First-ever total face transplant carried out in France

Paris, July 8 (DPA) A French surgeon has carried out the world’s first-ever successful transplant of an entire face, the daily Le Parisien reported Thursday.

The 12-hour procedure was performed June 26 and 27 at the Henri-Mondor public hospital in Creteil, a suburb of Paris, by Laurent Lantieri.

The patient was a 35-year-old man whose face had been ravaged by neurofibromatosis, a genetic illness in which the nerve tissue grows tumours. It is also known as ‘elephant man’ disease.

The operation included removing the eyelids, their muscles and the tear ducts from an unidentified donor and grafting them onto the face of the patient, identified only as Jerome.

In April, a Spanish team of surgeons had claimed to carry out the world’s first face transplant, but their procedure did not include the eyelids and tear ducts.

‘He walks, he eats, he talks,’ Lantieri said of Jerome. ‘His beard has already begun to grow on his new face.’

The surgeon said Jerome was pleased with his new face. ‘The first time he saw himself in the mirror, he raised both thumbs,’ he said.

The risks for Jerome now are psychological and the threat of rejection of the new tissue by his body.

The operation took place five years after another landmark operation by French doctors, who transplanted the lower half of a face on a woman whose features had been disfigured by a dog.

Lantieri said his new project would be to carry out total face transplants on burn victims.

‘I still have not resolved all the difficulties to carry out face transplants on this type of patient,’ he said. ‘That is my next challenge.’

NASA chooses Sunita Williams for new space expeditions

Washington, July 9 (ANI): Indian-American astronaut Sunita Williams has been selected to be on the crew for one of the four new International Space Station crews.

NASA and its international partners, the Russia Federal Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), have assigned these crews.

Other NASA astronauts include Joe Acaba, Sunita Williams and Kevin Ford.

Williams will fill in as flight engineer for Expedition 32 in May 2012, and station commander for Expedition 33.

Selected by NASA in 1998, Williams has clocked over 2770 flight hours in more than 30 different aircraft.

Williams’ first space expedition occurred in 2006, where she was launched to the ISS aboard the shuttle Discovery.

She has served as a flight engineer aboard the International Space Station. As a member of the Expedition-14 crew Williams established a world record for females with four space walks totalling 29 hours and 17 minutes of EVA.

During her increment in space, she broke the existing record by Shannon Lucid, setting a new record for females of 195 days in space. (ANI)

Glucosamine Doesn’t Lessen Disability Related to Low Back Pain

Glucosamine does not reduce pain-related disability in chronic low back pain, according to a JAMA study.

Investigators studied 250 patients who had low back pain for at least 6 months, along with imaging-based evidence of degenerative lumbar osteoarthritis. Subjects were randomized to treatment with either glucosamine (1500 mg) or placebo daily for 6 months and then were followed for an additional 6 months after treatment ended.

The main outcome measure — patients’ scores on pain-related disability — dropped in both groups after treatment, but there was no significant difference between the groups.

An editorialist comments that “the most likely explanation for the outcome is simply that glucosamine probably offers little benefit for chronic [low back pain] with osteoarthritis beyond whatever placebo effect it may provide.”

sourece: JAMA