to alleviate the stress and protect your visual fitness.

15 Routines You and Your Family
Can Practice Now to Enhance Your Visual Fitness

Here are healthy vision habits I recommend you practice to optimize overall visual fitness.

Making a commitment to follow these practices will start you on the road to relieving your visual stress.

Even if you responded “No” to all of the questions in the questionnaire above, you still should follow these practices to maximize your vision health.

While Working, Reading, and Studying:

  • When possible, do not wear your distance prescription lenses while reading or working at the computer.
  • Avoid reading, studying, or working at the computer for longer than fifteen minutes without taking a quick break. During your break, look out a window or up at a distant object, allowing it to come into focus. If possible, get up and just walk around for a minute or two.
  • Make sure you have good lighting while reading or studying. Whenever possible use natural or full-spectrum lighting.
  • Have your desk facing into a room or out of a window. Remember to take frequent breaks to look off into the distance while working. This is an important one and typically easy to implement, so put it high on your priority list.
  • Choose a chair that does not limit movement. Your feet should be flat on the floor and pointing straight ahead.
  • When you read, make sure that you are seated in a comfortable chair with your back erect. Poor posture often leads to holding reading material too close.
  • When reading, tilt your book up about 20 degrees and look up at a distant object as you turn the page.
  • Take a one to two-minute break from reading or studying every 15 to 30 minutes. It will allow you to read for longer periods of time.
  • Avoid reading or other near-point activities while riding in a car. Instead, look off into the distance and relax your eyes.
  • Whenever possible, take a short vision break by removing your glasses when someone else is driving the car you are in.
  • Remove your glasses or contact lenses whenever you don’t really need them. Experiment with this at home when you eat or talk on the phone. This will give your eyes a chance to relax.
  • Do not sit any closer to the TV than 6 to 8 feet and sit upright.
  • When walking outdoors, view a distant object close to eye level. Look at it softly. Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Spend some time outdoors each day without your glasses or contact lenses, so that your eyes can experience natural unfiltered light. Remember, put safety first.
  • Do something that you enjoy every day without wearing your glasses or contact lenses. This will give your eyes a short visual break, allowing them to relax.

When Travelling:

During Leisure Time:

A Unique and Patented Way
You Can Improve Your Vision in Only 10 Minutes a Day

I realize that finding the time to practice all these visual routines may be challenging for you. For example, due to the type of work you do, you may not be able to stop using your computer every 15 minutes.

Well, follow as many of them as you can. With my constant fast-paced schedule, I’m challenged by many of these practices as well.

So I felt determined to find a source of vision therapy that you could do wherever you are and in a short period of time that would complement the visual routines.

Now, forms of vision therapy have been around for many decades… with certain techniques being taught today at top Optometry schools dating back to 1928.

However, what my team and I discovered is a unique, and patented way to improve your vision fitness and to help relieve your visual stress… and it only takes 10 minutes a day.

Now, this is not a quick fix if you have a serious visual dysfunction – always check with your vision specialist prior to any vision therapy.

But to provide you relief from visual stress and help you optimize your vision health, this is a pretty amazing solution I strongly recommend.

Here’s why…

How to Train Your Eyes to Work Faster, More Accurately, and More Efficiently

What I uncovered is a unique form of proven vision therapy that could help you improve your…

  • Visual attention
  • Reading efficiency and comprehension
  • Athletic performance and marksmanship
  • Aiming, tracking, focusing, and teaming of your eyes
  • Speed and span of perception and dynamic depth perception

… in only 10 minutes a day over a 3-week period!

When I say “proven,” I mean backed up by 4 comprehensive studies reported in highly-respected optometry journals:

  • A study published in Optometry(Volume 77, Issue 10, October 2006) showed how research at Pacific University College of Optometry…
    • Revealed that using this patented technique over a 3-week period for just 10 minutes a day – yielded significant improvement in the participant’s ability to aim, focus, and use their eyes as a team, as well as improving reading efficiency and comprehension.
  • The second study published in the Journal of Behavioral Optometry(Volume 16, Number 6, 2005)…
    • Demonstrated how this unique approach – resulted in a 90% improvement in Little League batting performance after only 3 weeks of use.
  • A third study published in the Journal of Behavioral Optometry(Volume 17, Number 4, 2006)…
    • Showed statistically significant improvement in visual attention, speed, span of recognition, and marksmanship by the Maui County Police Department when using this vision therapy.
  • The fourth study, conducted at Northeastern State University College of Optometry and published in the Journal of Behavioral Optometry(Volume 19, Number 2, 2008)…
    • Demonstrated how this specific therapy – significantly improved visual attention, focus, and depth perception in subjects.

