Rapamycin sensitizes Akt inhibition in malignant human breast epithelial cells

Akt and mTOR are therapeutic targets for the treatment of cancer. The effects of inhibiting mTOR, with rapamycin, and Akt, with A-443654, concurrently, on cell morphology, cell proliferation, the cell cycle, and apoptosis were examined using the benign MCF10A and malignant MCF10CA1a human breast epithelial cells. Rapamycin and A-443654 in combination produced the greatest morphological changes and inhibited cell proliferation by G2/M arrest. Rapamycin and A-443654 in combination induced apoptosis at earlier times and at lower A-443654 concentrations in MCF10CA1a tumor cells than in the benign MCF10A cells. Rapamycin and A-443654 increased p53 and p15INK4B protein levels, decreased anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 levels, and increased Bad levels in the MCF10CA1a tumor cells by ∼5-fold. These results suggest that the combined inhibition of Akt and mTOR may have beneficial therapeutic and safety margin effects.

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