“Use This Remarkable Food to Help Flush Potentially Toxic Metals Out of Your Body*”

It might be inexpensive, but it’s one of the most heavily researched detoxifiers in the world with millions of satisfied users.* Perhaps the easiest way to support your immune system and energy levels, clean your blood, improve digestion and potentially end bad breath.*

Our Organic Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella is 100% USDA Organic and harvested from the pristine waters of Hainan Island, off the southern coast of China.

Hainan Island is designated a “Special Economic Zone” to utilize its superior clean air and water and promote sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, pollution control and tourism.

Hainan Island has some of the best surface water quality in all of China resulting from hundreds of natural springs fed by China’s largest and most well-preserved intact tropical rainforest. In addition, all industries on Hainan Island are required to be pollution-free, with no damage to the environment, so you can be sure you’re getting a pollution-free product.

Organic Broken-Cell Wall Chlorella uses only organically approved fertilizer.

Unlocking the True Potential of Chlorella

The cell wall surrounding chlorella is indigestible, so it needs to be broken in order for you to get the benefits of its nutrients.

A unique process breaks open the plant’s cell wall and unlocks chlorella’s nutritional bounty for your optimal bioavailability.* In addition, this milling process is done under very specific conditions which eliminate light and heat in order to preserve the nutrients.

So you can absorb and digest chlorella’s nutrients at high levels.*

With the special processing of broken cell wall chlorella, very little of its nutrient power wastes away. In fact, an independent animal study showed the digestibility of broken cell wall chlorella to be an astounding 83%.*

See the chart below as to how broken cell wall chlorella advanced processing technique compares to other common ways used to treat chlorella.

There’s really no comparison… this is what makes broken cell wall chlorella so special and why I selected it for you to use.

Within the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula, there’s one very important benefit I feel you should know more about and understand…

Why Phytonutrient-Rich Chlorophyll is so Powerful


Through my colleague, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, I learned of a woman who lived in China during the post-war.

She told Dr. Klinghardt how her village gained the nutrients they needed by taking nutrient-rich chlorella.

So, this is evidence as to the extraordinary natural nutrient source provided by chlorella… a pure green algae rich in chlorophyll.

But what are the specific benefits that chlorophyll can provide you?

Here are just a few benefits you may experience as chlorophyll…*

  • Aids you in processing more oxygen*
  • Cleanses key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood*
  • Helps purify your blood and clean away toxins*
  • Aids you in promoting optimal blood pressure*
  • Supports elimination of molds in your body*
  • Helps neutralize bad air you might breathe in*
  • Promotes growth and repair of your tissues*

From all this, you should see the natural power chlorophyll can provide you.

Broken cell wall chlorella is an excellent nutrient-rich pure source to help you detoxify and complement your healthy diet.*

Now I want to take you a little deeper so you can better understand…

How Chlorella Works So Well in Your Body

My studies convinced me chlorella plays a crucial role in systemic detoxification — because the majority of toxin removal happens through your stool.*

Once the detoxification occurs in your intestines, toxins from other body tissues more readily migrate into your intestines — where chlorella helps effectively remove them.*

Chlorella consists of a fibrous, outer shell (20%) with inner nutrients (80%).

It’s this fibrous, tough cell wall which binds with toxins.*

In addition, a clean bloodstream with an abundance of red blood cells to carry oxygen is necessary to support your strong natural defense system.*

Chlorella’s cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, helps promote clean blood.* And clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.*

So, would any old chlorella formula do all this?

Not necessarily… As with any supplement I recommend on my site, I established stringent criteria to find you the ultimate chlorella formula: broken cell wall chlorella.

This thorough process ensures you can take full advantage of all the benefits chlorella has to offer.

My strict criteria for selecting a top-notch chlorella supplement for you?

It must:

  • Deliver a pure whole food formula that is highly digestible
  • Be all-natural without synthetic ingredients
  • Come from a highly reputable company with the strictest quality control and safety standard practices in place

And the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement passes all of my tough criteria with flying colors. It’s by far the best chlorella formula I’ve found to date.