So, what is this unique and patented form of vision therapy?

Space-Age System Ready to Help You Effectively See the Light!

Here are more features and associated benefits that make this system the only one of its type I use myself to improve not only my physical, but my mental vision…

  • Portable and easy to use – The unit can be easily collapsed and taken with you anywhere you go – powered by 4 AA batteries allowing usage almost anywhere.
  • Provides automatic shut-off power saver – If you get up and walk-away and forget about the unit, it will automatically shutoff within 2 minutes saving your batteries – U.S. unit comes with AC power adapter.
  • Comes with 3 factory-set exercise programs and 10 different speed settings – Helps you quickly get started on exercising and retraining your eyes.
  • Equipped with auditory stimulus option – By allowing you to hear as well as see the red and blue lights, it reinforces your eyes’ ability to locate the target – enhancing your retraining experience.
  • Provides design-your-own program capabilities – Once you’ve completed the 3 factory-set programs, you can program the system to refocus in a particular area you need or create random speed eye movement exercises – there’s really no limit to how you can program the unit to further boost your vision fitness.
  • Includes special reversible glasses to train each eye individually – Creates unique effect that allows you to alternately exercise the ability of each of your eyes to aim, track, and focus. Plus, at the same time, helps you train your eyes to work together in unison.

So, you can see how the Eyeport System is tops in my book.

Exercise 1 of Your 10-Minute Vision Therapy

To show you how simple the eye training program is, here’s an example of one of the exercises.

The figure below (5A) shows you the general proper sitting position you should have to follow the red and blue lights (prior to putting on the glasses).

Exercise #1
(1 of 5 for your 10-minute daily eye training)

  • Put on the reversible red and blue glasses, with the red lens over the right eye.
  • Sit down and press the Enter button (after having programmed the unit). You will hear ten beeps and then the program will begin.
    • Once the program begins, keep your head steady and allow your eyes to effortlessly move from one light to the next.
    • Be sure to relax and breathe gently.
  • When the exercise ends, you will hear a beep.
  • Just close your eyes, breathe, and allow your mind to rest.
  • When you hear another two beeps, it is time to begin the next exercise.

This is how simple all of the exercises are… and remember, all it takes is 10 minutes a day to start retraining your vision.

“There’s More to Vision than Meets the Eye”

Take Off Your Glasses and See is a truly unique book on improving and expanding your eyesight and insight…

The author of this extraordinary book, Jacob Liberman (O.D., PhD), began practicing optometry over 20 years ago when some of the following questions began to weigh on his mind…

  • “How do we see and do your eyes really work just like a camera lens?”
  • “Why do the eyes appear to be the only part of the physical body that is not self-healing?”
  • “What is vision and why is the modern world experiencing an epidemic of vision problems?”
  • “Why do eye-care specialists almost unanimously assume that preventative or remedial vision care is wishful thinking at best?”
  • “Why do we continue to prescribe glasses for vision problems that only continue to deteriorate?”
  • “Could wearing glasses actually contribute to the progression of poor vision?”
  • “What is the relationship between our vision, our beliefs, and our emotional state?”

In this remarkable book, Dr Liberman pursues answers to all these questions and more. These types of questions motivated him to leave his traditional optometry training behind to develop a new approach to natural vision improvement.

I believe Take Off Your Glasses And See is a must-read for folks serious about better understanding and improving their vision.

Source: mercola.com


Ectopic recurrent craniopharyngioma of the frontal bone.

Ectopic recurrence of craniopharyngioma is a rare phenomenon after transcranial resection of the primary tumor. The authors present a case of ectopic recurrent adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma of the frontal bone resected 16 years after initial transcranial resection of the primary tumor. The lesion was first radiographically described 12 years after surgery and was adjacent to the osteosynthesis plate that had been implanted at the craniotomy site. The recurrent craniopharyngioma was totally resected via a lateral eyebrow approach. No infiltration of the meninges or the brain was detected.

Only 50 cases of ectopic recurrent craniopharyngioma have been described to date, with the present case being the first one with recurrence located at the skull bone. So far 2 mechanisms have been described: contamination with tumor cells alongside the surgical tract and spreading via CSF and the subarachnoid space.

The authors reviewed the literature, provided the largest collection of cases so far, and performed basic statistical analysis regarding ectopic recurrence. Pediatric and adult patients as well as male and female ones are affected equally by this phenomenon. The mean time of ectopic recurrence after initial surgery was 7.1 years. Ectopic recurrence, although rare, should always be considered in a patient with a newly diagnosed intracranial lesion who has undergone transcranial craniopharyngioma resection before.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.






Successful treatment with azathioprine of relapsing Rosai-Dorfman disease of the central nervous system.

Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a rare non-Langerhans histiocytosis that usually presents with lymphadenopathy. Although isolated involvement of the CNS was considered to be uncommon, numerous cases have been reported in recent years. For RDD of the CNS, the treatment consists, in general, of surgery. In cases of partial resection or relapse, chemotherapy regimens, corticosteroids, and/or radiotherapy have yielded negative results. The authors describe the case of a 57-year-old man with a history of chronic Q fever who presented with aphasia and partial seizure. Computed tomography of the brain revealed a left frontotemporal lesion that was suggestive of a meningioma. The lesion was partially resected and histopathological evaluation revealed the presence of RDD. Nineteen months later, a Jacksonian seizure prompted MRI evaluation, which disclosed a local recurrence of the tumor. Computed tomography and FDG-PET demonstrated that the RDD involved no other site, but the presence of ileitis, noted on ileoscopy, led to the diagnosis of Crohn disease. Treatment with the purine analog azathioprine was initiated, leading to an objective and sustained response in both the RDD tumor and ileitis over 35 months of follow-up. This case report highlights the potential use of a purine analog in cases of relapsing RDD of the CNS and a possible common defect of macrophage regulation in RDD, Crohn disease, and Q fever.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.



Neuronal immunoexpression and a distinct subtype of adult primary supratentorial glioblastoma with a better prognosis.

In this study, the authors address whether neurofilament protein (NFP) expression can be used as an independent prognostic factor in primary glioblastoma multiformes (GBMs).


Three hundred and two consecutive adult patients with newly diagnosed supratentorial primary GBMs were analyzed (January 2000–August 2008). Detailed data regarding clinical, imaging, and pathological findings, oncological treatments, and outcomes were recorded. Neurofilament protein immunoexpression served to identify NFP-positive tumor cells (normal entrapped neurons and mature ganglion-like cells excluded).


Neurofilament-positive cells were identified in 177 GBMs (58.6%). Patients with NFP-positive GBMs were younger (p < 0.0001), and their GBMs presented with more temporal lobe tumor localization (p = 0.029) and more cortical involvement (p = 0.0003). Neurofilament-negative GBMs presented with more ventricular contact (p < 0.0001) and more tumor midline crossing (p = 0.03). Median overall survival and progression-free survival (PFS) were 13.0 and 7.6 months, respectively, for NFP-positive GBMs, and 7.0 and 5.1 months, respectively, for NFP-negative GBMs. Multivariate analysis revealed NFP immunoexpression, tumor midline crossing, complete resection, and radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy as independent factors associated with overall survival. Neurofilament protein–positive immunoexpression was associated with longer overall survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0.54, 95% CI 0.40–0.74; p < 0.0001) and longer PFS (HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.53–0.96; p = 0.02).


Neurofilament protein–positive immunoexpression represents a strong, therapeutically independent prognostic factor for primary supratentorial GBM clinical outcome among adult patients. Neurofilament protein–GBM’s unique pathological features are not only associated with distinct clinical and anatomical behavior, but are also predictive of overall patient survival and PFS. Neurofilament protein immunoexpression may help identify a distinct subgroup of primary GBMs with a favorable prognosis, which should be considered in the design of future targeted therapies.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.




Intraoperative subcortical electrical mapping of optic radiations in awake surgery for glioma involving visual pathways.

Preservation of the visual field in glioma surgery, especially avoidance of hemianopia, is crucial for patients’ quality of life, particularly for driving. Recent studies used tractography or cortical occipital stimulation to try to avoid visual deficit. However, optic radiations have not been directly mapped intraoperatively. The authors present, for the first time to their knowledge, a consecutive series of awake surgeries for cerebral glioma with intrasurgical identification and preservation of visual pathways using subcortical electrical mapping.