With all the amazing benefits of the broken cell wall chlorella formula, whatever you do…

Don’t Settle for Inferior Quality

As you probably already know from other supplements I offer on my site, it’s not enough that the product itself is superior to others.

The developer and manufacturer of chlorella must also demonstrate proven quality and safety standard practices.

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of chlorella supplements on the market today… but there are only a few great ones out there… and even fewer utilize the advanced processing technique of the Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula.

That’s why I spent many long months researching to identify what I believe is one of the top chlorella supplement manufacturers in the world today.

Here’s why I firmly believe the manufacturer of the broken cell wall chlorella supplement clearly stands apart in quality standard practices:

  • Grown on the tropical island of Hainan—an ecological province
  • Grown and processed in compliance with ISO 9001 (certification for quality management systems) and GMP standards
  • USDA National Organic Program
  • Certified Kosher
  • Produces naturally cultivated chlorella in exclusive open-air cultivation pools using pristine quality water and bright sunlight

You should clearly see why I chose this manufacturer to provide you with a high quality Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement.

Don’t ever settle for a supplement not solidly backed by a manufacturer practicing the highest quality and safety standards.

To you, quality means a consistent top-of-the-line product every time you use it.

How High-Quality Means Exceptional Value You Can Rely On

Chlorella is one of the most heavily researched algae in the world.

Chlorella is also a very popular algae — with millions of satisfied users.

There are thousands of research papers on chlorella from medical institutions, scientific journals, and universities. At one time, NASA even earmarked chlorella to be grown on the international space station.

The bottom line: chlorella is an amazing green food-based supplement with research backing up its overall safety and effectiveness.

And with its exclusive advanced processing technique, the broken cell wall chlorella supplement delivers the consistent high quality and reliability you’ve come to expect.

I feel this is a remarkable formula that will help you in so many ways.

And here are…

My Top Reasons for You to “Go Green” Now

Now you should understand why I’m so excited to bring you this extraordinary broken cell wall chlorella formula. It passed all of my stringent selection criteria for a supplement to offer on my site.

It’s simply a remarkable natural whole green food-based supplement, packed with nutrient-rich chlorophyll.

Let me quickly summarize all this for you with my top 5 reasons why you should order the incredible Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement without delay.

Our Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella supplement has the potential to:

  1. Help you remove potentially toxic metals from your body*
  2. Boost your immune system*
  3. Help you digest your food more efficiently*
  4. Eliminate bad breath and help freshen your breath at the same time*
  5. Energize and reinvigorate your body*

Take Action Now and Rejuvenate Your Body with
the Nutrient-Packed Green Power of Chlorella


Isn’t it time you took action and ordered the broken cell wall chlorella supplement today?

With my extensive research and experience, I’ve taken all your guess-work out of finding the optimal chlorella supplement.

When using chlorella our experience suggests it is best to work your way up to 5 tablets per day. A small number of people may notice an allergic reaction, typically less than 1%. If you notice any allergic symptoms, you will want to stop until your symptoms clear, then restart at the lower dose.

Sure, there are chlorella supplements offering even higher per tablet dosages. But how confident will you feel about their digestibility and absorbability?

And how satisfied will you be with the quality of their manufacturing processes?

Because with my broken cell wall chlorella formula, you know you’ll benefit from:

  • A natural, pure green food, harvested from pristine waters of the Hainan Island
  • One of the most highly-digestible and absorbable formulas of chlorella available*
  • A formula packed with nutrient-rich chlorophyll
  • A consistent product backed by a manufacturer with exceptional high-quality standard practices
  • A supplement with proven reliability

When it comes to chlorella, I’ve simply not found a better product for your money than the Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella formula.

Source: mercola.com


One thought on ““Use This Remarkable Food to Help Flush Potentially Toxic Metals Out of Your Body*”

  1. I eat chlorella every day for breakfast and I love it!! It has a very pleasant taste. Check out my blog at getoutofdepression.wordpress.com to find out how eating chlorella and other methods will cure you of all kinds of diseases including depression.

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