Fourteen patients underwent awake resection of a glioma (1 WHO Grade I, 11 WHO Grade II, 2 WHO Grade III) involving the optic radiations. The patients had no presurgical visual field deficit. Intraoperatively, a picture-naming task was used, with presentation of 2 objects situated diagonally on a screen divided into 4 quadrants. An image was presented in the quadrant to be saved and another image was presented in the opposite quadrant. Direct subcortical electrostimulation was repeatedly performed without the patient’s knowledge, until optic radiations were identified (transient visual disturbances). All patients underwent an objective visual field assessment 3 months after surgery.


All patients experienced visual symptoms during stimulation. These disturbances led the authors to stop the tumor resection at that level. Postoperatively, only 1 patient had a permanent hemianopia, despite an expected quadrantanopia in 12 cases. The mean extent of resection was 93.6% (range 85%–100%).


Online identification of optic radiations by direct subcortical electrostimulation is a reliable and effective method to avoid permanent hemianopia in surgery for gliomas involving visual pathways.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.





Neuronal immunoexpression and a distinct subtype of adult primary supratentorial glioblastoma with a better prognosis.

In this study, the authors address whether neurofilament protein (NFP) expression can be used as an independent prognostic factor in primary glioblastoma multiformes (GBMs).


Three hundred and two consecutive adult patients with newly diagnosed supratentorial primary GBMs were analyzed (January 2000–August 2008). Detailed data regarding clinical, imaging, and pathological findings, oncological treatments, and outcomes were recorded. Neurofilament protein immunoexpression served to identify NFP-positive tumor cells (normal entrapped neurons and mature ganglion-like cells excluded).


Neurofilament-positive cells were identified in 177 GBMs (58.6%). Patients with NFP-positive GBMs were younger (p < 0.0001), and their GBMs presented with more temporal lobe tumor localization (p = 0.029) and more cortical involvement (p = 0.0003). Neurofilament-negative GBMs presented with more ventricular contact (p < 0.0001) and more tumor midline crossing (p = 0.03). Median overall survival and progression-free survival (PFS) were 13.0 and 7.6 months, respectively, for NFP-positive GBMs, and 7.0 and 5.1 months, respectively, for NFP-negative GBMs. Multivariate analysis revealed NFP immunoexpression, tumor midline crossing, complete resection, and radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy as independent factors associated with overall survival. Neurofilament protein–positive immunoexpression was associated with longer overall survival (hazard ratio [HR] 0.54, 95% CI 0.40–0.74; p < 0.0001) and longer PFS (HR 0.71, 95% CI 0.53–0.96; p = 0.02).


Neurofilament protein–positive immunoexpression represents a strong, therapeutically independent prognostic factor for primary supratentorial GBM clinical outcome among adult patients. Neurofilament protein–GBM’s unique pathological features are not only associated with distinct clinical and anatomical behavior, but are also predictive of overall patient survival and PFS. Neurofilament protein immunoexpression may help identify a distinct subgroup of primary GBMs with a favorable prognosis, which should be considered in the design of future targeted therapies.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.



Intraoperative subcortical electrical mapping of optic radiations in awake surgery for glioma involving visual pathways.

Preservation of the visual field in glioma surgery, especially avoidance of hemianopia, is crucial for patients‘ quality of life, particularly for driving. Recent studies used tractography or cortical occipital stimulation to try to avoid visual deficit. However, optic radiations have not been directly mapped intraoperatively. The authors present, for the first time to their knowledge, a consecutive series of awake surgeries for cerebral glioma with intrasurgical identification and preservation of visual pathways using subcortical electrical mapping.


Fourteen patients underwent awake resection of a glioma (1 WHO Grade I, 11 WHO Grade II, 2 WHO Grade III) involving the optic radiations. The patients had no presurgical visual field deficit. Intraoperatively, a picture-naming task was used, with presentation of 2 objects situated diagonally on a screen divided into 4 quadrants. An image was presented in the quadrant to be saved and another image was presented in the opposite quadrant. Direct subcortical electrostimulation was repeatedly performed without the patient’s knowledge, until optic radiations were identified (transient visual disturbances). All patients underwent an objective visual field assessment 3 months after surgery.


All patients experienced visual symptoms during stimulation. These disturbances led the authors to stop the tumor resection at that level. Postoperatively, only 1 patient had a permanent hemianopia, despite an expected quadrantanopia in 12 cases. The mean extent of resection was 93.6% (range 85%–100%).


Online identification of optic radiations by direct subcortical electrostimulation is a reliable and effective method to avoid permanent hemianopia in surgery for gliomas involving visual pathways.

Source: Journal Of Neurosurgery.